Page 70 of Only You

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She bit her lip.

“Wait, really?” I asked.

“Don’t judge me!”

“I’m not, I’m just surprised.”

“I told you, I’ve only had sex with two guys before. And they were both really boring. We never got a chance to do anything adventurous.”

Personally I didn’t consider fucking someone from behind to beadventurous, but hey, I didn’t want to seem judgmental.

I grabbed the bottle of gin and poured some into each glass. “I didn’t realize I was corrupting you so much. First the Colosseum blowjob, now this…”

“Now you know.” She leaned across the bar to kiss me. “I love it. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I’m open to new things.”


“Yeah,” she said. “It feels like the world is ending. I want to have some fun while I’m here.”

Molly was speaking my language. I wanted all kinds of sex with her: sweet, rough, gentle, hard, and everything in between. If she wanted to try new things, then I was all too happy to oblige her.

I handed her a drink. “See? I knew you were feisty.”

She was absolutely adorable as she glared at me, then took a sip.

Yeah. I was definitely going to corrupt this girl. And I was going to enjoy every sweaty moment of it.



The Day We Ran Out

Being in the hotel started to feel like our own little honeymoon. Donovan and I cooked together during the day, then made love at night. We fell asleep in each other’s arms, slept in until sunlight streamed into our bedroom, and then made love again before getting out of bed.

Everything was perfect. Despite the horrors of the pandemic raging throughout the world, we were in our own romantic bubble.

But after another week, we ran into a new problem.

We were in the gym when I told him. “You enjoy having sex with me, right?” I asked.

He jogged on the treadmill, sweat glistening in his hair and on his bare chest. “With you? I hate it. It’s worse than doing laundry.”

I rolled my eyes at him, and he grinned back at me. “What kind of a question is that, Feisty?”

“Here’s the thing,” I explained. “I didn’t expect to be here more than a week. I thought I would be home long before now.”

Donovan turned the speed down so he could walk. “What’s wrong? Tell me.”

“My birth control runs out in two days,” I said.

“Ah, damn,” Donovan said. “I knew things were too good to be true.”

“We have to go back to using condoms,” I said. “You don’t mind, do you?”

I steeled myself for his response. I knew how much better it felt for him without a condom, and I expected him to resist.

But he laughed and shook his head. “Yeah, I’ve gotten used to feeling you andonlyyou. But I don’t mind wrapping it up again. If that’s the only hardship we have to face during the quarantine, then we’re pretty fucking lucky. When do we need to make the switch?”
