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“You want to go start packing or wait for me to help you?”

“When are we leaving?”

“Plane leaves in two hours.”

That pulls her out of her fog. “Wait, can we even get to an airport in two hours?”

“We’ll take the helicopter to Newark. We’re flying private.”

“Right,” She blinks again. “I better start packing now, then.” She grabs the bag and disappears down the hallway.



Sawyer wasn’t kiddingwhen he said we’d take the helicopter to Newark, we actually landed about fifty yards away from the plane right on the tarmac. The guys all grab their bags, and Lake picks up mine.

Nolan goes up the steps first, followed by me. Lake boards last after helping the pilots with our luggage. I sit down in the plush cream-colored bucket seat, sitting across a table from an identical seat. Lake drops down into it and grabs my hands, kissing my left palm and then my right.

“The flight is about six hours, so it’ll be late when we get in tonight. There’s a cabin in the back of the plane if you want to take a nap or just stretch out at any time.”

“Okay,” I say with a half-smile. I haven’t had a minute to sit with the knowledge that Tripp has come for me. I buckle myself into my seat and turn my attention to the window as we line up for takeoff. Sawyer, Grant, and Nolan are huddled up talking about the meeting they had before Tripp showed up, so I tune their conversation out. I wouldn’t have anything of value to offer to their discussion.

I release a breath as the plane lifts off the ground. A little bit of the tension from knowing Tripp was in Manhattan while I was lifts from my shoulders. Part of me wonders what happened to James, the butler who helped me escape. I haven’t wanted to google anything around my disappearance or Tripp since I got away but maybe I need to.

Why did it take so long for Tripp to come to the city? Did he have trouble tracking me? My mind starts playing through every possible scenario. Him finding me on the street, how I would use the crowds for protection and to lose him. How I would handle him showing up at one of the penthouses.

I need to start doing target practice soon. Regardless of my personal feelings on guns, having one on me does make me feel safer. Maybe Lilith could show me some self-defense moves with one. I remember some stat about being more likely to be shot with your own gun when you don’t know how to defend yourself and secure it. I don’t want to run that risk.

“What’s on your mind?” Lake asks quietly.

“Tripp.” I keep my voice low, so the others don’t hear. “I keep going through different scenarios in my head about what I would do in different situations. How I would get away if he got me.” I look down at the clouds beneath us. “I think I need to keep doing target practice.”

“We can do that. I have a range on our property.” His deep brown eyes catch my gaze. “The visualizing scenarios is a part of trauma processing. I did that after the ambush. Thinking about all the ways it could have been better. And ways it could have gone much worse.”

I reach my hands back over and grab his, squeezing them to give him comfort. “I’m so glad I have you to talk about this with. I don’t know that they would understand.” I look over at the other three, each on a laptop or tablet and completely engrossed in whatever they’re doing. “Not that I don’t feel incredibly supported by them, it’s just different to have someone who gets it.”

“I know.” He nods and then stands up. “I think I’m going to go take a nap, want to lie down with me?”

“Yeah.” I unbuckle my seat belt and follow him back.

He kicks off his shoes and grabs a blanket from the overhead bin. I follow suit before laying down. He joins me, covering us up and pulling me to his chest. His hand rubs soothing circles on my back. I wasn’t really tired, but I find my eyes growing heavy with the feel of his chest rising and falling under my cheek and the gentle lull of the plane being in the air.

I don’t know how long I sleep for, but when I wake, the sky is dark, and I’m still tucked against Lake’s chest. There’s also now a hot body pressing against my back, and as I shift, I can tell it’s Nolan. I roll over, smiling at the sleepy grumble that comes from Lake when I roll from him.

Nolan’s eyes are closed, but he makes a contented noise when I wrap my arms around him and gently kiss his lips. I decide one light kiss isn’t enough and trace his lips with my tongue. I feel him smile against me and use the parting of his lips to tangle my tongue with his. The kiss is slow and deep and sweet. I feel so revered when Nolan is holding me or kissing me. He makes me feel like I’m the center of his world, like I was never gone from his mind or heart.

“Livvy,” he mumbles against my lips, “I don’t want to scare you, but I love you. I love you still. I love you always.” His hazel eyes are bright but guarded as they bounce back and forth between mine. “I’m so glad you came back to us.”

“Nolan.” I kiss him gently. “I love you too, but I don’t deserve you.” I take the kiss deeper, moaning when he bites down on my lip before soothing it with his tongue.

He pulls back a bit and looks down at me. “You deserve better than me, better than us, but we’re going to work to be the men you deserve. The partners you can lean on.” He kisses my forehead before his lips tilt upward into a wicked smirk. “Also, if it were Sawyer laying on the other side of you, we would be having a completely different conversation. And your pussy and ass would be stretched with dick.”

His words cause a visceral reaction in my body. Heat surges through my veins, settling in my core. My nipples harden into stiff little peaks. Nolan’s hand travels under my sweater and up my stomach before his thumb brushes over one of the nubs.

“I can tell you like that idea, huh? Having both of your holes filled by us.”

I feel Lake stir behind me as he rotates toward me, his hand gripping my hip. “What did I hear about holes being filled?” I can feel his solid length pressed up against my ass. His hand moves from my hips around to my belly button, his pinky fingertip slides beneath my waistband.
