Page 8 of The Hunt

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“No, I won’t be able to stop you in time if you start to fall again.”

I turn again, facing away as I struggle to pull the wet clothing from my body. His hands grip my hips as I tilt dangerously again.

“Vi, please,” he implores quietly, guiding me to the bed.

I keep my hands over my chest, clinging desperately to that one bit of privacy.

He stands over me, his dark hair falling in damp chunks around his forehead, and gently pushes me down onto the bed. His eyes glisten in the twilight around us and he watches his hands graze my lower stomach.

I’m so embarrassed that he’s staring at my soft, rounded belly. I don’t have the slim bodies of the cheerleaders he’s always linked to, or their perfectly styled hair and makeup. I’m lumpy and have stretch marks. My thighs touch. He’s probably disgusted by what he’s seeing and that’s why he’s paying so much attention. It’ll be another way for them to torture me. But it’s so cold and I can’t stop shivering. It’s stupid to keep fighting his help.

I clear my throat as he hooks his fingers in the waist of my jeans. At my signal of distress he moves mechanically to rid me of my soaked pants and underwear. He covers me with the scratchy sheet and blanket before climbing in behind me.

I bite down hard onto my lip when I feel the cool, smooth skin of his body against my back. One of his hands works under the pillow and the other splays over my tummy. I grab his wrist and try to move it, only to have him press me back against him even harder.

“Please don’t touch me there,” I whisper quietly, a quiver still in my voice from the chill.

“Roll over and face me,” he commands.

The rusted springs of the metal bed frame creak as I reluctantly shift to follow his order. I hate how easily I submit to him, but a deep rooted part of me feels safe. The storm is still raging outside and every so often a burst of lightning flashes, illuminating the sharp planes and angles of his irritatingly attractive face. Since he’s not talking, I allow myself a moment of weakness and nuzzle against his neck, inhaling the faint hint of the outdoors on his skin. A subtle undertone of his familiar scent brings back memories of falling asleep in his bed watching movies while our parents had their game nights downstairs. It wasn’t unheard of for my parents to let me stay those nights instead of waking me and carrying me back to our house.

Laying pressed up beside him brings all those long buried feelings back up to the surface. Tears sting my eyes as my heart softens just a tiny bit toward him. He takes a deep breath and blows it out, ruffling my hair as he pulls me just a little closer.


Iam not a good guy. Feeling Violet’s cold, clammy skin pressed against mine should make me want to protect and take care of her. Instead, all I can think about is how much I want to pinch her pretty pink nipples when they graze my arm as she rolls to face me. How much I want to sink my fingers into her soft flesh, squeezing and kneading until she’s covered in my handprints and bruises, leaving no doubt to whom she belongs.

What pisses me off the most is that she’s meekly asking me not to touch her belly. She’s laying in my arms, one of the guys who tormented the fuck out of her for years, and is damn near hypothermic. But she’s most concerned about her perceived flaws, not wanting me to touch her rounded stomach.

Well, fuck that. I guess she forgot who’s in charge here and it’s not her. I wrap my arm around her back, momentarily distracted by how smooth and flawless her skin is, and pull her body flush against mine.

“Violet.” I have to stifle a groan when her fingers graze my abs. “Just because we have temporarily suspended the rules of the hunt doesn’t mean you’re in charge. If I want to roll you on your back and slide my dick into that tight pussy of yours, I can and I will.”

I pause at her quick draw of breath. She’ll never admit it, but I know she wants it. I may have just graduated from high school, but I might as well have a doctorate in knowing the nonverbal cues of Violet Fields. She’s my obsession and the way her fingers dig into my skin and her thighs tighten, tells me I just might be hers, too.

“I bet if I slipped my finger between your legs I’d find you wet, wouldn’t I?” I slowly trail my hand from her back over her hip, tracing those tiny ridges of stretch marks. My cock is rock hard between us. “You won’t stop me because you’ll refuse to tap out of the game. But you want me just as much as I want you.”

Her breath fans across my neck. Her hand finally warm as it moves over the muscles of my stomach and chest before stopping at my jaw. She runs her thumb over my lips.

“It’s a shame these pretty lips tell such ugly lies.” I feel all the tension evaporate from her as she drops her hand. “Just hold me until I’m warm and stop with the head games for one night. If you wanted me you wouldn’t have spent so long being an absolute dick to me.”


“What? Are you five years old? Pulling ponytails on the playground because you have a crush? Saying you have been a fucking prick to me because you liked me is some next level toxic male patriarchal bullshit.” She tries to wiggle away from me.

“Who said anything about liking you?” I wrap my leg over hers and tighten my grip on her. “You’re a mouthy brat, but it doesn’t change the fact that I want you and you want me.”


“Liar.” Before she even realizes my intentions, I press my hand between the apex of her thighs. A strangled gasp turns into a moan as I find her slit, wet and hot. “I knew you’d be soaked for me. Has anyone besides Blake done this?” I slip one finger between her folds with more care than I normally would. Her answer better be fucking no.

“No,” she whispers against my chest. After a few gentle strokes her body loosens in my arms.

“Good.” I pull my leg off her and roll her onto her back, spreading her legs apart. Her juices coat my finger just from this soft petting and I can’t hold back when her hips arch off the bed, seeking just a bit more. I slide my finger inside her and bite down on my lip as her pussy clenches around me.

“West.” She groans my name as my thumb moves to her swollen clit. “Fuck.”

She moves against my hand like it’s the most natural thing she’s ever done, like she was fucking made for me. Her lush, red lips part as her eyes open, locking on mine.
