Page 46 of Ruthless

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The plan was to go during the periods right after lunch, which would get them back in time to count heads before school ended. A field trip required parental approval, and Tessa was happy to see Jimmy arrive with his signed permission slip. “Your dad didn’t mind you going on this trip?”

Jimmy smiled. “He said it was perfect.”


“Yeah. I was so happy that he signed the paper, I didn’t even ask why it was perfect. Maybe he’ll tell me when I get home. I hope he thinks seeing things in the real world lets you know the truth.”

“Maybe that’s it.”

She pushed any other thoughts about Harvey Taylor out of her head. He wasn’t worth thinking about, and organizing a field trip put a lot on her plate. She called the transportation division, and an officious-sounding man reassured her that the bus was scheduled. “It will be at the school right after lunch. Please make sure all the children are back on the bus to return by three in the afternoon, as the bus is needed for taking other children home after school.”

“Of course. It’s a short tour of the plant—no more than half an hour.”

“Some people do not appreciate the importance of punctuality.” He sounded like he didn’t believe her.

“Well, some do.”

“All right.”

When he hung up, she got a text message and opened it. “You fucking bitch! You are responsible.”

What the hell?

Immediately, it was clear that this was the kind of thing Ronan had been afraid was happening, what he suspected. He hadn’t wanted to alarm her in case it didn’t happen, but it did. She didn’t recognize the phone number, but the only person who would send her a message like that was Harvey Taylor. What was he up to?

She looked at the clock. It was nearly lunch now. When they got back from the field trip, she’d call the police and see if they could do anything, maybe get a restraining order against Harvey, assuming he was responsible. They had the means to find out.

She went down the hall to Donna’s office. “Do you have a minute?”

Donna was working on the computer and waved her in. “I just need to send this email. There!” She had a look of triumph on her face as she looked up at Tessa. “Are you all set for the field trip?”

“Yes. I’ve double-checked the arrangements you made, and we’re good to go. But I wanted you to know about this.” She handed her phone over. Donna blanched when she read the text message.

“Who sent this?”

“I don’t know for certain, but I’ve been getting hang-up calls from that same number. I think it came from Jimmy’s father. He knows I’ve been talking to Jimmy and probably suspects I intend to call child protective services.”

“Do you?”

“I had no reason to. But if this is from him…”

“What will you do?”

“When we get back, I’ll contact the police and let them deal with it.”

“Good. That seems appropriate.”

“I thought I should warn you. Maybe you should call for extra school security right now. Just in case he tries something. Until we know what’s going on, we should be cautious.”

Donna looked flustered. “Oh, that’s a good idea. Yes. I’ll call and make sure we have extra patrols on the grounds.”

“Fine. Then I can take the children on the trip.”

“Maybe we should cancel the field trip.”

“That would be a shame and possibly for nothing. Besides, he gave permission for Jimmy to go, and I honestly think he’d never do anything to hurt his son. We should be safe.”

“Yes,” Donna said, sounding brave. Tessa noticed her hand shaking as she reached for the phone. She was brave—brave and frightened.
