Page 85 of Ascension

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“It will all be fine,” Kali assures us with a nervous smile. I would really love to believe her. However, all the hyperventilating is sort of throwing me off.

“Tell me everything will be fine,” she pleads before burying her face in her hands.

“Everything will be fine,” I say, with a nonchalance, I don’t feel. Kali must sense this since she looks up at me from between her fingers, quirking a brow.

“That was so convincing Liv, you should be a motivational speaker.”

My eyes widen in surprise at the jab. Apparently, Kali has claws when she’s stressed.

“I didn’t mean that.” She sighs in frustration, banging her head against the table. Her full plate of food sitting untouched in front of her clatters against the hard surface.

“You really should eat,” I suggest, pulling apart a piece of my croissant and popping it in my mouth. I dart a pleading glance over to Domenic, but he merely shrugs, digging into his own meal. Zina and Lucas avert their gazes as I try to meet their eyes. I huff out an annoyed breath, redirecting my focus to Kali, forehead still plastered to the table.

Maybe I’m rubbing off a little too much on her, I muse. Since she seems to be adopting my flair for dramatics. “How am I supposed to eat at a time like this? The exam is in thirty minutes.”

“You need to eat though, your brain needs fuel. Don’t you know that?” I ask incredulously, staring back at her in shock. I have no idea if that is actually true or not. It sounds true, at least. Plus, eating would help distract her.

“What?” Her head pops up at my words. She immediately pulls her plate in front of her, before greedily shoveling the eggs into her mouth. I smother a laugh around a piece of melon, and pop the sweet fruit into my mouth.

“I’ve also heard that if you don’t know the material on the morning of the exam, cramming won’t make any difference. So if you don’t know the material by now, there’s really nothing else you can do,” Lucas offers before stuffing his mouth with a piece of toast. Kali’s fork pauses halfway to her mouth, lips parted, staring at him in silence.

The rest of us all whip our heads in his direction, fixing a glare on him.

“What? It’s true.” He shrugs, eating his toast as though nothing happened.

“It’s a good thing we all do know the material then,” Zina assures, giving Kali a wide smile. Domenic and I nod in agreement, desperately trying to placate her once more.

Thankfully, Kali moves her fork to her lips at that. I shoot Zina a grateful look and sigh in relief before finishing off the last few pieces of fruit on my plate.

“I think I’m more nervous about the practical portion anyway,” Kali admits, pushing her now empty plate away from her. “I have the knowledge part down, but my coordination has always been my downfall.”

The first part of our exam is the written portion, a combination of theoretical questions from our three courses. Followed by the practical portion. First, Professor Pallas would assess our meditation and grounding techniques. Then Professor Barros would grade us on our form through various defensive and offensive techniques.

“You’ll do great, girl. You’ve come so far in such a short time,” I admit sincerely. She really has, and so have the rest of us, I remind myself as I sense a familiar presence—my ever-present shadow lurking behind me. For someone who despised watching after me, I have to hand it to him. He really is persistent.

He continued to train with me all week, teaching me and pushing me past my comfort zone. Sure, a few insults were slung each way, but they only served to propel me harder and motivate me to improve my skills.

He even stuck around for Kyros’ study sessions at the end of the day. Thankfully saving me from having any more awkward conversations. Maximus and I have a silent agreement, meeting before and after classes for him to transport me to and from the house. Then we part ways at the front door, neither of us need to indulge the other in pointless conversation past our usual bickering. Neither of us brings up the moment in combat class again.

I haven’t seen Adrian or Mateo this week. When I finally mustered up the courage to ask Maximus about it, he reluctantly grumbled that they’d been with the majors. Attempting to change the council’s decision and find the source of the attacks on the school. They’re supposed to be arriving back tomorrow for the Ascension, and to update us on the progress they’ve made.

“Let’s go, princess. The exam isn’t going to wait for you.” He scowls down at me, arms crossed over his broad chest. I roll my eyes at him, making sure he sees the slight. Making sure I’m fully facing him, I pop the last piece of my croissant into my mouth and chew it slowly, taking my time to savor the tasty morsel.

“Any day now.” He grinds the words out, letting his dark energy slip from him a fraction before reigning it back in. I just cock an eyebrow in challenge. I’m beginning to see this growly bear of a man is really a teddy bear on the inside. I’ll break through that shell no matter how surly he tries to be.

I relent, rising to my feet and notice the others waiting for us by the door. Not wanting to be within striking distance of the god of destruction.

“You need to learn, Maxy boy. I’m not your pet. I don’t jump on your command,” I say sweetly.

“Boop,” I tease, my index finger raising to boop him on the nose at the same moment. I immediately turn on my heel, and, wasting no time I stride for the door, making sure to add a slight sway to my hips.

I strut straight for the assembly hall, meeting up with the others on the way and not daring to look back. Sure, I’m eighty percent confident he’s a cuddly teddy bear under that tough exterior.

That twenty percent, though—that twenty percent is screaming at me to run for the hills before the surly bastard catches up with me. So, I add a little hustle to my stride, pushing the voice to the back of my head that says he can catch up with me if he really wants.

“Do you have a death wish or something?” Domenic asks under his breath. I’m beginning to wonder the same thing as I take my seat near the back of the auditorium. Maximus’ angry glare burns a hole in the back of my head. Maybe I do. Perhaps that explains the reason why a smile plays on my lips, and my wish that I had gotten a picture of his shocked expression.

* * *
