Page 37 of Cupid's Pack

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And I don’t know what that looks like yet.

Ian walks back into the room and grabs my hand. He tugs me toward Willem, who stands from his chair as Ian maneuvers me in between the two of them.

I blink up at Ian in surprise as he nudges me a step backward against Willem’s chest.

“You need a distraction,” Ian announces. “We can’t keep doingwhat ifover and over. Let’s give you something else to focus on.”


He cuts me off, leaning in to kiss me. My head drops back against Willem’s collarbone.

I’m hesitant as I kiss him back, worried that this is too weird. It’s not like I’ve seen examples of polyamory working this way. But as Ian leans into the kiss, Willem runs the backs of his fingers up my arms.

I split my lips to let Ian in, our tongues entwined as Willem’s hands move to my hips. Willem pulls me more flush against him, letting me feel him as he grows hard watching me kiss someone else up close. My own body aches pressed between the pair of them.

It takes too long for the sound of a door opening to permeate my lust-hazed brain.

A throat clears, and the three of us all jump apart as if we can magically erase what’s already been seen. Mason, their dad, and their stepmom all hover in the space between the living area and dining room. Tia looks embarrassed, but their dad’s blank expression gives nothing away.

“I guess our distraction worked a little too well,” Willem mutters, staring at his feet.

Ian nudges me slightly behind him as if trying to protect me from prying eyes. I bite back a wry laugh. It’s a little late for that.

Mason says, awkwardly loud, “I told them they might want to say goodbye early so we can make good use of the daylight.” He tousles his own hair, letting the top pieces dangle nearly in front of his eyes.

“Right. Good idea.” Ian’s squeaky voice might be funny in different circumstances.

His dad strides forward to clap Ian on the shoulder and abruptly give him the quickest hug I’ve ever seen. “You and your brother take care of each other out there. And all of you are welcome back if you need a safe place. Whether you’re…” He coughs. “Togetheror not.”

I’m not sure if he meanstogether, togetheror if he means traveling as a group. I definitely don’t intend to clarify, so I keep my mouth shut as my embarrassment runs its course.

The way he nods to me next before offering the same awkward hug to Mason seems to say he’s not too bothered, at least. Tia gives the twins proper hugs, waiting to say anything until she’s face-to-face with me.

“Take care of our boys,” she says softly before pulling me into a hug so tight it squeezes the air out of my lungs. My breath catches in my throat as I nod, leaning into the warmth of her hug and wishing things hadn’t gone so south with my own mom.

They exchange a few more pleasantries before they leave, thrusting the guest house into an awkward silence when the front door shuts soundly behind them.

“A little warning next time would be cool,” Ian says, coughing out a choked laugh.

Mason’s cheeks turn bright red. “I needed to talk to them before we left. They were worried we would sneak out without saying anything if they didn’t come now.” It makes sense. Especially considering if what I picked up from dinner last night is accurate, I’m pretty sure Ian didn’t say a word before disappearing to reunite with Mason.

Part of me wants to ask Mason what he talked to them about, but when I make eye contact with him, he shakes his head.Later.

I swallow the question and square my shoulders before turning to have them all in my line of vision. “So we’re doing this?” I ask.

“Yes,” they answer collectively. No hesitation.

Part of me still feels like the rug could be ripped out from under me at any moment. It’s hard to believe these three men are really going along with sharing me and helping me to figure out my Jakob problem. I know a lot of it is the drive of the mate bond, but I hope getting to know each other is helping to build a real foundation behind that.

Am I greedy? Maybe. But I feel like maybe I’m slowly figuring out what love actually looks like, and I won’t let that slip through my fingers.

Not so long as the heart stones in my bag keep guiding me back to them.



I rub at my tired eyes before turning to Ian. “Can I carry that?”
