Page 15 of Cupid's Pack

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I’ve barely even been kissed. I wouldn’t even know what to do in bed with a man, would I? I shut the bedroom door behind me and launch myself at the bed, burying my head in the pillow. I feel ridiculous for even thinking these thoughts.

I ran away from a mate bond last night, and I barely made it away from those three shifters who clearly had bad intentions. I shouldn’t even be thinking about anything other than survival. Definitely not about this.


And now it’s all my wolf is thinking about too. I don’t know where the thought came from since Ian and Mason have barely touched me. Though each touch has left a fire burning in its wake. It must be because of all the adrenaline surging through my brain.

There’s a soft knock at the door, but I bury my burning face deeper in the pillows instead of responding. It creaks open on the hinges a moment later.

“Quinn?” The sound of Mason’s feet padding against the floor tells me how easily he eats up the space between the door and the bed. His weight makes the bed dip, and my body slides toward him. I’m secretly thrilled. “Ian thinks he upset you. He’s pacing the living room like he’s hoping to wear a permanent trail in the floorboards.” There’s humor and worry mixed in his voice, and my stomach dips pleasantly.

I lift my head enough to speak in a muffled voice, “He didn’t upset me. It’s stupid.”

Mason’s fingertips brush the back of my bare thigh, sending a surge of electricity up my spine. My breath catches. “Nothing is stupid when it comes to you. I know you must be overwhelmed, and I probably don’t know half of it.” He’s got that right. “But neither of us want you to go to bed upset. Tell me what’s wrong, and I’ll fix it, okay?”

For one stupid second, I toy with the idea of asking him to mark me. It’s the way mate bonds are solidified, and despite how often I’ve been asked to do it since I started helping my mom with her Cupid’s Pack duties they’re not actually easily broken.

I dismiss the thought as quickly as it comes, though.

I’m mated to twins, and we haven’t talked about what that means. I can’t ask one of them to mark me without knowing anything about either of them. The adrenaline and exhaustion are mixing into one hell of a volatile, emotional cocktail.

I should sleep—but I can’t sleep knowing I’ve kicked the twins both out of a bed.Just ask, my wolf insists. She’s growing tired of my indecision.

I hiss out a breath between my teeth as I turn on my side and look up at Mason through my eyelashes. “Maybe we could all share the bed,” I suggest quietly, holding my breath afterward as I wait for him to respond.

He sucks in a ragged breath as if he’s been punched in the gut, and the same surprise I saw on Ian’s face is mirrored on his twin’s. I’d maybe second-guess myself if it weren’t for his warm brown eyes roaming over the length of me, lingering on my bare legs. He doesn’t seem bothered by the suggestion so much as he seems like it tests his willpower. His hands flex in his lap as if he wants to touch me, but he doesn’t.

It’s probably for the best. My self-control feels like it’s holding on by the thinnest thread possible already.

“We really wouldn’t mind sleeping in the other room.” He seems to choose his words carefully, speaking slowly as his hands fist in his lap.

“I know.” If they make that suggestion one more time, I might actually scream. I couldn’t be any more obvious without begging. And there’s no chance I’ll do that considering I already feel anxious about putting myself out there.

Mason stands, and my heart sinks.

“I’ll go get Ian,” he says, taking a step backward while he keeps his eyes on me. “We’ll be complete gentlemen.”

I hope you won’t, my wolf thinks. She’s back at attention again with the option of being sandwiched between the twins for the night back on the table.

Settle down,I warn my wolf. The last thing we need to do tonight is throw ourselves at the men who protected us and gave us a safe place to stay. I can feel the mate bond pulsing between us, but I know better than anyone that some people choose not to mark their mates. And just like I don’t know Mason and Ian, they don’t know everything about me either, and my past might make them even more reluctant to embrace the unusual mate bond.

The realization sinks like a brick in my stomach as Mason leaves the bedroom to get Ian. I should warn them that I ran away from my pack before this goes any further, but I really don’t want to.

The dread is like a cold shower washing away my wolf’s libido.

I don’t want to force anyone to accept our mate bond. I should make sure they know they have an out; I don’t want to be anything like Jakob MacKay. Shifters deserve to have a choice, no matter what Fate has to say about it.

Ian comes bounding into the room. I’m fully prepared to offer the men an out until he launches himself at the bed. I gasp as I bounce on the mattress, settling only when Ian snakes his arm around my waist and tugs me close.

“This is going to be the best night of sleep I’ve ever had,” he says earnestly, leaning in to bury his face near my neck.

We’ve gone from zero to sixty very quickly.

I instinctively crane my neck and angle my body to cuddle into him more. The only person besides family that I’ve ever shared a bed with is Indie, but she likes to sleep as far away in the bed as possible, not touching at all. She always insisted on using her own blanket at sleepovers in order to not make accidental contact. She hates being touched in her sleep.

Ian apparently has no such qualms. His fingers dig into my hip like he’s hoping to keep me anchored to him.

I can feel Mason’s eyes on us from the doorway, but I don’t turn to look at him in case he looks jealous or upset. This has to be weird for the two of them, sharing a mate. Multiple mate bonds aren’t entirely unheard of… But I’ve never heard of siblings sharing a mate.
