Page 18 of Cupid's Pack

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It’s far too much pressure all at once. Emotionallyandphysically. I’m not prepared for the way my heart swells up for these two strangers, and I know the mate bond is mostly to blame, but there’s also a mix of gratitude in it.

They picked me. They chose me. They kept me here instead of letting me be even a cabin’s length away.

If I thought I started this night exhausted, it’s nothing compared to how I feel when my orgasm overtakes me, hitting me with enough impact to leave me feeling like I’ve been tossed against a wall. All the air is knocked out of me, and I’m left gasping as the tears finally fall and roll over my cheeks.

Mason lifts his head and notices, but he doesn’t comment as he wipes the tears away with the pad of his thumb. It’s so tender that it only makes tears fall faster, and I’m mortified as he leans down to kiss my wet cheek.

Between the two of them, I’m left limp and emotionally raw by the time Ian abandons his spot between my legs and moves up beside me in the bed. He takes one of my hands and wraps it between both of his own.

“Turn over.” Mason nudges at my shoulder.

I’m not sure exactly what he wants from me until he all but moves me like a doll, pushing me over onto Ian’s chest. Ian lets go of my hand and opens his arms to make a place for me to lie with my ear pressed to his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

Mason scoots in the bed until he’s plastered against my back, curling his hand over my waist so that I’m pinned between the two brothers. It’s not the most comfortable position I’ve ever been in, but it offers me something that makes it impossible to complain or consider moving away… It makes me feel safe.



I feel like I’m losing my mind.

I’ve circled this campground six times since waking up, and I still can’t find the source of my wolf’s agitation. I can feel his certainty that something important is just out of reach, but that’s all I have.

I’ve narrowed the feeling down to the east side of the campground solely based on how surly my wolf gets when we start to head west again. The campground is just too freaking big to search every square foot. Other campers are starting to look at me like I’m crazy as I set off on my seventh loop.

Give me a hint,I plead with my wolf. He’s been holding a grudge with me since I started hiding out in a cabin here in the middle of nowhere.

I swore when we left Alaska to head for the continental U.S., we were coming in search of a new home and pack, but I’ve yet to make good on it. I don’t know what I’m waiting for, but I kept thinking I would get a gut feeling when the right opportunity arose.

I can’t exactly storm onto just any pack land and beg for a home. Starting over is turning out to be a lot harder than I anticipated.

And now my wolf’s…whateveris going on. It isn’t helping, and it’s making me look like a psycho to shifters I otherwise might be spending my time trying to bond with. Maybe one of them will take pity on an adult orphan and take me home like a stray.

Focus. My wolf forces me to an abrupt stop, overruling the human side of me to get his way.Look through the trees.

I focus my stare between the trees ahead of me.No, dummy.My wolf nudges my attention to the left, toward a few trees separating two cabins from each other. I catch a glimpse of pink hair, and my wolf finally settles. Not his attitude, though, that seems to be permanently engaged.

See, you idiot?He growls his disapproval at me for being too slow to catch up as quickly as he expected.We found our mate.

A mate.

My feet start moving before my mind catches up, already being drawn in by the promise of something I didn’t ever dare to dream of. I’m flooded with relief as I follow the flashes of pink, darting between the trees in pursuit of her. Finally, a reason to belong somewhere.

I break through the tree line and freeze.

She’s beautiful—with long, pink hair tumbling down her back and curves I would lay down my life for. But my surprise over just how stunning she is isn’t the reason I stand frozen in place.

There are two men on either side of her. The three of them seem to be cooking something over a fire, and the easy way they move together confuses me. The easy affection makes my wolf groan and the ache in my chest ricochet up a notch.

She’s already with someone… Two someones? They all look awfully cozy together. The men touch her with a familiarity that belies intimacy.

I squint my eyes trying to get a clearer picture of the details, but I’m too far away.

Just walk by, my wolf urges.She’ll feel the mate bond and notice you.My wolf is a lot more confident than the rest of me.Do it.He’s also so insistent that I know there’s no way I’ll be able to walk away without one heck of an inner fight.

Why couldn’t I be one of those shifters that are fully in tune with their wolf? My wolf has a tendency to try to bulldoze me. I’m sure some of it has to do with the fact that I was born an Alpha with no pack left to lead.

By the time I was born, my pack was already struggling with numbers. By the time I was ten, my parents knew the situation was hopeless. They waited too long to have pups, and by the time I came along, their health was already bad. There wasn’t time for us to rebuild together.

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