Page 41 of Cupid's Pack

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I frown as Sailor glances at Ian’s hand and dismissively turns away without acknowledging him. It’s a jerk move. I tense to step forward and call Sailor on it, but Willem tugs me harder against him to keep me in place.

It’s okay,Ian reassures me. I didn’t realize he was paying attention to my reaction.

The attention is back on me again, and this time, Sailor realizes it. He looks at me too, pinning me with an unreadable expression as he stops an equal distance from all of us as Otto walks right up to me.

“Mason tells me you’re proficient in self-defense?” He raises one eyebrow.

“I know some things.” I’m humble enough not to consider myself proficient. The last incident with Jakob springs to mind. I let him catch me off guard; I wouldn’t consider that proficient.

“Anything you don’t know, Sailor here can help with. We’ll start the four of you off on some practice sparring just to see skill levels, and then we’ll get you set up to do some one-on-one exhibitions with Sailor.” Otto explains his plan calmly, as if he’s not sending anxiety flooding through my every blood cell.

One-on-one with the man who set my heart stone off in a way I’ve never before seen is not what I had in mind.

Why are you complaining? my wolf asks. These newest mate bonds are working out great.She forces my attention to turn fondly to the three men I’ve spent all my recent time with.

“Pair off,” Sailor barks.

Mason meets my eyes. “You’re with me, Quinn.”

Willem lets me go easily once Mason starts toward me. “Are you going to go easy on me?” I joke, batting my eyelashes at him.

“Nope.” He leans in close, and I hold my breath until I realize he doesn’t plan to actually kiss me. He smirks. “That’s why you need to be with me. These other two would treat you with kid-gloves. I know better, and I want to see the best you’ve got, beautiful.”

My lips curl up at him. I like that Mason doesn’t underestimate me.

Sailor catches my eye from over his shoulder, and I look up at him in time to see him scowl before turning away.

Strip, my wolf insists.That’ll get his attention.

It’s not what I should be focused on at the moment, but once she gives me the idea, I can’t shake it off. I walk to the side for a moment and strip my T-shirt off over my head, leaving me in nothing but a teal sports bra. Mason gapes at me as I walk back to him, and I carefully keep my eyes on him.

“It’s hot,” I explain with a shrug as he shakes his head, eyes bugging. My voice is light with forced innocence as I announce, “I’m ready.”

My state of undress throws Mason off at first, especially when Sailor or Otto moves closer to check out how we’re doing. But eventually he stops focusing on how much skin I’m baring and we manage to go through the paces together.

A few times, Otto corrects posture or shows the right way to throw a hit, but Sailor says nothing.

We spend the first hour practicing in human form and the second hour in shifted form. I’m more practiced in human form, and it shows. When Sailor finally deigns to speak to me, it’s with harsh words.

“You haven’t given your wolf enough attention. You’re weak in wolf form, and it shows. If someone catches you shifted, you’ll have no hope of protecting yourself.” The words are biting, and parts of me ache with disappointment in a way that I don’t quite understand. Why should his criticism do anything other than annoy me?

Willem shifts back into human form, abandoning his sparring with Ian to take a few steps in our direction. “Watch it,” he warns with a soft growl.

Sailor barely spares him a dismissive look, which pulls growls from the twins. My own wolf, as distracted as she is by the thought of a sexy new mate, comes to angry attention at his blatant dismissal.

Otto clears his throat, casting guarded eyes around our group. “Why don’t we break for lunch? After everyone gets a break, Sailor can work with you individually on your weak spots. For the most part, you all seem to have the basics down.” He assures us we’ve done a good job before excusing himself.

Mason and Ian both shift to human form, but I stay in wolf form. Sailor’s words about my wolf play over and over in my head.

I need to run and clear my head,I tell the guys.

You can’t go outside the gates by yourself.Mason drops the shirt he was about to pull on, and I know he’s about to shift and insist on following me.

“I’ll guard her,” Sailor announces aloud solemnly.

He jerks his shirt over his head as my three guys all look warily at him. No one comments on the fact that Sailor just intruded on our mind link, and I’m glad because I’m in no mood to discuss it. I don’t miss the leery looks that pass through my three guys, though.

I don’t need a babysitter,I protest. Especially one who doesn’t particularly seem to like me.
