Page 31 of Cupid's Pack

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I huff and cross my arms over my chest, purposely tightening them around myself so that it pushes my chest up in the hopes of enticing him. He barely flicks his eyes in that direction.

“Willem, do you have any idea how painful dinner was tonight? I could feel you plastered against me on one side, and Mason was palming my thigh on the other. I spent half the dinner tuning everyone out while I considered sneaking off to the bathroom to touch myself!”

He gapes at me for a moment, eyes wide as the smile falls in favor of him opening and closing his mouth while he gathers his words. After a moment, his voice comes out low, tight, and pained. “Quinn, love, if you need to be touched that badly, you only have to ask.”



I squirm on the bed, staring back at Willem as he looks at me expectantly. He’s waiting for me to ask him outright to touch me, but it takes me a second to gather the courage.

I’m not worried about rejection anymore—instead, I’m worried that his touch won’t be enough. Part of me feels hollow and needy.

I’m having a lot of filthy fantasies lately that feel insanely out of character for me.But not for me, my wolf points out smugly. She seems to be bringing the best out of me as she not-so-patiently waits for me to say the words and bring Willem to bed.

This mate is so nice; he’ll be so gentle,my wolf prods.And did you see the size of his bulge?

“What are you blushing so hard for?” Willem asks, genuine curiosity in his voice as he gazes down at me. I press my lips together tightly and drag in a shallow breath through my nose. He quirks an eyebrow at me, and the heat building inside of me only grows hotter.

“No reason,” I blurt out hastily.

Willem reaches out and wraps one hand loosely around my ankle, holding me. “You can tell me anything.” The sincerity in his voice makes my heart lurch.

His hand on my ankle is enough contact to make my body buzz with the awareness it had at the dinner table. I’m not sure if he just senses the reaction or if something on my face gives it away. He slides his hand a few inches higher on my leg, though, and I feel like I could melt my way through the mattress and land on the floor beneath the bed.

Willem swallows hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing noticeably with the effort.

“I want to touch you,” I say suddenly; the words come out rushed and garbled together.

His lips part and hang open, no words passing through them for a long moment. “I think you just gave me a heart attack.” He releases my leg to rub at his chest, and I ache for his touch instantly.

I push myself up higher on the bed, my wolf spurring me on even as the human side of me second-guesses myself.

“Willem.” His name is a breathy sigh on my lips as I reach for him. “You said all I have to do is ask. Well, I’m asking. Please touch me, and please let me touch you.”

“I’m never going to deny you anything,” he vows, swaying toward me.

I take advantage and grab a fistful of his shirt, pulling him onto the bed. He comes to me easily, crawling over me on the center of the bed. Something seems off, though. Something is just… not quite right. I push at his shoulder until he rolls over.

“That’s better,” I say as I throw my leg over his waist and straddle him, needing to settle against him and feel any kind of pressure against my aching core.

Willem grabs my waist and stops me before I sink all the way down on top of him. In a tight voice, he warns, “I think I might be getting the wrong idea here.”

“I’m hoping it’s the right idea,” I admit, clenching my knees at his hips. Is it so bad to want to appreciate one of my mates without all the complications and fear?

Just one night—and tomorrow I can go back to worrying over how to deal with Jakob and returning home. That’s my vow to myself.

“You’re an angel, you know that?” Willem’s eyes skim over me, his heated gaze making me feel naked even though I’m still fully dressed. I don’t want to be an angel tonight, though. Something inside of me feels a little devilish, and I want to pull something like that out of him too.

I tug at his shirt, doing my best to drag it off of him. He has no choice but to let go of my hips and help me, sitting half up so I can pull it over his head. And while I was expecting a lot of things from Willem, I wasn’t expecting the hard abs that greet me. I’d noticed that he was lean and muscled before and after shifting, but something about the way he lies beneath me highlights his physique.

I’m helpless to stop myself from gaping at him.

He laughs nervously and drops back on the bed. “I should probably warn you before this goes any further.”

“Warn me of what?” I can’t take my eyes off the ridges of his abs. He looks like someone sculpted him from stone. I could tell he was fit but not like this. I run a finger down one side, marveling at the feel.

“I’ve never done this before.”
