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The guys perked up instantly at the word her.

“That’s what’s got you all worked up,” said Randy.

“Is she hot?” asked Keith.

“You hit that yet?” Jesse chimed in.

“Calm down, horndogs,” Blaze scoffed. “Her name is Giselle. And just because I know you guys won’t shut up until I tell you: yes, she’s hot. Gorgeous, actually. But she’s a complete drama queen. She stormed out of our very first meeting.”

“What did you do?” accused Randy.

“Nothing,” he answered.

“Doubt that,” Keith muttered.

“Whose side are you on?” Blaze groaned.

“Her side. But only ‘cause you said she’s gorgeous,” Randy teased. “I’m kidding, but I do think you should give her another chance.”

“And why’s that?” Blaze asked.

“Because if she managed to get under your skin this much after one meeting… I’d say there’s something there worth exploring,” he said sagely.

“I’m supposed to meet her at some fitting tonight,” Blaze admitted.

“Tonight? And we’re out in the damn desert?” Randy chided. “Boys, pack it up. We have to get Blaze back in time for his date tonight.”

“Not a date,” Blaze insisted.

“Not with that attitude,” quipped Randy. “Come on!”

Within a half hour, the boys had loaded up their dirt bikes and supplies. Although he was still skeptical when they left the desert, Blaze had come around by the time they rolled into Los Angeles. Maybe he had written off Giselle too quickly. Maybe she wasn’t dramatic, just passionate. Surely, that was a good thing for a musician, right? Besides, Blaze was a professional, and this was a gig. He wasn’t about to let some bratty little girl’s ego keep him from doing his job.

His Harley puttered to a stop at the curb outside the Hot House Entertainment complex. It was a gigantic building containing multiple recording studio suites as well as filming sets. In one such set, Blaze found a vivid storm of activity. At the far edge sat Asher, who was scribbling down observations and taking in the scene. There were costume artists and seamstresses darting here and there with bright darts of fabric in all variety of materials and hues. A team of hairstylists orbited in a fog of hairspray and chatter. Even closer to the eye of the storm was a makeup artist with a pile of brushes and a roller cart of makeup products.

At the very center of the space was Giselle. She was doing vocal warm-ups while a pair of seamstresses measured, taped, wrapped, and spun her around. Blaze was riveted to the spot for a moment while her sultry-sweet voice washed over him. He knew she had a beautiful voice, but it was almost startling to hear it in action. Such a big voice emanating from a small woman. His heart skipped a beat and he forced himself to saunter closer. He and Asher exchanged a brief, polite nod as he approached.

Giselle’s aria stopped mid-vibrato when she saw Blaze. Her arms dropped to her sides and she glared at him.

“What? Surprised to see a brat doing her job?” she said icily, using his own word.

“Looks like they’re doing the work,” he remarked.

She rolled her eyes. “My team kicks ass. But so do I. If you can’t handle that, then this little business arrangement isn’t going to work out.”

“I can handle anything,” he replied.

“Good for you. Then you can take a seat with Mr. Tate and observe,” she said mock-sweetly.

A million comebacks raced to the front of his mind, but Blaze forced himself to simply give her a wry smile and sit down next to Asher. Giselle resumed her arias, every now and then stealing a furtive glance at the boys. Blaze wasn’t the type to take notes, but he watched her like a hawk. In fact, he couldn’t tear his eyes away. Her body was luminous with some kind of shimmery product. The hot, intense set lighting made her pale, bare skin glow.

Blaze was not easily ruffled, but he found himself a little turned on. He knew he should be thinking about songwriting, lyrics, anything but Giselle’s cleavage. But his eyes were entranced. He followed the swoop of her shoulders and the swell of her breasts, barely contained in a nude-toned bralette. He saw the faintest outline of her nipples through the fabric and felt his cock twinge. His mouth watered at the thought of probing her stiff nipple with the tip of his tongue. He wondered how it would feel to caress her, to hold the weight of her tits in his hands while he pressed the full power of his body against her. Those pale thighs parting for him as he stroked a sigh from her open lips…

Damn it, he thought. He shifted in his seat, hoping nobody could tell he was getting hard.

Luckily, nobody spared a glance for him. All eyes were on Giselle, who was being bedecked with fabric, jewels, and glitter. As the inches of bare skin disappeared, Blaze found it easier to focus. He took in her attitude, the way she interacted with her massive team. Everyone on set received a genuine hello. Every member of the team was regarded as a friend. He watched the way her eyes crinkled ever so slightly at the corners when she laughed. He observed how she leaned in when she spoke to people, making them feel like the only person in the room. She was especially chatty with the other women on set. Blaze had encountered a lot of self-serving, catty people in Hollywood. But he was surprised to find that Giselle didn’t fit the stereotype.

She alternated between vocal runs and soft chatter with the team as they moved her onto the set and began snapping test photos of her ensemble for an upcoming charity performance. Giselle was a scintillating prism of color and light as she moved like a total natural in front of the rapidly flashing mob of cameras.

“She’s kind of mesmerizing to watch,” Asher murmured to him.

Blaze nodded in full agreement. “Yeah. She is.”

“Okay, I love you all, but if I don’t have an oat milk cinnamon latte with an extra shot of espresso in my hand within the next half hour, I may start screaming,” she announced suddenly.

The team shuffled around as they rushed to make her oddly specific coffee order happen within the prescribed window of time. There was no denying it: Giselle Kingston was a diva. But damn if she wasn’t a beautiful one.

If he had to stick around and make this songwriting gig work, at least he had some delicious eye candy to enjoy. Would that be enough to keep him from losing his cool and putting Giselle in her place? He wasn’t so sure. But as he watched her shimmer and twirl in the spotlights, he figured it was worth sticking around a little longer to find out.

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