Page 31 of Final Drive

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I sat in the front seat of the Uber on the ride home. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lexi try to snuggle up to Luke. He must have turned down her advances, because she quickly returned to her seat and stared out the window.

As we got out of the car in front of the apartment, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stiffen. I gazed around the street. There were a few parked cars, and a woman walking a dog across the street. But I had the distinct feeling that someone was watching me. I waited until Luke went inside first, then followed him, making sure that the door closed and locked itself behind us.I’m probably imagining things.

Upstairs, Luke paused outside Lexi’s door. He was preparing to say goodnight, based on his body language. But then she asked, “How about a goodnight drink at your place?”

Luke glanced at me only for a moment before saying, “Sure.”

When we went inside, Lexi immediately excused herself to the bathroom. Luke pulled out a bottle of gin from the cabinet and began making the two of them drinks. As soon as the bathroom door closed down the hall, I rounded on Luke. “She only went out with you because you’re famous.”

He gave me a confused look. “So what?”

“So… don’t you want someone who knows the real you?” I asked. “Someone who’s dating Luke August the person, not Luke August the football player?”

His face darkened as he turned to address me. “What’s the difference, Caz? That’s who I am. Luke August the football player. And if it gets me dates with women like her, why would I want to be anyone else?”

Lexi returned from the bathroom and took her drink from Luke. She smiled politely and said, “Thank youso muchfor protecting us all night, Cazzie. But I think we’re safe to be alone now.” She paused a second and then added, “Goodnight.”

I glanced at Luke. He stared back at me passively.If he’s waiting for me to protest, I’m not going to give him the satisfaction.

Without another word, I turned and went into my room.



As soon as I closed the door to my room, I let out a trembling breath. It felt like I had been tense for the past three hours and was only now relaxing.

But then I heard Lexi let out a high-pitched giggle in the living room, and my entire body tensed anew. I could hear them talking in the living room, although it was too muffled to understand the words. I had never realized the walls were so thin in Luke’s place.

If I hear them having sex…

My whole body went cold at the thought. Imagining the two of them together was bad enough, buthearingit? I didn’t know what I would do. I sat on the edge of my bed and considered my options. There was no way I could handle listening to them. I would have to leave. But of course, I would have to walk past them to do so, which would only deepen my humiliation.Unless they retire to his bedroom. A bedroom which shared the same wall with mine. There was no way Iwouldn’thear them. If only I had a pair of noise-cancellation headphones.

Anger flashed inside of me, anger at Luke rather than Lexi.Hehad kissedmeat the mall. Then he made me accompany him on his date with Neighbor Slut, and brought her home at the end of the night. I didn’t deserve this.

I wish I was back in Los Angeles. Dealing with influencers like Kaylyn is better than this.

Suddenly I heard a noise out in the living room. A door closing—and not just any door, but the heavy front door to the apartment.I skipped my security rounds,I realized with horror. I threw open my bedroom door and ran down the hall into the living room, fearing that I would see his attacker. Luke stood by the door, alone.

“Who was that?” I demanded.

“What?” he asked. “Oh, nobody. Lexi left.”

“Oh.” I tried to hide my satisfaction. “What was that, five minutes? I thought a guy like you would have more endurance.”

He rolled his eyes at me. “We shared a drink, and then we said goodnight.”

“That surprises me,” I replied. “She was hinting pretty hard that I should leave the two of you alone. And she looks easy enough to put out on the first date.”

Luke leaned against the kitchen counter and crossed his arms. “She might be, but I’m not. I asked her to leave.”

I barked a laugh and said, “Sure you did. Whatever you need to tell yourself to avoid feeling rejected.” I knew I was projecting my own insecurities onto him, but I didn’t care. I was still furious at him and wanted to say something that would sting. And my comment worked.

“Why are you acting like such an asshole?” he demanded. “Some guys don’t care about just sex.”

“Some guys, sure,” I replied acidly. “But you’ve had a hard-on for her since I got here. There’s no way you wouldn’t fuck her if she put out.”

“Yeah? So what? She’s my hot neighbor, and she’s been honest about her attraction to me from the start. And you’re just my bodyguard.”
