Page 54 of Cupid's Pack

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She knows how to protect herself, and she also has the full disposal of Cupid’s Pack at her fingertips. Not to mention how many other pack allies she’s made over the years. There are plenty of shifters who would rush to defend her.

“You’d be surprised how defenseless a mother can be when you threaten her sweet, little daughter. And I can be very creative when it comes to thinking of threats to tell her of what I plan to do with you once I get you home.” Jakob’s words make me nauseous, but I fight the bile rising in my throat. I will not showanyweakness in front of him. “Most of those ideas won’t even be a lie. I have a dark basement with your name on it, babe.”

“Don’t call me that,” I snap. He’s piling on the threats, but it doesn’t scare me. His taunting only serves to make me angry.

Jakob glances at Sailor. “Obviously she won’t speak to me like that after I’ve—”

“Finish that sentence and I’ll pull your tongue out of your mouth.” Sailor vibrates against me with barely controlled anger. I know he doesn’t want to put me in harm’s way, but I’m not sure how much more of this he’s going to put up with.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a lot of choices but to stand here and take it. We can’t turn our backs on Jakob without knowing his plan.

“Come on, little girl. Wouldn’t it be easier to come be my pretty trophy Luna before anyone gets hurt? Once I’ve marked you, you won’t even have to lift a finger unless it’s to please me.” Jakob palms himself through the front of his pants, leaving no question what he refers to.

I gag outright.

“I would sooner cut off that piece of your anatomy than touch it.” Venom drips from my voice as I sneer at him.

Jakob snickers, rolling his eyes toward the dense canopy of the trees before glancing back down at me with a smirk. “I don’t think you’ll be complaining so much when I’ve got you choking on my cock.”

Sailor’s grip on me slips away, and I don’t fight him on it. I’m barely keeping myself back as it is, there’s no way I’m actually doing anything to keep him restrained. Sailor curls his hands into fists but holds his ground. He’s a livewire, though. Ready to ignite at a moment’s notice.

I take a half-step forward, my eyes narrowing as I stare, unamused, at Jakob. In the back of my mind, my wolf fantasizes about a dozen ways we could tear his limbs from his body—ranking them from least to most painful.

I know I’m close to tipping over the line where I’m not in neutral territory anymore, but he’s saying all the right things to get to me. I’ve never carried so much hate in my heart for anyone, but I hate this man with everything inside of me. And I want to destroy him.

I don’t want him to be able to hurt anyone. Not me, not my family, and not whatever other shifters come along that he finds expendable for his own needs.

“You better hope I don’t get tired of playing this game with you, Quinn Cassidy. Or I might decide to play the long game instead. I’ll bet my men can keep you busy for oh, say—what is it, three years now before your sister turns eighteen and shifts?” My entire body tenses as the most evil smile I’ve ever seen crosses Jakob’s face. “Maybe I’ll just wait it out. I’ve always loved fucking a girl when she’s still feeling the pain of her first shift.”

I cross the line.



I know once I cross the line and leave neutral territory there’s no going back, but I do it anyway. I’ll do anything to keep Jakob away from my sister, no matter the consequences.

But Sailor doesn’t let me make it far. He twists his hand around the back of my crop top to hold me in place and keep me from getting any closer to Jakob.

“Let go of me,” I tell him, a snarl unlike I’ve ever heard before in my voice. I’ll end Jakob MacKay, even if it’s the very last thing I ever do.

“No.” He pulls me backward against his chest. “Don’t fall for that shit, Quinn. If any woman would do for what he has planned, he could have found someone a lot easier to go after by now.”

Sailor’s voice of reason cuts through the haze of my anger, forcing me to think logically, and I stop fighting against him. Jakob doesn’t say anything, and when I take a good look at him, I see why. His eyes are zeroed in on the stones tucked under my arm.

“Heart stones?” It’s not a question that Jakob knows what they are, his lips curling back as his eyes flicker up to mine. “Well, how about that? No wonder you have a fan club of bodyguards—they’re all waiting around hoping to get their hands on those rocks.”

That’s not why they’re with you,my wolf reassures me before any doubt can settle in.

“Just think, Kazan, if you get your hands on one of those, you could take any mate you want. Maybe an Alpha’s daughter from a nice, big pack since you lost yours.” Jakob smirks as Sailor’s chest rumbles angrily against my back.

“That’s not even how it works.” I can’t help but roll my eyes. A heart stone can’t force a mate bond the way he’s talking about. It can only help form a new bond made in good faith or strengthen a true mate bond. And even then, the heart stones choose who to respond to. They’re not simple rocks; they’re a living thing with their own thoughts and intentions.

Jakob’s simplified version is stupid. He clearly doesn’t know as much as he thinks about the stones in my hands.

Of course he doesn’t,my wolf pipes up, rumbling in my own chest.The jerk wouldn’t know love if it hit him in the face like a Mack truck. Actually, let’s go find a Mack truck. Maybe run his ass over.

“I don’t care how it works,” Jakob says bluntly, pulling me out of my wolf’s murderous thoughts. He points at my arms with a mean laugh. “But it looks like your little rocks like me. Look at the way they glow.”

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