Page 30 of Stay for Forever

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Chapter 11

There’s one surefire way to catch a squirrel. Climb a tree and act like a nut.

Irush into the hospital with Rowan and Ashlyn. In front of us are my parents. Behind us are Aspen and Lyric and Lilac. It’s a West family invasion.

“Where do we go?” I ask as I search the area.

“This way.” Aspen motions toward the elevator. “Sage said the maternity ward is on the third floor.”

“I don’t understand how Sage got here before us,” I complain. “We’re the baby’s actual aunts.”

Rowan snorts. “If you don’t think the gossip gals have been scouting Ellery and Cole’s house for the past week, you’re sorely mistaken.”

My irritation dies a quick death. He’s not wrong. Naturally, the gossip gals have been camped outside of Ellery’s house waiting for the arrival of the baby. The small population of Winter Falls combined with the mostly aging residents means there aren’t many babies born. The arrival of Ellery and Cole’s child is a big deal. Not to mention the amount of betting surrounding the event has reached epic proportions.

Before the elevator doors even open, I hear Feather complaining, “I know Ellery West is here. I don’t give a toot about your stupid hip rules.”

“I should explain to her what HIPAA means,” Lilac mutters.

We exit the elevator to discover Feather, Petal, Sage, Cayenne, and Clove facing off with a nurse.

Cole steps out of a room, and Feather screeches, “There he is,” before charging toward him. “Where’s the baby? How is he? Is it a he? What did you name him?”

“Ellery’s fine by the way,” Ellery hollers from her room.

The gossip gals try to push past Cole, but he blocks them. “I’m sorry ladies. You’re going to have to wait in the reception area.”

“What about me? Do I have to stay in the reception area, too?” Mom asks before engulfing Cole in a hug. “Don’t worry. Daniel will escort them to the waiting room.”

Cole scans the area and gulps when he notices the crowd that’s gathered.

“Is the entire town of Winter Falls here?” he asks.

“No, just the gossip gals and West family,” Lilac answers.

Aspen elbows her. “He was being ironic.”

“I don’t think you understand the term ironic.”

Ellery screams, and Cole races into their hospital room without a backward glance.

“Come on,” Mom says and waves toward the waiting room.

I have no problem following her command. Unlike the gossip gals, I have no interest in observing the birth of my niece. I’ve seen enough animals born. I have no desire to watch my sister bear a child. I would never be able to scrub those memories from my mind. No thanks.

I stroll into the waiting room but skid to a stop when I notice the man who’s already sitting in one of the chairs.

“What are you doing here?” I yell at Mav.

Mom squirms next to me, and I snarl at her. “What did you do?”

“I invited him. He’s family.”

My eyebrows nearly fly off my forehead. “Family? Have you lost your mind? Have the high school kids finally driven you around the bend? Has too much sex with Dad caused you to lose all your brain cells?”

“Sex actually grows more brain cells,” Lilac explains. “Consistent sex generates brain cells in the area of the hippocampus. The hippocampus region is associated with information retention.”

“Can someone kill her for me?” I ask the ceiling.
