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He’d been breathing all right last night. She hadn’t had a wink of sleep and, after they had both been dressed, Soren had offered to have them so that she could get ready in peace.

Now she was ready and the guests were all in the chapel but the babies and their father had vanished...where...? A slow smile spread over her face as she began to retrace her steps, suddenly sure where she would find them.

Her instincts proved dead on.

She walked into the ballroom, empty but for the candles burning in the windows and the solitary figure, a baby in each arm, who was circling the floor.

She walked across to join him.

‘You vanished,’ she whispered, looking down into the face of each sleeping baby. ‘They are so cute when they are asleep. Why didn’t you tell me where you were going?’

‘I knew you’d figure it out, and you did.’ His logic was inarguable.

‘You’re impossible,’ she complained without any conviction.

He flashed his devil-on-steroids smile and her knees went weak. ‘People are waiting.’

He shrugged. ‘I wanted to show the babies where I fell in love with their mother.’

‘Did you?’

‘I think I fell in love with you the first time I saw you, but I was too scared to admit it even to myself, but that night, it was special.’

Throat thick with tears of emotion, Anna nodded and slid her arms around him to complete the circle.

‘I think our children are very musical.’ He gazed down with paternal pride at the infants in his arms.

‘Isn’t it a bit early to tell?’ she ventured with a smile.

‘They recognisedoursong straight away. They obviously get it from me.’

Her lips quivered. Her husband had many talents, but musical...? ‘You’re tone deaf, Soren.’

‘I don’t hear the music with my ears,’ he retorted. ‘I hear it with my heart, where you are,tesoro mia.’

To hell with her make-up. Anna let her tears flow...tears of joy. ‘Keep me there, Soren,’ she whispered.

She knew he would.
