Page 15 of More Than A Game

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“What did the doctor say?” Nat is trying to sound calm and supportive, but I recognize the nerves in her voice. You don’t go through the things we’ve all been through together and not know each other’s tells.

“There’s no baby. Tessa was never pregnant. It was a false positive.” Everyone visibly relaxes, and Nat throws her arms around me.

“Oh, Murph. That’s such great news.” Her tiny arms squeeze me as tight as she can, and I have the sudden urge to cry.

“Yup. You’re going to have to hold off on the whole being an auntie thing, Little Sinclair.” She drops her arms and sticks her tongue out at me. I knew that would get her to back off. Nat hates being called Little Sinclair almost as much as she hates being compared to Tinker Bell.

Bash moves next to me and grips my shoulder. “Seriously, man. That’s great news. How did Tessa take it?”

“She was really upset. I think she was disappointed there was no baby, said I ruined her life. She never wants to see me again, which I’m happy to oblige. I think the only girl I want to see for a while is this one.” I throw my arm across the back of Nattie’s chair.

Nattie gives me one of her classic smiles that lights up her whole face, and I throw a wink her way.

Our resident overthinker and quarterback, also known as the man hopelessly in love with Natalie Sinclair, throws a pretzel from the bowl on the table at my head. “Like a sister, Murph,” he grumbles.

“Come on now, QB. In a couple of months, she will be my sister. How fucking weird is that? I guess I can kiss any hopes of ever seeing you naked goodbye, huh, Little Sinclair?”

Nat moves onto Brady’s lap and wraps her arms around his neck. “Pretty sure you never had any chance of that. But I’m kinda excited to get to call you my brother.”

“You’re fucking lucky she’s holding me back, man,” Brady grumbles, and we all laugh.

Yup. I love my family.

* * *

Dear Coop,

You’ve only been gone a few days, but we miss you already. Dad and Dec won their game Monday night, and it was totally wrong to be watching it without you. How are you? Is boot camp hard? Did you make any friends yet? How hard is giving up technology? I can’t believe you aren’t allowed to email or text. I guess writing an actual letter isn’t bad, but I don’t want to have to wait a week at a time to hear from you. Think this is what it was like when dad was young?

Everything is pretty good here. Classes are fine. Nothing too interesting going on. Well, except Murphy’s having a bit of a weird week. Maybe send him a letter when you can. I’m good — just missing you.

Talk to you soon, little brother.

Love you!

Your BIG sister.

* * *

Hey Nattie.

It’s going ok so far. They don’t believe in letting us get much sleep here. We’re always interrupted with drills. The food doesn’t completely suck. I’ve had worse. A few of the guys are pretty cool. We each got assigned a Battle Buddy to stick with throughout training. My buddy is a guy named Linc. He’s from Georgia. You’d like his accent. He’s kind of a loner, but we get along okay. He’s hoping to go into the SEALs too, so we’re working on it together.

I didn’t get to watch Dad’s game, but I heard they won. Go, Kings! Declan is having a great season. Hope the damn media lays off him soon. Tell the guys I’ll see if I can watch their game this weekend online — Miss you, little sister. Take care of yourself.

Love, Coop.

PS — Tell Brady I can still kick his ass if he treats you wrong.

* * *

Hey Murph -

Nattie said you were having a fucked-up week. What’s going on? I need shit to think about at night other than how fucking sore my muscles are, and your drama should do the trick. Write me back, asshole.


* * *

Yo Coop!

Don’t get your panties in a twist. I may have had a hot minute where a chick I hooked up with over the summer thought she was pregnant, but she’s not. Thank Fucking God! It’s all good. I may try a sex diet soon. How many girls a month do you think would be a filling number? Any hot girls in the Navy with you?

