Page 20 of Yours Forever

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I gave him a big shit-eating grin. “Apparently my volleyball skills translate to beer pong.”

“You’re on the volleyball team?” Derek asked. “Nice.”

We went back and forth, shooting ping-pong balls and trading playful insults. I had two more cups of beer, and Derek drank the rest. As the game came down to the end, I had a nice buzz going, but was still in control of my wits.

So this is why people drink beer,I thought while aiming my shot. I feltgood.

Somehow, the alcohol was making me playbetter. Rather than be nervous about all the seniors surrounding me, watching me play, I was able to tune them out and relax. There was just me, the ball, and the cup I was aiming for.

I flicked my arm forward, and the ball gently left my fingers. I knew the result as soon as it was airborne—the ball arced like a rainbow and landed smack in the middle of the final cup, ending the game.

The room echoed with cheers and groans. I thrust my hands in the air victoriously, grinning from ear to ear. Hunter glared playfully across the table, then dipped his head respectfully.

“Good game,” he said.

Before I could respond, Derek wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug. “Hell fuckingyeah. You’re the MVP!” I giggled as he whirled me around in a circle, just like Hunter had done after the first game. Nothing about Derek’s grasp was inappropriate—he might as well have been spinning around one of his teammates after a touchdown—but I was acutely aware of how strong and broad his chest was.

The homecoming king is clinging me to his body, I thought with a smile.

When he let go of me, I noticed Hunter watching. Was he jealous? The thought created a warm spot in my stomach, giddiness that spread through my body.

Hunter Cade is jealous that another guy is hugging me.

“Rematch?” Brad asked. “I can’t let my sister beat me.”

“I’ll grab more beers,” Hunter said, disappearing into the crowd.

“You’d better be down for another game,” Derek told me. He was slurring his words slightly, and there was a lazy sag to his eyes. “You can’t quit while you’re on a winning streak.”

“Sure,” I said. “I’ll play another.”

“Atta girl.”

And then Derek smacked my ass.

When I felt the sting of his palm through my jeans, I was too shocked to move. Had that really just happened? I’d never had a guytouchmy ass, let alone smack it in a room full of people. But nobody seemed to notice. On the other side of the table, my brother was chugging the last cup of beer from our previous game.

Ice ran up my spine and my skin went clammy. I didn’t like what had just happened, and felt vaguely ashamed by it, but I was surrounded by the most popular kids in school. I wanted to be cool like them. I didn’t want to make a big deal about it. So I laughed it off.

That turned out to be a mistake.

Derek’s arm encircled my shoulder, pulling me into him. “I like volleyball players. You wear those tight little shorts.” His words slurred more than before.

“Uh huh,” I muttered, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. That only encouraged him.

“Hey, what’s the matter?” He playfully pouted, and he reached lower and grabbed my ass with both hands, pulling me into him. He smiled drunkenly and said, “I thought we made a good team.”

And then he leaned down and kissed me.

It wasn’t a good kiss. His breath reeked of beer, and his lips were too wet. I tried to pull away but he was squeezing me too tight, grabbing my ass in a way I despised.

No,I panicked.No, no, no.

Before I knew it, my hand flashed out and slapped him across the face.

He immediately let go of me, causing me to stumble backward and slam my elbow against the table.

“What thefuck?”Derek cursed, eyes looking at me with anger and annoyance.
