Page 20 of Due North

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Leah steps out of the mini mansion in a fuzzy hot pink robe with her hair piled high on her head and a martini glass in her hand. “Fucking hell,” I mutter. I really shouldn’t be surprised.

“Who is that?” Tasha finally asks, leaning slightly toward me so she can look between the front seats through the front windshield.

Zeke lets out a low whistle followed by a booming laugh that finally eases some of the tension that’s settled in the car. I catch Tasha just as she glances curiously at me. I’ll tell her anything she wants to know if she’ll just fucking stay put.

“Come on,” I mumble, reaching out to grab her hand as Zeke pulls to a stop in front of the spot where Leah is now leaning against one of the two-story tall columns at the front of her house. I have no doubt that the mashup of styles means this must be a custom built home.

No one else would ever live in a monstrosity like this.

I’m surprised that Tasha comes along with me as easily as she does, sliding across the seat to climb out the door behind me. The second she has her feet on solid ground, she tears her hand from my grip. I barely manage to bite back a comment. I’m worried I’m going to make this situation worse before it gets better.

I keep my gaze trained on Tasha as she turns a slow circle to take in the empty expanse of land surrounding us on all sides. The land out here is rolling pastures. There are a few trees dotted here and there, but there’s no forest to get lost in.

Like everything else about this place, it works to my advantage. Even if she runs in the middle of nowhere, there’s no place to hide out here.

Only belatedly do I realize Zeke and Leah are carrying on a lively conversation without us. He’s swinging the key ring on his finger, so I don’t bother dragging Tasha along with me as I walk toward them. There’s nowhere else for her to go.

I hug Leah briefly and when I pull away, Tasha is standing beside me. Whatever she’s thinking right now, I’m relieved she at least chose to stand close to me instead of by Zeke or running straight to Leah.

I highly doubt Leah would lift a finger to help her since she’s secretly nervous of strangers, but Tasha doesn’t know that yet.

Leah takes a long pull of her mostly full drink and then eyes me speculatively. There’s half a minute of silence before she hauls the drink back and then splashes it right at my chest. I don’t bother feigning surprise. She’s always been unpredictable.

“At least you didn’t throw it in my face this time.” The last time it was vodka right in my fucking eyes. I give her my best unimpressed look as I drag the t-shirt over my head and drop it beside me on the front walkway.

I can feel eyes on me, and I know none of this makes any sense to Zeke or Tasha. Zeke doesn’t know me nearly well enough to understand this dynamic.

“Every week that old bastard calls to ask me if you’re coming back. As if I, who you never come to visit anymore, would have any idea what your plans are or why you’re still avoiding that poor fool all these years later. You’re bad for my soul, Paxton Glass.” She reaches forward and pinches my cheek affectionately. Of course my old trainer still calls her. I stopped answering his calls when I lost interest in fighting for profit, but I’m sure he still wishes I would come back to pad his wallet. He only has Leah’s number because he was forced to call her the only time I was actually injured in a fight. It wasn’t even that serious, but Leah has blamed the man for putting me in harm’s way ever since. I’m surprised she hasn’t blocked his calls.

“You’re lucky you’re one Glass I happen to like,” Leah continues, looking at my guests once more. “Now, who are you people again?”

Her gaze lands on Tasha and stays there, so I know she’s the one Leah is really asking about. On the rare occasion we do speak or see each other, she always comments on the high likelihood of me dying young and alone.

I’m well into my thirties, so the first part doesn’t feel like such a threat anymore.

And now there’s Tasha.

“Hi, I’m Tasha Jarreau,” Tasha speaks up, pointedly introducing herself by her full name. I can see the calculated way she studies Leah, no doubt trying to figure out her chances of getting help.

I press my fingertips to Tasha’s back and try not to grit my teeth when she instantly moves away from my touch. Fuck this is getting harder by the minute. I grunt and wave from Zeke to Leah. “Zeke’s a friend. Leah is my sister-in-law.”

“Ex sister-in-law.” Leah smiles with pride as she corrects me.

“Oh. Where’s your…” Tasha looks around like she’s hoping another person might appear to help her escape me. She’s out of luck on that one because no one else is coming.

“My brother is dead,” I explain quickly, taking a little too much joy in dampening her hopes. “Leah killed him.”

“You killed him?” Tasha sucks in a sharp breath, and the wary look returns to her eyes.

“He deserved it,” Leah and I say at the same time. It’s a familiar refrain for our family.

Leah laughs.

I don’t.

Tasha takes a hesitant step back as if she’s worried that she might be next. As far as I know, my brother’s the only thing Leah’s ever killed. The woman is practically a saint to all other living creatures. And just in time to prove that point, a three-legged cat leaps off the edge of the front porch and struts past us.

The whole situation might be funny if I didn’t still have so much anger lingering under the surface. If I don’t get time alone with Tasha soon, I’m going to snap. She’s already been kept from me for too damn long.
