Page 87 of Only You

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I changed mindsets. Donovan, my quarantine boyfriend, was sick. I needed to take care of him. Hopefully it was just a cold or something, and I could help. Because if it really was the virus…

Stop it,I told myself.Focus on what you can do.

“What do you want for breakfast?” I asked.

“I’m not hungry.”

“Do you need medicine? That cough syrup downstairs is good for more than just fooling Italian police officers.”

“I already got what I needed downstairs. Cough syrup, a bottle of aspirin, and a thermometer.”

I tensed. “Are you running a fever?”


“You hesitated before answering. Are you lying?”

“I wouldn’t lie to you, Molly.”

“You lied during hide and seek. What’s your temperature? Take it again and send me a text message photo.”

“It was thirty-seven point two.”

I blinked. “What the hell does that mean!”

“The thermometer is Celsius. That’s like ninety-nine degrees Fahrenheit.”

“So you have a fever!”

“Barely,” he insisted. “I’m fine. I’ll take my temperature every hour and let you know if it gets higher.”

“Fine,” I said stubbornly, “but the next time you take it, I want photographic proof. What do you want for breakfast?”

“I told you I’m not hungry.”

“You need to eat. I’m not a master chef like the famous Donovan Russo, but I can manage eggs and toast.”

“I’ll eat lunch in a few hours,” he said. His voice sounded weak. “Right now I just want to go back to sleep. Is that okay, Doctor Feisty?”

I chewed my lip. “Okay. Sleep is good. Do you need anything from the store while it’s open? I don’t mind going.”

He chuckled and said, “I’ve got everything I need. I’m going to sleep now, okay?”

“Okay.” I sighed and said, “I don’t like being on the other side of a wall from you.”

I felt a thump, like he was leaning against the door. “It’s killing me too.”

I rested my forehead on the door and imagined I could feel his warmth on the other side.

“Good night,” he said. I heard his footsteps walking back to the bed.


The footsteps stopped. “Yes?”

I wanted to say something more to him. It felt like my heart had been torn open and a whole bunch of new emotions were pouring out. There were words I wanted to say to him, words that scared me.

I held them back and said, “You’ll be okay. I know you will.”
