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“Liv?” Sawyer’s voice pulls me out of my troubling thoughts. “Do you feel safe staying at the house, or do you want to grab a motel room in town?”

“It’s fine.” I rub the tension in my neck. “I’ll be fine. Maybe I imagined it.”

He doesn’t look convinced. “You don’t seem like someone who imagined it.”

“Yeah, but it’s safe here, right? No one really knows about it?”

“We don’t advertise this place, but it’s also not kept entirely secret. There are cameras around the perimeter, if someone was on the property, we’ll figure it out.” He holds his hand out for mine and leads me back to the house.



I keepa close eye on Liv as we enter the house. Over the past week that she’s been back with us, we’ve all seen hints of her true self peeking out here and there. Lake said those moments were more frequent than ever over his days here with her.

Her honey-colored eyes dart nervously around the living room and toward the hall where she saw the movement. I’m not sure why she thinks she was mistaken now, none of us do. It’s possible that someone did see me leave and tried to sneak in the house.

I’ve been trading texts with Lake, and neither of us are worried about it being Tripp. In all likelihood if it’s anyone, it’s probably someone related to one of his recent jobs. He was holding several men in the interrogation bunker before we decided to bring Liv here.

I make sure to lock the door behind me and close all the curtains. I move around subtly checking for signs of an intruder while watching her stand in the middle of the room nervously. I enable the alarm from an app on my phone and walk over to her.

“What would ease your mind right now?” I ask as I run my fingers through the soft waves of her platinum hair. “Are you still hungry?”

“No.” She shakes her head. “Is it weird to say that I just want to go hide away in bed?”

“Not at all.” I don’t know if anything happened with Lake while it was just the two of them, but I do know that she slept well with Nolan, no nightmares. “Do you want me with you?”

She bites her lip nervously and looks down at the ground. She does that a lot, looks down like she’s expecting a blow, be it verbal or physical. It tears me up inside every time I see her like this.

“I want you with me.” She hesitates, her face several shades of crimson. “But I had sex with Lake last night. I know that it didn’t used to be a problem, but we’re adults now. I don’t know what is okay and what isn’t anymore.”

“You can sleep beside any of us.” I rub my thumb over her lips, feeding my obsession for her perfect cupid’s bow. “You can sleep with any of us. Nolan and I have shared women over the years. Don’t worry about dynamics with us, just follow what feels good to you in the moment. We’ll be okay as long as you are.”

“Okay.” There’s a tightness in her features, like something is upsetting her, but she doesn’t say anything. “I’ll change and then go to your room?”

“Why don’t we just use Nolan’s room? He won’t care, and your stuff is already in there.”

I put the pizza away and grab a couple of waters and my briefcase before following her back to the bedroom. It doesn’t escape me that she waited until I was right behind her. Part of me wonders if I should reassure her that I don’t expect sex tonight, I just want to be with her. The thing that holds me back is that I do want her, and I know she wants me. I don’t want to make her feel any sort of way about tonight though.

She pulls pajamas out of her bag as I pull my sweater off. I watch her watching me undress, and the hunger I see in her eyes makes my cock harden. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I’ve always wanted Liv. Hell, my first wet dream was about her.

She disappears into the bathroom, so I pull my jeans off and slide into bed. I have a few briefs to go over for a case before I go to sleep. I’m halfway through the second page when she comes out of the bathroom in one of my shirts and a pair of unfairly short pajama shorts. I can see the curve of her ass when her back is to me.

“Do you mind if I go through a few things for work before we turn the lights out?” I ask.

“Not at all,” she says as she grabs a pair of air pods from the table. “I’ll listen to a podcast until you’re done.”

She lays down on her side, facing me and closes her eyes after she turns the podcast on. I look down and see it’s a true crime podcast, probably not the smartest thing for her to listen to, but I’m not going to say anything.

I love the way her lashes fan across her cheek when her eyes are closed. I have to bite back a moan when I notice her nipples are visible under the thin shirt. All I want to do is toss this brief on the floor and wrap my lips around the tiny bud that’s taunting me.

With all my willpower, I put my attention back on my work. I’ve never read through anything so fast. Everything was prepared by our paralegals, and they’re the fucking best, so I’m not too worried. I get out of the bed and put them back in the folder. When I turn around, I catch Liv checking me out.

I give her a little arrogant smirk and flex my abs, causing her to scoff and roll her eyes. It’s okay though, I saw the obvious desire flash across her face. I lay down facing her and pop the air pod from her ear into mine so I can listen to the rest of the podcast. It’s about a serial killer.

“Doesn’t this bother you?” I ask.

“You would think so with my history, but for some reason, I love it.”
