Page 20 of Risky Little Affair

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Oh! I forgot he was trying to convince mehewouldn’t be a distraction to me.

Closing his eyes, Micah finally continues, “I promise to give you all the time you need for school. To leave you alone when you want me to without getting upset. To not distract you to the best of my abilities. And, in return, all I ask is for you to give me a chance. I know I said I wanted to be your friend, Lex, but we both know that was a lie. I can’t just be your friend. I haven’t stopped picturing you beneath me since that night. I yanked it three times before I came over here today and once after I left. Watching your lips wrap around that fork made me jealous as fuck. Of a damn fork.

“I want you all the time. Every second of every day. It scares the hell out of me because I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you. And I don’t want to screw this up, so you get to make the rules. You set the terms of our agreement. I’ll go along with anything as long as it means I get to kiss you before I walk out this door tonight.”

Micah sits with his eyes closed as he waits for me to answer him. He threw out words likerulesandterms. Things I didn’t realize existed in relationships. Not that I’ve ever been in a serious relationship. My last boyfriend lasted ten weeks. Long enough to steal my virginity before he broke up with me for the bitch that bullied me. Not that I was heartbroken. I used him as much as he used me. I was sick of being a virgin and I honestly didn’t care enough about him to even cry when our relationship ended.

I was focused on school back then and I’m focused now, four years later.

Between then and now there’s been about five guys I’ve welcomed into my bed. For one night only. No strings attached. The same way I did Micah. I’ve made sure my needs are met at least once a year. But the idea of that happening more often, with Micah, has desire stirring, and my blood heating.

“Okay,” I hear myself say.

Micah’s eyes finally pop open, his mouth lifting upward at the corners. “Okay?” he echoes, nodding his head as I take a bite of pasta, drawing his attention to my mouth. “What are the terms?”

“You really want me to make rules and terms? That seems... wrong, I guess. Is that normal?”

Micah laughs, his shoulders relaxing as he picks up another piece of bread. The boy really does like the bread. I think he’s taken maybe two bites of real food.

“Funny you should say that. Kendall put terms on her relationship with Declan.”


This is news to me, but then again, K didn’t exactly tell us about Declan. Piper and I put the pieces together the night we discussed the camping trip.

“Yeah. They danced around each other for almost two months, and then she put a ban on sex for two weeks.”

“Why? That seems stupid. If you’ve already had sex, why take it away?”

“Um, no. They weren’t having sex. That’s the thing. Once she finally agreed to give him a shot, she made him wait twomoreweeks to have sex.”

“Hell no!” I scream, appalled at what he’s telling me. Micah’s left brow raises at my outburst. “Sorry. I just don’t see what the point was. I mean, it’s not like she wasn’t into him. Taking sex off the table makes things tense. It’s like putting a bowl of ice cream in front of a child and telling them they can’t have it. It’s all they’ll think about.”

“So does that mean one of your terms will not include a ban on sex?”

“We’ve already done it.”

“Three times.”

“Why would I want to deprive myself? That sounds like torture. If I think I’m distracted now, I can only imagine how bad it would be if you kissed me but wouldn’t make me come.”

“Say that again,” he demands, his voice deeper than before as he begins moving the boxes separating us.

“Say what?”

“Ask me to make you come.”

“That’s not what I said,” I state as he gets on his hands and knees, crawling toward me.

“Ask. Me.”

When his large palm lands on my thigh, slowly sliding toward the junction between my legs, my lips part and his name falls out on a breath. “Micah.”

“Is that a yes, Lex? Do you want me to make you come?”

“Please,” I beg as he lowers me to the carpet, covering my body with his much larger one.

When his lips capture mine, I let out a moan that seems to spur on his movements. And just like the last time we came together, we’re explosive.
