Page 130 of Outcast

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But they are on the ground, coming from that dirt road that goes along the south shore.



I am still crouching on the ground, fists digging into the sand, knives in my hands but tucked under me as I look beyond our guys.

There is darkness behind the circle, but deep at the beach, there are more silhouettes.

More guys.

Dozens of shadows.

It’s like an entire battalion here.

I turn my head to see the guys who circle us, but there are more. Many more. Invisible. In the shadows. There is no chance of escaping. Everyone is fucked.

The guy who just shouted steps out toward our cornered group.

He is tall and broad-shouldered. Dark hair, loose strands falling onto his face. Strong jaw and chiseled cheekbones. Eyes narrowed, scanning our group.

He is hot. I’ve seen that face on a picture before I came here.

Archer Crone.

My heart gives out an excited thud.

He is better than the picture. A muscle shirt, black jeans, and boots. A gun in his hand, but not pointing at anyone. The fucker is cocky just as they said, and fearless.


I feel my lips stretching just slightly in a smile.

Well, hello, Chancellor.

I am hypnotized, like I just met a legend.

“Where is she?” he asks calmly as his narrowed eyes go from one face to another, all of us girls still squatting on the ground, until they stop on me.

“Ah! There…”

Our eyes meet.

I remember being tasered once. In Bangkok. For fun. The way your body jerks involuntarily. They way your heart pumps so hard that you feel like you’ve been lifted off the ground. The way your mind goes “bleep” for a moment.

The moment our eyes meet feels like that. It’s like seeing God. Or Devil.

My heart starts pounding like crazy.

How does one get the hot looksandthe genius brain?

The Chancellor’s gorgeous lips twist into a smirk. He curls his forefinger and motions for me to stand up.

I would laugh in his face, but this is not the time. After all, I need him. I want to come with him. He pins me with his stare, like a snake charmer, and I stand up slowly and straighten, not taking my eyes off him.

Shit, what is happening to me?

My brain tries to compile every bit of info I learned about him. But my treacherous body has its own opinion—my heart pounding, shiver running down my spine.
