Page 41 of Only You

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Molly tilted her head back and moaned louder, and I finally took the opportunity to kiss her neck. I started beneath her ear and kissed a trail down to her collarbone. She clung to me, pushing her hips into my massaging fingers while I rubbed and kissed her.

I savored the feeling of her body in my arms, soft and warm and inviting. She felt better than I ever could have imagined.

Molly drew rapid breaths and pushed her hips into my working fingers, begging me for more. My cock was screaming at me to rip her clothes off, to bend her over the balcony andtake herwhile her hands gripped the railing so tightly the paint came off.

I pried my lips away from her neck and she twisted to gaze up at me. Her dark eyes were round and full of desire, and also something close to surprise. Her chest swelled and her cleavage heaved against my possessive arm.

She began moaning and then her hand was reaching behind her, scrambling and clutching at my pants, grasping for my cock. When she found it she wrapped her fingers around my shaft, squeezing me through the fabric of my jeans, but I was totally focused on my job. Right now this was abouther,and I wouldn’t let myself get derailed. I wanted to make Molly squirm.

After all, you never got a second chance to make a first impression.

She didn't just squirm—she screwed her whole body into my hand, whimpering adorably as her breath came in ragged little gasps. I squeezed her tighter against my body and rubbed a fire into the nub of her clit with my palm. She arched her back and twisted her plump lips toward me, demanding to be kissed as I steered her toward the oblivion of ecstasy, and then she started gasping. She bit down on the collar of my T-shirt, teeth raking against my neck through the fabric, and then she let out a cry of ecstasy so intense it sounded like she was in pain.

“Oh God! Oh my God!” she cried, eyes wide and full of bliss. Her prayers turned into a wordless wail of pleasure, a siren that began deep in her lungs before shuddering out through her throat. I held her like my most prized possession while she shivered and trembled underneath my touch, until finally she became still.

She exhaled like she had been holding her breath, then rested her head back against my chest. I slid my fingers out of her panties and held her against me while she panted.

“I can’t believe…” She blinked in horror. “The whole city must have heard that!”

“Just the cats, Feisty,” I said.

Molly sighed while still clinging to me. Her hands ran over my arms like she was trying to remember where she was, snapping herself out of an erotic daze.

“Isthatthe kind of release you get from dancing?” I rumbled into her ear.

She shook with silent laughter as I held her in my arms.



The Day He Left Me Standing There

Did that really just happen?

I came down from my high and melted into his arms. Nowthatwas the Donovan Russo I had been waiting to meet. The man who took control and made me squirm and gasp and scream on the freaking hotel balcony.

But I knew we were just getting started.

I twisted in Donovan’s possessive grasp, and he eased up on his grip so I could turn around and face him.

“Now what?” I asked.

Donovan grinned down at me. There was a mischievous look in his storm-grey eyes, like he was thinking of all the things he was about to do to me. I tingled with anticipation and his smile deepened.

He brushed a strand of hair away from my face and said, “Thanks for the dance.” He kissed me on the forehead, then let go of me.

I watched in disbelief as he stepped over the railing, hopped the gap, and then climbed over to his balcony. He picked up his portable speaker and turned it off.

“Where are you…”

“See you in the morning. Breakfast is on me.” He winked before disappearing into his hotel room.

I stood there, dumbfounded, for a long time.

I thought about it while laying in bed, trying to fall asleep. I don’t know what had come over me. I hadnevercome that quickly before, not even on the rare occasion when I touched myself. Maybe it was the isolation and the loneliness, or maybe the thrill of being with someone who I only just met last week. I was more sensitive than normal, and his touch was intense in new and exciting ways.

Emotionally, Donovan was replacing everything I had hoped to experience on this trip. He was a sexy, muscular placeholder for tours and wine-tastings and fun with my friends.
