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He nods, and I wrap my arms around him. The thought that I could have lost him without having come back turns my stomach. I cling to him through a few shallow breaths. He kisses the top of my head.

“I’m okay. It was rough for the first couple years, but I’m good now.” We hold each other for another minute until his watch beeps with a text. “Sawyer is in the air on his way here. I have to go to DC for a few days, then I’ll be back.”

“Okay,” I say, squeezing him again. “I’m glad we had last night.”

“Mmm,” he agrees before kissing me. The kiss is deep and languid, like we have all the time in the world. “Me too. I’m looking forward to many more.”

He releases me, and I walk down the hall to Nolan’s room where all my stuff is. I turn the shower on and stand under the hot spray. There’s a slight ache between my thighs, but the rest of me feels better than it has in ages. I stay under the hot spray for much longer than necessary, until my stomach rumbles with hunger.

I pull on a pair of fleece-lined black leggings and an oversized sweater the color of merlot. I find a pair of Nolan’s socks and pull them up over my leggings. It looks kind of ridiculous, but it’s better than having cold feet.

Lake is standing at the stove, cooking for me again. This time he’s dressed more business-like. He’s wearing a white button-down tucked into navy dress pants. His jet black hair is styled professionally. I could watch him do the most mundane tasks and never get bored.

“Hey,” I say to announce myself as I enter the kitchen. “Smells good.”

“French toast with caramelized bananas.”

“My favorite.” I don’t know why I’m surprised he remembered, but I can’t help the flutters in my heart at the thoughtfulness of this small gesture.

“I know.” He turns toward me and gives me a small smile. “Remember the first time I cooked for you?”

“Yes.” I laugh at the memory. “You accidentally started a grease fire. My uncle’s housekeeper had to put it out with the fire extinguisher.”

“She cursed me out in Spanish, not knowing it was my first language.” He chuckles some more. “I wanted to impress you so bad.”

“Is that what you’re trying to do now? Impress me with your elevated culinary skills?” I ask jokingly.

“No.” He shakes his head. “I just want to take care of you.”

My cheeks heat as I step toward and wrap my arms around him. “You have no idea how much I appreciate that.”

I feel so safe standing in his arms.

The sound of a helicopter pulls us apart. I look out the window over the sink and see Sawyer climb out, grabbing a bag and his briefcase. He’s in a pair of dark wash jeans and a cream-colored fisherman’s sweater. His hair is ruffled from the breeze. He looks so casually elegant he could have just stepped off the set of a GQ shoot.

I return the smile he gives me when he notices me watching him through the window with one of my own and a little wave. He disappears around the back of the house, but I hear him on the patio. The sliding door opens, and then he appears in the kitchen. He fist bumps Lake on his way to me.

I was worried about it being awkward seeing him for the first time in a few days, but it’s anything but. He wraps his arms around me and picks me up, like it’s the most natural thing in the world. My hands go to his shoulders and my legs wrap around on instinct. A voice inside my head chastises me for going from one man’s arms to another’s like this, but I bury it. Lake is watching us, looking very far from bothered by it.

“Missed you,” Sawyer says as he gives me a forehead kiss and sets me back down. He sniffs and looks over at Lake. “I hope there’s some for me.”

“Sure thing, I knew you’d be here by the time we were ready to eat. It’s almost done.” He gestures to the table with his head. “Go sit. There’s coffee ready on the table.”

Sawyer grabs a couple of mugs and pours us both coffee, leaving room for my cream and sugar. I giggle when I read what my cup says. ‘Sit on my face’ is written in black typewriter font on both sides.

“Nolan’s cup.” Sawyer’s blue eyes crinkle with mirth.

“As if it could be anyone’s but his,” Lake says with a smirk.

“Yeah, the least surprising thing I’ve been told since I’ve been back.”

* * *

Sawyer and I watch Lake cross the yard to board the helicopter only turning to each other once it’s in the air. He smiles down at me, pulling me in for another hug. I love the way he smells—notes of sandalwood and cedar.

“How have you settled in here?” he asks as he pulls back.

“Good, it’s really nice and cozy.”
