Page 40 of Final Drive

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“There’s my favorite employee.”

I snorted. “I thought Eliza was your favorite.”

“Why the hell would she be my favorite?”

“Because she wears tight-fitting crop-tops around the office.”

Bobby chuckled. “I like confident women who don’t need to preen around the office in between assignments. You’re definitely my favorite. Especially considering how well you’ve done with Luke August.”


“You know the industry, Caz. Most bodyguards never get a chance to actually protect their client. You’ve done it twice in a few months. Your reputation is higher than it’s ever been. The way I see it, you can do no wrong.”

“I’m glad you phrased it like that,” I said. “Because Luke and I are sleeping together.”

There was a pause on the line. I’d known Bobby a long time going back to our Army days, but I had no idea how he would react.

“Good for you,” he finally said.

“It is good for me, in the short-term,” I said. “But how will it affect my standing at the agency?”

“Not at all? I’m not sure I understand the question.”

I put down my mascara. “Isn’t it frowned upon? Dante Gomez slept with that little YouTube star and it was a big scandal for a while.”

“Because Dante Gomez is an enormous former MMA fighter, and his client was eighteen. Your age difference with Luke isn’t as bad. And, more importantly, the genders are reversed. Is it fair? Probably not. But nobody is going to look at the two of you and think you’re abusing your position.”

I let out a sigh of relief. “You promise?”

“I wouldn’t lie to you, Caz. Just be careful. Not because it’ll look bad, but because I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

I smiled. “There he is. The guy who always acted like my older brother.”

“Aw, shucks. Buy me a beer or seven the next time you’re back in LA.”

After the conversation with my boss, it felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I could do whatever I wanted with Luke and nobody would care. Nobody in my line of work, at least.

I found Luke waiting in the kitchen. He shoved his hands in his pockets and took averylong look at me, starting at my feet, lingering on my chest, and then finally coming to rest on my face. He grinned. “You look incredible. Ready for our date?”

“More than you know.”

“What do you mean?”

I kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll tell you later.”

“Good.” He reached for the door. “Now let’s go pick up Lexi.”

I let out a strangling noise that made him roar with laughter.



We took an Uber to the restaurant,Clay Pigeon. While the hostess prepared to take us to our table, Luke’s hand casually squeezed my ass.

“You keep doing that,” I whispered, “and I won’t be able to focus during dinner.”

Luke gave me an evil grin. “The way you’re wearing that dress, I’m already struggling to focus.” The hostess gestured, and Luke gave my ass a final pinch before we followed her to our table.
