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I take the lead he’s giving me, knowing these words need to be my own. Alpha to Alpha, pack leaders in an alliance discussion. We can’t risk pushing him away, not right now, despite the joy I’m sure Monte would take in it.

“I’ve recently learned that part of the negotiations between our two packs was for us to be married,” I say, keeping any hint of emotion from my voice, allowing it to take on the icy steel I can still see written across his face.

His jaw tightens at that, and my brows crease at his reaction. Had he not known that I was unaware of the deal between the two of them? I force myself not to look at Monte, a million thoughts rush through my mind right now, but I push them aside. I will get answers, but not yet. It will do none of us any good to make any assumptions right now.

“Monte and I were childhood sweethearts and recently reconnected. Now we’re engaged,” I breathe, the lie twisting around my stomach, leaving a sour taste in my mouth. Monte takes my hand in his, grasping the hand I hadn’t realized was still clutched to my chest and cradling it between his own in his lap.

“Funny that none of this came up before,” Everett grumbles, his eyes locking on Monte and narrowing in suspicion.

“I was loyal to my alpha. I had hoped he would change his mind, but I respected his decision.” Monte’s words don’t falter as he stares back at the alpha, our rival, and potential ally. I fight against expelling a relieved sigh when Everett nods in understanding, knowing Monte’s loyalty to my father.

“I didn’t know,” Everett turns back to me, his expression guarded but no longer holding the icy rage it held before. Confusion fogs my mind for a moment before I realize what he must be speaking of.

“And you just thought I wanted to marry someone I didn’t even know?” I scoff, finding this all so hard to believe. What did these men think, it was the early twentieth century and I was still just my father’s property to barter with?

His jaw grinds at my words, but he bites back his response, apparently not deigning to give me any sort of explanation. I mean, look at him. Why would he, of all people, enter into a marriage with someone he didn’t even know? This man could undoubtedly have any female he chooses. Not even taking into consideration his rugged appearance, all the female wolves would vie for him just given his position.

His gaze shutters even further, the crack in this shield being fortified by the second. But ...why do I care? We spoke the words of rejection. I shouldn’t care about wanting to break past his barriers. He’s simply the alpha of another wolf pack, one we need to strike a deal with now that my father’s one was entirely off the table.

“We really should get back to everything at stake,” I prompt, gently pulling my hand from Monte’s lap.

“Well, I would say this is pretty important, seeing as you want to renegotiate your father’s agreement,” Everett says, a steely glint in his cold eyes and I can almost see the wheels turning behind them. “Perhaps I don’t want to align myself with a pack so fickle that they change their mind on a whim.”

“What do you want?” I ask, my words coming out in a growl. Anger boils in my veins at his callous regard for the situation we’re in. I don’t understand this man. One moment he acts like the leader he should be, the next, he takes out his petty anger on me. “I’m not a prize or commodity to be won or bartered with,” I seethe, rising from my seat, and I slam my hands down onto his desk, punctuating my words. “Perhaps I don’t want to ally myself with a selfish bastard that thinks acting like a petulant child is more important than his pack’s safety.”

I dig my fingernails into the wood as I hold myself back, using every ounce of my willpower to keep myself from throttling him. My words ring thickly in the air, tension hanging between us as silence settles over the room. Panic surfaces as the haze of anger bleeds from my sight. Did I just potentially screw this alliance up before it even began?

“Good,” he says simply, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning leisurely in his chair.


“Yes, I had to make sure that you have a backbone. I need a powerful ally, not someone who will allow me to intimidate them or walk all over them. So yes, good.”

“You’re such a bastard,” I huff, flopping back in the seat. His eyes spark in challenge, a defiant glint entering them, and heat creeps to my cheeks. My wolf rises to the surface, not to protect me or take a stand against him. No, she yearns to claim him, to explore that challenge further.

“Well, it appears congratulations are in order then,” Everett says through gritted teeth, his seething anger seeping out. “Allow us to offer you both a celebratory dinner tonight.”

“I don’t have time for this,” I snap, gripping the arms of my chair. My fingers dig into the plush fabric, taking a bit of the edge off my building anger. “We need to figure out our plan of attack with the bears, and I need to find my father’s killer.”

I let my need for vengeance seep into my words, to focus myself on these two priorities playing like a never-ending loop in my mind. I couldn’t let myself become distracted with this alpha, my soulmate, and his petty games. For a moment, I actually think he might agree, his gaze softening a fraction, but any emotion I thought I glimpsed there is gone a moment later.

“I won’t discuss this any further, not now. If you want an alliance, you’ll come tonight. It wouldn’t be a very good look to reject your new ally’s invitation, now would it?” he asks, malice gleaming in his eyes. I swallow thickly at the implication held in them, but I don’t let it show. Instead, I simply stare back with a look of defiance, my gaze steely and unwavering.

“Stop wasting time,” I grind out. “We do this now.”

His eyes glitter with the promise of punishment at my defiant words. Standing with deadly confidence, he prowls around his desk towards me, and I waste no time, kicking the chair back and out of the way, giving myself room. Everett storms over to me, and I hold my place, not willing to step back even though it means I need to stare up at his looming form, reaching nearly a foot higher than my five-foot-six frame. I shoot a hand out behind me, gesturing for Monte to stand back at his approaching movements. To my relief, he obeys, but his rage is so palpable I can almost feel it roiling off of him.

Everett’s eyes lock on mine as he pushes his dominance out at me to catch me off guard. But I meet him partway, both of us stepping into each other, our power meeting in the middle in an unyielding shield. I expect the forces to slam off of each other with a destructive force, but instead, they twine together, meeting in a glorious meld. Colliding in a symphony of sound, their sweet music sings in my ears.

His gaze loses some of its steely edge at the feeling of bliss that washes over both of us from the sweet twining of our power. My chest aches to lean in those few remaining inches, to let my body mold against his muscular chest just as our powers do with one another. But I fight the urge, fisting my hands at my side, my body going rigid with the effort.

“Leave us,” Everett growls, his eyes flicking over my shoulder.

“You’re not my alpha,” Monte says defiantly, but I can hear the slight waver to his voice as he fights against his instincts. I could withstand the power pulsing from Everett, but Monte must be clinging to the last shreds of his defiance to still be standing right now.

“It’s fine Monte, I’ll be right out.” My voice softens for him, needing him to get out of the room, out of the force of the power I can’t let drop until Everett does. I sneer at the alpha before me, my tone hardening. “It appears this trip was a complete waste of our time.”

Everett’s hand twitches at his side, and my gaze is drawn to the movement. My mind can’t help but wonder what he yearned to do. Pull me closer to him, his rough, calloused hands gripping my arms, pressing me against his muscled chest? I can see clearly through the well-fitted dress shirt. I really need to stop allowing my head to wander in that direction.
