Page 45 of Only You

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I had never been naughty like this before, but the wine was giving me a perfect buzz and there was nothing in the world I wanted more than to please Donovan, to make him feel the way he mademefeel last night when I cried and gasped in his arms on the balcony.

He groaned deeply as I stroked him faster. I could sense his body reacting to my touch; he pushed his hips up against my fingers, and his back rubbed against our shared wall. Even though I couldn’t see him, I pictured what he looked like in that moment. Leaning against the wall, cock sticking out the front of his pants. Closing his eyes, parting his lips, and letting out a long moan. The muscles of his arms flexing in his tight T-shirt as he came closer and closer…

And then I was imagining what wecouldbe doing. Instead of stroking him I could be riding him. Lowering myself onto him, allowing his thickness to part my lips. Surrendering to gravity and letting him fill me. Clenching him inside of me while I grabbed a handful of his thick black hair and tilted his head back so I could kiss his neck in that sexy spot right above his Adam’s apple.

Soon I was panting as heavily as he was on the other side of the doorway.

“Don’t stop,” he breathed. He was grinding into my hand now, like he was getting close. His skin was hot underneath my fingers and he was gasping like he’d just swam a mile in the pool. His groaning intensified, filling the air with the sweet sound of his pleasure.

Finally he roared with ecstasy, and his shaft pulsed between my fingers. I felt his come drizzle over my hand, hot and sticky, while he continued moaning and trembling underneath my touch. He clutched my arm while he climaxed, begging me not to let go. As his grunts and gasps dissipated I slowed down, then eventually stopped. I gave his shaft another loving squeeze before pulling my hand back. Ropes of milky white covered my fingers, giving me another tingling sensation of naughtiness.

“You’re right,” I said. “It’s fun to bend the rules a little bit.”

Donovan’s face appeared in the doorway, more handsome than ever. He flashed me a perfect inviting smile and said, “Come over to my room and we canbreakthe rules together.”

Oh, it was tempting! I wanted nothing more than to mount him where he sat. To be filled by him rather than simply touching him…

But he had already left me hanging last night, and it was a game that two people could play.

“The secret to a good appetizer,” I said sweetly, “is to leave the customer hungry for the main course.”

With a big smile on my face, I closed the door and went to wash my hand.



The Day We Sexted

This girl waskillingme.

I really thought I had her wrapped around my fingers last night—both literallyandfiguratively. Dancing with her on the balcony, rubbing her wet slit until she was a puddle of moans and gasps in my arms, and then saying goodnight and hopping back over to my balcony.

I expected her to bebeggingme for more tonight. Once the dividing doors between our rooms were open, it was only a matter of time before she caved and crawled over to my side. She wasmine.

But instead of that, she stayed on her side and reached through…

I wanted to resist. To grab her arm and pull her over so I could show her apropernight. But the way her long fingers wrapped around my cock, stroking me while teasing me from the other side with breathless whispers? It left me powerless to do anything but lean back against the wall and close my eyes. Within a minute she had me gasping and coming, spilling my load all over her pretty pink fingernails.

And then, just like I had done, she said goodnight and returned to her room.

I was like putty inherhands, not the other way around.

Yeah, I know. I deserved it after leaving her hanging on the balcony. Turnabout was fair play, right?

But that didn’t stop me from plotting my revenge.

I’ll get you back, Molly,I thought as I crawled into bed that night.Just you wait.

I woke up the next morning and went down to the kitchen. The leftover smell from last night’s meal hung in the air, and I breathed in deeply. I didn’t know how long the lockdown would continue, but until it ended, the kitchen felt like mine.

Someday I’ll have my own,I thought as I washed my hands.

There were tortillas in the pantry so I scrambled some eggs, chopped some peppers, and made breakfast burritos.

I was halfway done when the phone on the wall rang.

I nearly jumped out of my shoes at the sudden, alarming sound. It was probably best to ignore it. Answering the phone would let the caller know I was using the kitchen. And despite all my teasing about Molly being afraid to break the rules, I didnotwant to get in trouble for being in here.
