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Illeron rested a hand on my shoulder. “Casimir assures me that the magus will keep her alive until he gains an alternative source.”

“And once he does?” Dread gathered in my gut. I already knew the answer.

“We suspect he will kill her.”

I closed my eyes for a moment, remembering my precocious little sister with her laughing eyes and teasing manner. We had never been close, but that didn’t change the fact she was my sister and my responsibility. “I won’t trade her life for my freedom.”

Illeron’s grip tightened. “That wasn’t even considered. Loss of life is never in the plan.” He released my shoulder and turned away. “But plans go wrong. I can’t promise that she won’t die. We do not know her condition or the means the magus is using to control her. Their methods are constantly changing and adapting.”

Glancing my way, he met my concern with a sad smile. “We hope to capture him and then trace his connection back to her. If we create a gap in our security around you, it might tempt him to make a move. By doubling our coverage everywhere else, we ensure there will be plenty of backup for your call the moment he shows himself. Then, the actual work begins.”

I nodded, frowning down at the activity in the gardens. “When do you propose we begin?”

“Immediately. The sooner the word gets to the magus, the more quickly we can catch the monster.” Illeron began accessing his personal storage spell. Like me, he carried with him far more than was visible by using a folded space spell. However, I suspected he included a very different selection from my smattering of healing potions for Kate, my weapons, and a stash of books.

Mentally reviewing the schedule for the next few days, I realized the flaw in our scheme. “What about Kate?”

“What about her?” Illeron regarded me quizzically.

“We are frequently together. If I am being exposed to an increased risk of attack, then so is she.”

He considered my concern for a moment with hands suspended midmotion. Then, he nodded. Flicking his storage closed, he turned to face me. “As I see it, you have two options. Avoid spending time with your wife until we capture the magus or be extra vigilant whenever you are together. Either way, I recommend you discuss it with her. If she is anything like Avril, she will want to know the risks and have a say in the approach you choose.” Illeron grimaced slightly.

I nodded. Kate would wish to know. My decision affected her in more ways than one. “Did you decide including your wife in the decision was wise ahead of time or learn the hard way?” I asked.

“The latter. And Avril hasn’t forgotten my lack of communication. She pesters me constantly about keeping her in the loop.”

“Rightfully so, I suspect,” I observed with amusement. His role as my spymaster required secrecy, and until Avril, Illeron had devoted his life to the role.

“The rightness makes it no less annoying.” Illeron’s mouth twisted into a wry half smile as his expression softened. “She is worth it, though.” Then, in a few quick motions, he produced a piece of paper. “Here is a list of the shadow elves we wish to add to your staff. Casimir vetted them all, but I am sure Favian will wish to do the same.”

I accepted the page with a nod. My head of security would want to do exactly that. In addition, he and I would discuss the details of what would happen when Kate was with me. Just like Alora’s, her life was not to be taken lightly.

After summoning his escort, a shadow elf I didn’t know by name, Illeron left, and I was alone. Reluctantly, I returned to my interrupted task of wading through requests to join my court.

Chapter Fifteen


“One, two, three, turn…” Emrys’ low voice whispered in Elvish in my ear as he guided me around the perimeter of his office. The words were more familiar than the steps of the dance, though I had spent almost the same amount of time learning both. Thanks to the firm pressure of my husband’s hand in the middle of my back guiding me, my steps landed in close enough to the correct positions that I didn’t trip.

Emrys swung me around so that my skirts flared and the ribbon that hooked my train to my outstretched hand snapped. The heavy layers of silk, taffeta, and lace cascaded to the floor, bringing us to a sudden halt midperformance. My chest tightened as I drew in a deep breath. The burn of my cheeks almost guaranteed that I was flushed. The concern immediately flaring in Emrys’ eyes confirmed it.

“Are you well?” he asked without bothering with Elvish. He pulled me closer ever so slightly, even as I nodded.

“I just need to catch my breath.”

“Acceptable,” Opal declared as Emrys frowned down at me. “Your steps aren’t as graceful, but the form was acceptable.”

“I told you that I am not athletically inclined.” I released Emrys to press my palms to my burning cheeks.

“Your heart rate is fast.” Emrys slid his hand up my back to caress my shoulders, slipping his fingertips to rest against the base of my neck. The subtle adjustment to skin-to-skin contact escaped the notice of the other occupants of the room, but not mine. Almost instantly, my heart rate slowed. “Durvin?”

The steward, who had been conversing with Elinor near the bust of Emrys’ ancestor, instantly snapped to attention.

“Water for the queen.”

Durvin bowed and left the room.
