Page 23 of Only You

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Donovan: It’ll be our third date

Donovan: Things are getting serious.

Unfortunately, a storm rolled over Rome that afternoon. Lightning flashed across the cloud-filled sky and thunder echoed through the plaza, shaking the windows. There was no way we could eat on the balcony tonight.

Donovan knocked on the divider at six. A plate of food was waiting for me inside the partition. I swapped it for a bottle of wine and knocked, but this time I left my door open.

When Donovan opened his door, he blinked in surprise to see me sitting on the bed. A roguish smile filled his handsome face.

“Guess our date’s canceled, huh?” he said.

“Looks like it. Rain check?”

He picked up the bottle of wine and held it in both hands, examining it, and I imagined his hands onmeinstead, cupping, squeezing, and holding me like he needed me as much as he needed the wine. His eyes raked over me for a moment, taking in the dress, my hair and makeup. Tonight there was a spark of something in his gaze when it lingered on the curves of my body. Like he didn’t want the rain to ruin our date.

Invite yourself in, I pleaded with my eyes.Ignore my rules and come sit down. Keep me company and make me laugh so I don’t have to drink alone.

But Donovan said, “Rain check, Feisty. Thanks for the booze.”

He hesitated a moment longer, as if waiting to see if I would invite him in, then he closed the door.

I fell back on the bed and groaned.

I definitely have a crush on my neighbor.



The Day She One-Upped Me

I have a fucking crush on my neighbor, I realized as I stared at Molly through the room divider.

She looked as pretty as a peach, sitting there on the edge of her bed with a glass of wine in her hand, one leg crossed over the other and staring at me expectantly. If it were any other time, in any other place, I would’ve sworn she wanted me to join her. She was giving me thefuck-me eyesto end allfuck-me eyes,like she wanted to forget our dinner and skip straight to a sweaty, naked dessert. To lose ourselves in the mindless drive of our bodies until neither of us could breathe.

And the way she smiled at me? My cock wasscreamingat me to cross the space between us and take her.

But even though I ached to give her everything I had and leave nothing on the table, I knew it wasn’t what she wanted. She was the kind of girl who moved slowly. We barely knew each other. Even if this were arealthird date, sex wouldn’t be on the table.

Which is a shame, Feisty, because the things I would do to you…

I shook it off and thanked her for the booze before I could do something I regretted.

She ran through my dreams that night, all puckered lips and soft whispers, and lusty, leering smiles.

I woke up as hard as a rock. I closed my eyes and she reappeared in my mind, sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs uncrossed, openjust enoughto give me a peek at the panties underneath her dress. I stretched on the bed, pushing the comforter off my chest and letting my hand drift down to my cock, squeezing myself the way I imaginedhersqueezing me with those long, pink-tipped fingers. I stroked myself lazily while thinking about what I wanted to do with her. What I wanted to dotoher. Within moments the spark of lust inside me was a wildfire burning out of control, and my hand moved furiously as I pictured her perfect tits pushed together in her dress, begging to feel the caress of my tongue, and I thrust into my palm until my dick throbbed and I exhaled Molly’s name to the ceiling.

My hand and stomach were a hot, dripping mess as I lay in bed, panting.

Yeah,I thought,I definitely have a crush on my fucking neighbor.

Even after that, Molly was stuck inside my head like a bad idea. To try to get her out, I went to the gym in the morning rather than the afternoon. Jogging was like meditation to me. It helped me turn off my brain and focus on a simple, physical act. Putting one foot in front of the other, over and over, until I was sweaty and exhausted.

But soon after I started, I saw Molly in the mirror. She had her earbuds in and was walking down the hall in front of the gym windows. A few minutes later she walked by again. She must have been doing laps around the floor, like the other day. And she was conspicuouslynotlooking in my direction.

My phone lit up on the treadmill holder.

Molly: Before you ask, I’m NOT stalking you. I came out for my walk at this time because you normally exercise in the afternoon.
