Page 32 of Cupid's Pack

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It takes entirely too long before the words permeate my brain. I freeze with my finger dangerously close to the dark hairs peeking out over the button of his pants.

I swallow a sudden lump in my throat. “And bythis, you mean…?”

“I’ve never had sex before, Quinn.” He huffs out a self-deprecating laugh. “It’s okay if that changes things.”

I slide a few inches to position myself directly over the bulge that strains against the front of his pants again. “It doesn’t change anything for me if it doesn’t change anything for you. I’ve never gone to bed with anyone either—not like that.”

His breath catches.

For a long moment, neither of us says anything as the magnitude of the situation sets in. Then, Willem takes my hands in his and spreads his arms out, forcing me to lower my upper body to him.

He kisses me when I reach him. “Tell me something you’re bad at,” he requests when we break apart.

“I’m a terrible driver.” So bad that my dad paid menotto get my license when I was old enough. Confusion spears through me as the oddity of the question, given the circumstances and all, hits me. “Why?”

“Because if we’re doing this, I want to know it’s the real you that’s in this bed with me and not the fantasy version of you I made up in my head before we met. I don’t want to be picturing any version of you except the one I have in reality.” He brushes his fingers through my hair, pushing strands behind my shoulder.

Strip your clothes off right now and throw yourself at this man’s feet, my wolf demands.

I couldn’t even if I wanted because I’m frozen in place at the sweet confession. I’m not sure if anyone has ever been as considerate of me in my entire life. He’s already put thought into this, and it only makes me more certain that if I’m going to have sex for the first time, it should be with him.

Yes, we’re on the same page.My wolf huffs at me in exasperation, spurring me to get on with it.

Wordlessly, I plant my hands on his chest to push myself up to straddle him once again. I grab the hem of my shirt and pull it off my head. I toss it off the side of the bed. My shorts are a little trickier, especially with Willem’s heavy gaze roaming over me as I wiggle to pull them off without getting off of him.

I feel exposed in only my underwear, but Willem wastes no time joining me. He nudges my hips for me to move so he can undo his pants and shove them down. He jerks his legs for a moment until he frees himself. Only once he returns his hands to my hips to pull me back fully on top of him do I realize he’s ditched his underwear too.

The only thing left between us is the thin cotton barrier of my underwear.

“Hold my ankles,” I tell Willem, my voice shockingly raspy.

He obliges, wrapping long fingers around my ankles with a caress. I use his grip to help steady me as I stand on the bed. I keep my eyes on him as I reach behind me and unhook the clasp of my bra, letting it flutter to his chest. He sucks in a ragged breath.

I move to my panties next, hooking my fingers into the waistband and taking a deep breath. Even though it’s not true—even though there’s a twin-sized notch on my bedpost—I feel like I’ve never been quitethisexposed in front of anyone.

The lights are on, so Willem sees every inch of me, every flaw, every imperfection, as I slide my panties down my thighs. I make it mid-thigh before they’re loose enough for me to drop them.

Willem’s nostrils flare as he carefully keeps hold of my ankle with one hand while pulling the panties off my foot with the other. He switches his grip and pulls them off the other side. He’s deliberate. And gentle. And everything I want.

We take each other in slowly, savoring the moment.

Look at his dick, my wolf practically purrs. I take him in, realizing that the bulge in his pants didn’t even do him justice. Not only does he have a decent length and girth, but there’s an unexpected curve to him that intrigues me.

Something else catches my eye.

“What is that?” I gape for a moment before stepping backward. He releases me instantly.

I take another step back, planting my feet near his calves, and drop to my knees. With a closer look, I can see what caught a glint of light.A piercing.My wolf is delighted. I look from Willem’s dick to his face and back again.

It’s so entirely unexpected that I can’t help but gape a little.

His dick jerks slightly under my intense gaze, and he lets out an embarrassed groan. “I sort of… forgot about that,” he mutters.

“How could you forget your dick is pierced?” I ask with a bit of a hysterical laugh. My first thought is to wonder if he lied about not having sex before. What virgin would have his dick pierced? But I dismiss the thought as quickly as it comes. There’s no reason for him to lie to me about something like that, not when he seemed uncomfortable admitting it. “Why?” Awe leaks into my voice, lightening my tone as I stare at the ring glinting in the light.

“I, uh, wanted to spice things up for myself.” He sounds pained by the admission, like he’s having his teeth pulled as he speaks his truth.

“For touching yourself?” My voice squeaks, and I can feel a blush start working its way up my chest. The mental image of him touching himself is too much. “Will you show me?”
