Page 65 of Dirty Little Secret

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“Sorry. This is what I signed up for, and I plan on taking advantage of it every second of every day.” My eyes bore into LT’s as I say the words, Kendall’s reply barely registering as she storms off.

“Be nice. She’s having a rough day. Piper and Alexis can’t make it out today, and I can tell she’s lonely.”

“Not from what I saw earlier. She disappeared with—”

“No!” Willow screams, catching the attention of both my brothers and Max who are only a few feet away. “I don’t want to know.”

Now I’m rolling my eyes. “Fine, but I hope you realize that whatever is going on between them, it’s only just starting. If you want to be there for your friend, you need to know whose roller coaster she’s riding.”

“That was a really bad pun.” Groaning as she closes her eyes, LT’s body shivers. “I can’t unsee what I saw.”

Yeah, neither can I.

“Want to get out of here?”

I want to be alone with my girl. To hold her in my arms.

“We can’t. The party has barely started. Your parents just got here. We haven’t even said hi to them yet.”

Nodding in understanding, I take her hand in mine and let her lead me around the yard. Our friends congratulate us, some pretending to be shocked while others sport a knowing grin. The only people I think we truly shocked today are my parents. I know Willow’s parents always suspected there was something between us but mine seemed to have been oblivious.

With the slight nod of his head, my father pulls me aside, away from Willow who’s engrossed in conversation with my mother.

“What’s up?”

“I’m happy for you, son. James would be, too.”

I really fucking hope so. His blessing would mean a lot to me.

“Thanks, Dad.”

“Have you really loved her forever?” He seems surprised. When my mother asked for the details of how we fell in love, Willow simply said it started a long time ago.

“For as long as I can remember,” I answer honestly.

He only nods before changing the subject. “What’s going on with your brother? I saw you two arguing earlier. That doesn’t happen every day.”

No, it doesn’t. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I fought with either of them to the point I had to hold back from physically harming them.

“He’s being an ass, screwing around with a girl. I warned him off a little while ago, but he didn’t listen. She’s one of Willow’s friends, so I was a little hot when I found out he didn’t end it.”

“What if there’s more to it than you know? I mean, look at you and Willow. Sometimes there’s more than meets the eye.”

He has a good point, but knowing my brother, there’s no way he feels the same way about Kendall that I do about Willow. We’ve known each other for years. I’m not even sure when their tryst got started. Maybe that’s what I should have asked him instead of yelling about fucking her in the Palmers’ bathroom.

Which he claims he didn’t do.

His exact words were, “No penetration,” like that makes whatever went on in there better.

“You’re right.” Nodding at my father, I look around in search of Declan. He’s still standing with Micah and Max, but his eyes are focused on Kendall across the pool. And hers? They’re locked on his.

Fuck. Shit’s about to get complicated.

The way they’re looking at each other confirms they’re more than just a fling. Because I know that look in his eyes. I’ve seen it in my own reflection. He’s a possessed man.
