Page 52 of Only You

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“I’m an only child. No brothers or sisters. I have a boatload of cousins, though.”

“I’m an only child too,” Donovan said. “Growing up, it sucked.”

“How so? I liked being the only one.”

“We moved around too much,” he explained. “I struggled to make friends because we never stayed in one place. Dad always got a new assignment after a year or two. If I had a brother or sister, then at least I would have had someone to play with. Someone who I was movingwith, rather than moving away from.”

I touched his arm. “That’s really sad.”

He shrugged like it couldn’t be helped. “That’s why I want kids. Two or three. So they can play with each other, no matter what happens.”

I perked up. “You want kids?”

“Someday? Absolutely,” he replied. “I want to watch my sons or daughters grow up, take their first steps, learn to talk. I want to teach them how to ride a bike, and how to cook, and help with their math homework even though I suck at math.” He looked out at the Colosseum and nodded. “I think I would be a good dad.”

“I’ve always wanted kids too,” I said. “Even though I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do for a career, Ialwaysknew I wanted to be a mom. That’s kind of why I broke up with my last boyfriend. He didnotwant kids, not even a little bit.”

Donovan shrugged. “All guys say that, but most change. I didn’t think I wanted kids until a few years ago, as I got older. Now I’m certain I do.”

“He wasn’t going to change his mind,” I said with a wry shake of my head. “We broke up because he booked a vasectomy appointment.”

“Oh, damn.”

“Yeah. He had this weird paranoia that all women wanted to trap men by getting pregnant. When I told him he shouldn’t make a permanent decision like that while he was young, he flipped out on me. Said that my resistance was proof that heshouldget the vasectomy. I broke up with him when he asked me to drive him to the doctor, hah.”

“What a dick.”

“And not where it counts,” I agreed, putting my hand on Donovan’s thigh. The outline of his cock was right on the edge of my fingertip.

“Careful, Feisty,” he said. “Don’t start something you’re not prepared to see through to the end.”

“Maybe that’s exactly what I want to do,” I replied.

“I’ve got cookies baking in the oven,” he pointed out. “I need to take them out in… six minutes. So unless you think we can beat the clock…”

I gave him a coy smile. “What would we do with the other five minutes and forty-nine seconds?”

Donovan grunted. “Ouch. I’ll have you know I can lastat leastthree minutes.”

“You didn’t the other night.”

He roared with laughter. “You’ve got me there. But no, we’re not having roof sex. That’s not how a first time should be.”

“Howshoulda first time be?” I asked.

“You’ll see.”


“When you’re ready,” he replied.

I scoffed. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been readyseveraltimes.”

He shook his head while smiling. “Good things come to those who wait. And trust me: it’ll be worth the wait.”

I rolled my eyes and turned away to admire the view. “I definitely want to come back to Rome.”

“You may not be aware,” Donovan said slowly, “but you’re actually in Rome. Right now.As we speak.”

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