Page 40 of No Ordinary Hate

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He gets a strange look for a second and I don’t know how to read it. “I’m not one to coddle people. Especially not capable adults.” Glancing up ahead, he calls to the kids, “Get back on the path, you guys. There’s a swamp coming up that you won’t see until you’re in it.”

* * *

I’m hardly aware that two hours have passed. When I hear the boys’ shouts of excitement, I know we’re just around the corner from our destination.

When we reach the base of Copper Creek Falls, I feel like we’ve just strolled into the Garden of Eden. The woods open up to the base of a small mountain with a waterfall rushing down into a crystal-clear swimming hole. The trees surrounding it offer a cool shade, but the center of the water is the focus of a golden ray of sunshine that beats down like a heavenly sign. The falls pour right into the center, and it’s all I can do not to run so I can stand right under them.

As though reading my mind, Digger smiles at me. “Worth the trip?”

“Definitely,” I answer, inhaling the scent of the fresh mountain air.

“Kids, do you want to eat lunch now or swim?” he asks.

The unanimous decision is swimming.

I find a large rock close to the swimming hole and strip down to my bikini. Then I wade out until I’m only a few feet from the falls. Pure joy builds inside of me, and I release a laugh of delight as I feel the cool water pour down on me. It’s as though it’s washing away all of my worries.

I don’t know how long I’m there, but when I finally look up, I see that Digger has taken off his clothes too. In his swim trunks, he wades out with the kids surrounding him. Lily is in his arms as he somehow manages to keep an eye on the other four children. My mind wanders through all the little moments he’s had with my kids and his nephews—how patient he is when he teaches them something new, how playful he can be, and how his eyes light up when they call his name. This is what a real dad is like. He’s in the moment with the people he cares about. Not a million miles away accepting an award or tapping away on his phone to his agent. My heart squeezes as I watch him and I can’t help but think how sad it is that he doesn’t want to be a father. He would make a wonderful one. A sexy one, too.

Where did that come from?

The goosebumps that pop up on my skin have nothing to do with the temperature of the water. I should not be thinking about this man in such a way, but even as I admonish myself, I swear I feel an egg drop. Shaking my head harshly, I force that image out of my mind.

I’m already married, but to a man who never should have had kids. I need to divorce Brett before I can eventhinkabout having another relationship. Not that I really want one. I’m not about to be taken for a fool again.

Digger walks back to the shore and puts Lily down. She waves at me with one hand as she picks up an apple with the other. Then she sits on a rock to eat it. I’m so focused on her that I don’t realize Digger is coming toward me until he’s practically on top of me.

I let out a squeak of surprise which causes him to chuckle. “You seem to be having a good time.” His voice is warm and thick like maple syrup. A tingle shoots from the base of my neck all the way down to more interesting places. It’s been so long since I’ve felt anything remotely like desire, the sensation almost buckles my knees.

“It’s beautiful here.” My voice is breathy and full of longing as I look fixedly up at him.

Digger glances behind him to check on the kids and then he takes a step closer to me. My whole body feels like an open nerve ending. Reaching out, he takes my elbows in his hands and pulls me closer. “I’m glad you decided to come up here with us.”

Releasing a sound like I’ve just eaten a baguette fresh out of the oven, I swallow hard as the heat rises between our nearly-nude bodies. “Mmmmm … me too.”

Digger stares into my eyes and moves even closer. “Harper …”

I haven’t made love to anyone in five years. Not since the night Lily was conceived. Five freaking years in the prime of my life! Good lord, I’m about to climb this man like a tree.

“Yes, Digger?” I lean in closer, lifting my chin so I’m at the perfect angle for him to kiss me.

His eyes flick down to my lips, but he doesn’t kiss me. Instead, he reaches up and touches my hair. “Don’t panic.”

“I won’t,” I whisper. “I mean it’s been a while, but I promise I won’t panic. In fact, I’ll probably enjoy it. Very much.”

He narrows his eyes at me for a second, then says, “You had a stonefly in your hair.”


“It’s gone now.” His mouth quirks up in amusement. “But what were you talking about?”

“Nothing,” I say, clearing my throat. I’m aflame with humiliation. I cannot believe I thought he was going to kiss me. And I was about to let him. “The … stonefly, obviously. Why? Did you think I thought you were going to kiss me or something?”

He grins down playfully at me. “It kind of seemed like it.”

“Dream on, buddy,” I scoff.

“So what had been a while then?” he asks, with a skeptical look.
