Page 83 of True North

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And then he’s pushing into me.

It feels exactly like what it is—a big dick ripping through my body. I throw my arm over my eyes and clench my teeth, desperately waiting for the burning to subside as Dominic stills inside of me. At least he has enough decency not to start moving right away, even though I can hear him panting from the effort it takes to stay motionless.

“Tess,” he groans my name. “I need this. I need to fuck you for real.”

The words make me clench without realizing it, my body creating a viselike grip around his cock. He lets his head drop beside mine, releasing a long groan into the pillow. If I felt hot before, there’s no comparison to how I feel now as I realize what I just inadvertently did.

“Sorry,” I whisper, sliding a hand down his back that’s already slick with a light sheen of sweat. “You can move,” I tell him. I’m not actually sure I’m ready, but I also don’t think I can just lie still to ease his current situation. I’m desperate to wriggle under him.

“Fucking finally,” he mutters.

Dominic pushes himself up and stares down at me, his face full of what feels like misplaced affection. I wasn’t really expecting this to turn into something that feels so huge. I close my eyes, not wanting to face it, but he grabs my cheeks and squeezes until my eyes pop open again to look at him.

“Every time you close your eyes or look somewhere other than at me, this is what you’re going to get,” he warns. I don’t even get a chance to brace myself before he pulls most of the way out and then drives back into me with enough force to shove me several inches up the bed.

I yelp as my head hits the headboard.

“That’s the only warning you’ll get,” he tells me, staring at me through his hooded eyes. He looks even more turned on now than he did sliding into me. I have to remind myself to breathe. “I want to know that every second I’m fucking you that I have your full attention. No wandering thoughts. No thinking of what this would be like with anyone else. There’s only me and you, every time.”

I feel my whole body flushing from head to toe.

“I’m not thinking of anyone else,” I tell him honestly. I can’t even begin to imagine trying to think of anyone else right now. I feel surrounded by him. His smell. His sweat rubbing against my skin as he brushes against me. His bedroom voice in a growly, possessive tone that’s somehow sexy despite how much I’ve disliked his alpha male bullshit for the most part until this very moment.

“Good,” he murmurs, and then he starts to move with slow, measured strokes as my body adjusts enough to his that eventually I start moving with him.

My hips rise to meet him as he presses into me with his full length. It feels spiritual having him grind against me as he makes sure I’m taking every bit of him. I recognize the second my orgasm starts to reach a slow build. I might have been a virgin, but I’m no stranger to gettingmyselfoff.

I curl my toes into the duvet, trying to hold off the inevitable because I want to savor every minute of this. I never thought I was missing much by not having sex, but I was so, so wrong.

You weren’t just missing sex. You were missing sex with Dominic, my wolf helpfully points out.

I huff, not exactly wanting her input at this moment. Not that she’s wrong. I highly doubt I would have gotten this kind of finesse out of any other man. Dominic knows what he’s doing, but there’s another layer. Everyone knows shifters are always better in bed with their true mates, and I hope that means this is affecting him even half as much as it is me.

But I’m growing restless with his methodical movements. I’m desperate for him to stoke the fire he’s set in me and make good on the unspoken promise to ruin me for anyone else.

More, I think. Then Dominic starts to thrust faster, and I realize I didn’t just think it, I said it to him across the mind link. It shouldn’t even be possible, but there it is. I can feel the connection from his wolf to mine. Like nothing we do will ever actually sever the bond bestowed upon us.

That. That is the thought running through my mind when I tip over the edge, crashing into a wave of pleasure that buries me under it.

I think I call out his name, but as my body practically convulses, everything disappears around me so I can’t quite be sure. Everything except his face. I never take my eyes off his face. Not even as I’m gasping while he milks me of every bit of pleasure I’m capable of.

It’s like he could go forever. Because as I lie here spent, no longer able to meet his thrusts, he keeps going with an almost renewed vigor. Like my orgasm poured energy directly into him. My body bounces around his soft mattress, and I wrap my hands around the back of his biceps to give me some semblance of control.

I’m so sensitive as he continues pulsing into me, but that only makes it hurt in the most delicious way. A reminder of what he just gave me. That orgasm was a whole gift.

I squeeze my fingers into his skin, and he sucks in a breath.

He drops to his elbows as he slows and moves one hand to rest on my unmarked neck. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that he touches me there; I make no effort to move him. The skin under his palm tingles as he gives one last groan and goes almost completely still. The only movement left is him finishing up a few painfully slow strokes as he lets my body pull everything out of him.

When he’s as spent as I am, he collapses on top of me. For a moment, the weight of him feels so good and so comforting. He feels like he belongs to me as I keep my hands on his arms, clutching him close. But all too soon, the weight of him is too much. He’s too big compared to me for me to hold him like this for long.

I tap his back in a silent request for him to move.

He rolls over with a groan, grabbing my hips to pull me along with him so that I wind up half strewn across his chest. He nuzzles his face against the crook of my neck, and my breath catches. This is much freaking better than lying alone.

I don’t know how long we lie there like that, but a strange impulse starts to build inside of me. Every time his breath blows across my neck, I can feel something within me willing him to go a step further. I try to chalk it up to sex brain and hormones and pheromones, but the longer we lie there, the harder it is to ignore.

Let him mark you, my wolf whispers, as traitorous as ever. Except right now, with sex brain, she doesn’t sound so crazy. Stability. Answers. A home. My mate. None of it sounds so bad. Not now that I know some of Dominic’s past and can see him as a real, three-dimensional person instead of just a monster who doesn’t care about my needs.
