Page 7 of Yours Forever

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“I need to swing by the shop,” Hunter said, “and I’m dropping Erica off at volleyball practice on the way.”

Brad snorted at me. “You could jog there and work off some flab.”

I rolled my eyes. That kind of comment was standard from my older brother. And I usually gave back as much as I received.

But Hunter whirled on him. “Don’t fucking say that to her.”

Brad gave him a funny look. “She’s my sister. I give her shit all the time.”

“I don’t care,” Hunter insisted. “You should apologize.”

I stood there in shock.Hunter is defending me?

“I have nothing to say sorry for.” Brad tried to walk around him, but Hunter blocked his path.

“I’m not letting you by until you apologize,” Hunter said, crossing his arms over his chest. He had at least three inches on Brad, and he was a lot more muscular.

Brad rolled his eyes and then surrendered. “I’m sorry I insinuated you’re fat.”

“Thanks,” I muttered.

Hunter stepped aside and clapped him on the arm. “Was that so hard?”

I can’t believe Hunter got more upset about that than I did.It was weird having someone act protective of me like that, especially over a dumb joke. Was he that way with everyone, or was he treating me differently?

I climbed into Hunter’s Civic and tossed my bag in the back seat. The upholstery was hot from sitting in the sun all day, but cold air from the air conditioner immediately blew on my face when Hunter started the engine.

“Thanks again for driving me,” I said.

“Don’t mention it. It would suck to drive in this heat without AC. I can’t remember the last time it was this hot in March.”

I smiled over at him, and caught him looking down at my tight volleyball shorts. They hugged my thighs and ass like a second skin, and Hunter’s gaze was totally fixated on them. Knowing he was checking me out sent an excited shiver up my spine.

Then his eyes flicked up to mine and he said, “Seatbelt. The car will keep beeping like that until you put it on.”

I hadn’t noticed the high-pitched beep until he said something.Thatwas why he was looking down at my lap. Feeling silly, I pulled the seatbelt across my body and clicked it into place.

Stupid, stupid, stupid,I thought as Hunter shifted into reverse. He put his arm across the back of my seat while looking behind us as he backed out of the driveway. Even though the seat back was several inches thick, I imagined I could feel his arm around me.

Then he removed his arm and shifted into drive.

“So you’re helping dad fix up the old car, huh?” I asked.

Hunter grinned while nodding. “That Mustang’s a real beauty.”

I chuckled and said, “I wouldn’t call it a beauty. It has more rust than paint.”

“That’s just on the outside,” Hunter said. “The car itself has good bones. It’s got the Ford Boss 302 small block engine, and the classic four-speed manual transmission. Not to mention everything else under the hood. Trust me, that car is agem.”

There was an enthusiastic twinkle in his eye as he spoke about the car. I could tell it was his passion.

“You can’t judge it just because it needs a new paint job. That’s kind of like refusing to go out with a smart, funny guy just because he has braces. You’re not that shallow, are you?” He winked at me.

“No!” I said with a giggle. “I guess I never thought of it that way. It’s always sat in the garage collecting dust. Dad’s been trying to get it running for years, but he’s never had the time. I think he’s really glad you’re living with us, so you can help him.”

“Just trying to earn my keep,” Hunter said. “Your parents have been really cool throughout… You know.Everything. They’ve welcomed me with open arms.”

“They’re full of love,” I admitted. “That’s why they adopted Brad and I, mom always said. They had too much love to go around, even though they were in their fifties at the time.”
