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“Yeah. He got me in the chin with his elbow, but otherwise I’m good.”

“Why did you fight him?”

I lean back against the wall. “I felt like it,” I say with a careless shrug. “I could have made it faster, he was sick. But I wanted to feel the pain, I wanted him to feel the desperation of knowing he was going to die, the way Livvy’s parents probably did. If I could have drawn it out longer, I would have.”

“You could have been hurt. That was an unnecessary risk.”

“I had everything under control.”

“It’s not just about you anymore, you know. Can you imagine how Liv would have felt if I had to come back and tell her that not only did Sharpe kill her parents but also killed you? She’s been through e-fucking-nough now, we don’t need to add to it.”

The look he gives me as he walks past to use the shower is disbelief on top of concern. It’s not the first time I’ve played with my target like that, and it always worries him. He runs his company with a minimal risk mentality. He wants his guys to be efficient and focused, getting in and out with as little effort and time as possible. I don’t always subscribe to his methods.

At the end of the day though, the mission has been completed. The man that murdered Livvy’s parents is dead. Now we just have to focus on getting to the man that ordered the hit.



Grant broughtme back to his place last night and kept his word about fucking every reminder of Tripp out of my system. He clearly has some sort of voyeurism and exhibitionism kink because he loves fucking me against windows and mirrors.

Luckily his bedroom walls also do that opaque thing, so I don’t wake him when I get out of bed and go into the kitchen to make some coffee. I’m puttering around the kitchen trying to find everything when Sawyer lets himself in.

“Good morning,” he says as his blue eyes drink me in. I’m only wearing the shirt that Grant wore out last night and a pair of lacy lavender underwear. I feel the heat of his gaze as it slowly trails up and down my body. A slow grin stretches his lips. “I see things with you and Grant went well.”

My cheeks burn and unease swims inside me. He’s clearly not upset, but should I be doing this? Do I deserve to have four men taking care of me, protecting me, worshipping me? Shame washes over me.

Sawyer crosses the kitchen to me. He cups my face in his hands and tilts my head back until our eyes meet. “Hey.I didn’t mean anything by it. I think it’s great.” He taps my temple. “What’s going on up here?”

“I’m worried I don’t deserve this. That the four of you and everything you’re doing is too much. Who do I think I am to bask in the attention you all give me? Why are you even helping me?” My stomach knots as I feel the blood pumping through my veins.

Grant walks out of the bedroom with a smile on his face that drops as soon as he sees me. He strides across the open space and stops right beside Sawyer.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, worry wrinkling his forehead.

My breathing is becoming shallow as panic seizes my chest.

“Panic attack,” Sawyer answers.

Grant immediately steps up and helps me center my thoughts by going through the five senses. Sawyer has me regulate my breathing with his. Together, the three of us get me back under control, and Sawyer takes over making coffee. Grant pulls me to his chest and wraps his arms around me, kissing my forehead.

“Explain what happened and how that was triggered,” he commands as he leads me to his couch.

I take a shaky breath before answering. “Sawyer came in and mentioned that we clearly had mended everything.” I indicate my clothing as evidence. “Then I was thinking about how selfish it is for me to have all four of you taking care of me and,” I pause unsure of how to say all the fucking, “stuff. My thoughts kind of spiraled.”

“Stuff?” He wiggles his eyebrows. “What stuff?”

“Don’t tease her right now.” Sawyer sets down a cup of coffee in front of me. “I teased her and sent her into a panic attack.” His face is pale when I look up at him.

“It wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known my mind would go there. I don’t even know when it’s going to happen.”

“I really think you should give the therapist Dr. Lawson referred you to a call.” Sawyer sets his hand on my thigh and draws absentminded circles with his thumb. “Even just a preliminary appointment.”

“I’ll think about it.” The silence that follows my lie hangs heavy in the air. I won’t think about it, not yet. I don’t think I’m ready to open that wound, especially in front of a stranger. I take a sip of my coffee and lean back on the couch, tucking my legs to the side. “What are you two doing today?”

“I have a meeting with a prospective partner about a new restaurant,” Grant says. “I was actually hoping you could come along, Sawyer. I need your opinion on him. Something feels off about the way he’s pursuing our partnership.”

“If something feels off, maybe you shouldn’t even entertain an offer from him. Surely you don’t need his money to make it work,” I say.
