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He.Won't. Leave.

I've tried, on multiple occasions, to hint—not subtly— that Craig needs to find somewhere else to be tomorrow night. He's not a dumbass. He understands what I'm asking him. Yet, every time I ask him what his plans are, he says he's staying in, studying.

I've never seen him crack open a book, let alone study.

He's definitely being a cock block on purpose.

Growling in frustration as I toss my phone on my bed, I try to think of anywhere else we might be able to go. Somewhere I can make this special for my angel. She deserves better than my dorm room anyway. Maybe Craig is doing me a favor by being an asshole.

My phone chimes as the thought crosses my mind.

CRAIG: Tell me who she is, and I'll let you have the room.

This again. He's been trying to get me to tell him who I've been spending time with for over a week. He realized it was a girl when I came home that first night with a smile plastered on my face. I couldn't hide it. Evie and I had spent over an hour making out in the shadows behind her dorm. My lips were chapped, and my dick wouldn't stand down.

I wanted her even then. It was more of a physical draw. Now she's wiggled her way into my soul it feels like.

She's the sweetest person I've ever met. She has big goals and the drive to achieve them. We have a lot in common—our shared love of music, coffee addiction, hatred for romance movies—and it's easy to laugh with her. To be myself around her. I'm not putting on a show or trying to be the person I think she's looking for.

I'm just me, and she accepts that. She actually likes me.

ME: You don't know her.

CRAIG: See, I think I do. There's a reason you're hiding who she is.

Like I said, he's not stupid.

ME: You. Don't. Know. Her.

CRAIG: So you're not secretly sneaking around with Max's little sister?

ME: I don't have a death wish.

CRAIG: I'm pretty sure you do. And when Max finds out, I'll have the entire room to myself.

ME: You have a wild imagination.

CRAIG: I saw the way you looked at her. The chemistry between the two of you. You can't deny it. And suddenly she's not even on your radar? You've replaced her? I don't believe it for a second.

How in the hell am I going to get him to believe me? There has to be a way.

ME: Okay, you caught me. I'm an idiot. I'm seeing her. Don't bother telling Max. I'll drop by the house later and confess my sins. It's been nice knowing you.

CRAIG: Want me to come with you? You know, in case you need a ride to the hospital.

ME: You're such a good friend. No, asshole. I'm not seeing his sister. YOU DON'T KNOW HER!

CRAIG: You're serious? It's not Evie.

ME: Nope.

Please, please, please let him buy this.

CRAIG: Where did you meet her?

ME: Halloween Party.
