Page 31 of Stay for Forever

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“I’ve asked you not to discuss killing your siblings in front of me,” Lyric mumbles before he grasps Lilac’s elbow and leads her out of the room.

“Why are you leading me away? I’m not the one threatening to commit sororicide,” I hear Lilac say, but I ignore her. She’s Lyric’s problem now.

I aim my daggers at Mom. “I’m being serious, Mom. Mav is not part of the family.”

“You should talk to him.”

I close my eyes and inhale a deep breath. Committing matricide at the hospital is a bad idea. I love my mom. I do. I don’t truly want to kill her, although it’s hard to remember why not at the moment. Besides, who would tend to my animals while I’m in prison?

“I’m sorry, June Bug. I didn’t mean to intrude.”

At Mav’s apology, my gaze lands on him. I scowl at him, but he appears genuinely upset. Am I being a bitch? I study the people in the room, but no one will meet my gaze. Yep. It’s confirmed. I’m a bitch.

“Let’s go,” I tell him and whirl around to march out of the room.

I don’t glance back, but I can hear him following me. We climb into the elevator.

“Can I—”

I shake my head. “Not yet.” He nods.

We exit the elevator, then the building, but I don’t stop. Not yet. We may not be in Winter Falls, but there are spies everywhere. I finally stop at the opposite end of the parking lot.

“What are you doing here?”

“Your mom messaged me to let me know Ellery’s having her baby. I didn’t think. I jumped in my car and rushed over here. I thought you might need me.”

He didn’t think. He thought I needed him and boom! He came here. My tummy warms at the idea. Damn. I hate how easily he can bring a response from my body.

“I’m sorry I was a bitch up there.”

“I understand. After you explained how,” he cringes. “the kiss made you feel, I can’t blame you.”

Good. At least, we understand each other now. Moving on.

“When are you leaving town?”

His brow wrinkles. “Leaving town? Why would I leave town?”

Because leaving is what he does best. He flits into town, we have a few wonderful days and I start to believe our relationship is going places, before – boom! – he’s off to greener pastures and I don’t hear from him for weeks.

I cross my arms over my chest. “When?”

“June Bug,” he whispers and reaches for me. I step back and his arm falls. “I deserve your anger.”

Gee. Ya think? I think he deserves an ass whopping but beating the hell out of your boss is frowned upon even when said boss deserves it and then there’s the whole thing about Winter Falls being non-violent.

“I’m not going anywhere until you give me a second chance.”

I raise an eyebrow. “So you can leave me high and dry again?”

“I didn’t mean…” His words fall off, and he shakes his head. “I need to earn your trust again.”

He does, but I have no idea how he could ever earn my trust back after proving to me a publicity stunt is more important than us.

“Have you guys made up yet?” Ashlyn shouts her question from across the parking lot.

“What do you think?”
