Page 49 of Yours Forever

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Finally I let loose the huge grin that I had been holding back. “Did my idea just get funded?”

“It sure as hell did!”

The two of us hugged while jumping up and down with excitement. I could barely believe what had just happened. In the span of ten minutes I had gone from rock bottom to having my dreams come true.

My idea has funding,I thought while hugging Hunter.And it’s all because of him.

We pulled apart, still giggling and laughing like bank robbers who had gotten away scot-free. Hunter still held my forearms in his hands, rubbing up and down comfortingly. His face was just inches from mine, filling my entire view. Filling my entireworld.

It reminded me of that day in the garage five years ago, when we finally gave in to what we wanted. And just like that day, I saw an emotion deep within Hunter’s eyes. He wanted me. If anything, he wanted me more now than he did back then.

I do too,I realized.I want him more than I ever have.He licked his lips, drawing my eyes to them. It would be so easy to just lean in, allowing our mouths to touch like they did five years ago, surrendering to what we both wanted…

“Let’s talk logistics,” Hunter said, turning away from me to retrieve his beer from the garage shelf. “I’ll be able to give you a check tomorrow, after I move a little money around. That work for you?”

“That’s perfect,” I said, taking a moment to collect myself after being so close to him. “I’ll contact the gem laboratory tonight to let them know we’ll be making the deposit. But Hunter…”

“Yeah, Erica?”

“I want to make sure you legitimately believe in this business idea,” I said carefully. “I need to know you’re investing because you think it will be successful, and not because…”

Not because you feel guilty about kissing me and then disappeared five years ago.

“…and not because I’m a friend,” I finished.

Hunter smiled at me warmly. “I’ll be honest. I don’t know shit about gemstones. But I know people. I’m investing inyou, Erica. If you think it’s a good business plan, then that’s all I need to know. I’m in.”

I still couldn’t believe it, so I said, “But the risk…”

“I know there’s risk,” he said. “I understand I might lose my investment, or never make all of it back. But I’m willing to take that risk to help you succeed. And to get future royalty checks, of course.” He held out his beer glass. “Cheers. ToYours Forever Gemstones.”

I touched my glass to his. “To our new Director of Videography.”

“I was just joking about that for the benefit of the investor,” he said.

I shook my head. “Nope. Too late to back out now. I’m putting your name on the website.”

He groaned. “Fine. But I’m calling dibs on the last breadstick.”

We laughed together while going back inside.



I didn’t like lying to Erica.

I was telling the truth when I said I didn’t know shit about gemstones. And I was telling the truth when I said I was investing in her because I trusted her instincts about what would make a good business.

But I was also investing because I wanted to helpherout, personally. I was investing because I still felt guilty about what happened in that same garage half a decade ago, telling her that I didn’t have deeper feelings about her because I just wanted tofuckher, which itself was yet another lie.

I was investing in Erica’s business to try to wash away some of my guilt.

And even beyond that, I just wanted to make Erica happy. Growing up, I did my best to pretend like I didn’t notice my best friend’s sister, but I saw how hard she worked at every one of her entrepreneurial ventures. Every time one failed, she bounced back with a new idea and twice as much enthusiasm. She was relentless.

Yet coming back here to Columbus, it seemed like she had lost that spark. The real world had a way of sucking the hope out of even the most optimistic people, and I could tell it was almost done grinding Erica down. I hated seeing her like that, especially when I could help.

It’s only twenty-five grand, I thought while finishing my pizza.Even if her business fails, it’s worth it to give her hope.
