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“I think he might be trafficking.”

“What?” My head swings up at that.

“He’s been seen with a well-known West Coast human trafficker. He frequents salons that have reviews for being shady and run down.” Nolan holds eye contact with me. “Do you remember what the women he’d bring back to your house looked like?”

“No, not really. Watching him have sex with other women didn’t really interest me.”

“Fair enough. A few more days of surveillance would have been ideal, but he’s disappeared. I can’t track him down anywhere.”

“This is a lot to absorb.” I meant to say that to myself, but it came out a hushed whisper.

“I know. Livvy, I wish I hadn’t found what I found,” Nolan says with regret in his voice.

I nod, incapable of easing his peace of mind. “Do you guys mind if I go lie down for a little while? I just need to process this on my own.” I don’t even wait for their answers before heading for the nearest bedroom.

I collapse onto Lake’s bed, inhaling his comforting scent. I can hear raised voices coming from the living room, but all I can focus on are all the questions churring through my mind. How did I not notice any of this? Was I just being willfully ignorant? I spend hours sprawled on my back thinking about every moment that led me to where I am now.

The sun has long since set when an errant thought hits me. Nolan said he just got confirmation about my parents this morning. That would have to mean he knew before but kept it from me. I fly off the bed with the bitter taste of betrayal on my tongue.

Walking past Grant in the living room, I don’t spare him a glance. I still haven’t allowed myself to think about him and the hurt he has caused. I find Nolan working on his laptop in the kitchen.

“How long?” I demand as I square up against him across the island.

“How long?” A crease forms between his brows.

“How long did you know about my parents?”

“I told you, I just got confirmation this morning.”

“But you knew or had suspicions before today.”

A look of unease crosses his face. “Yes, but I didn’t want to say anything until I knew for sure. There was no point in upsetting you if I was wrong.”

“No point?” I look at him through narrowed eyes. “There was no point in telling me a theory about my parents’ deaths?”

Nolan looks over at Sawyer who wisely keeps his eyes locked on his computer screen. His eyes dart back to me before he responds. “I heard it from an associate four days ago.”

I draw in a sharp breath and hot tears pool in my eyes. I turn my back on him for a minute, so I can get a hold of my emotions. I hear him get off his stool and feel his hand on my shoulder as I blink back the tears.

“Livvy,” he says as he tries to hug me. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t want you to be worried and wondering for days. I didn’t know how long it would take until I found a concrete answer.”

I shrug his hands off and step away from him. I know, deep down, that his heart is in a good place, but it doesn’t hurt less. “Is this how it’s going to be with us moving forward? You guys hiding me away and making decisions without my input? Telling lies, be they outright or by omission?”

Sawyer’s head pops up at that. They share another of their irritating looks where they communicate without speaking.

“Stop that!” I slap the counter with my palm. “I just escaped a lying husband. I am not going to allow you guys to do the same thing. I know that I’m a broken mess, but I won’t be that woman that goes from one bad situation to another.”

Lake comes in followed by Grant. The former heads for me, stopping short when I hold my hand up and shake my head. I don’t need them touching me and distracting me. These things need to be said.

“Liv,” Grant says, “maybe you should calm down a bit.”

My head snaps in his direction. “Are you serious?” I ask through clenched teeth. The fucking audacity. My voice begins to raise. “Why are you even here? I’m just pussy. Pussy is just pussy, right?”

“I shouldn’t have said that.”

“No shit,” Nolan mumbles under his breath.

I look around at the four of them, and I know from the shadows in all their eyes that they aren’t telling me everything. It’s all so clear to me now. If they can’t show me all their secrets, then I have to leave and figure this out on my own. My heart fractures thinking about walking away but I have to start choosing myself first.
