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About twenty pack members line the long dining table, a mix of females and males interspersed. Light instrumental music plays in the background, still low enough for everyone to carry on with their conversations. Two chairs sit to the right of the alpha and two on the left. Before I can narrow my eyes on him for attempting some sort of trick, he gestures to the seats on the left, rising from his chair to greet us.

Monte follows behind me while the three other betas spread out, one moving to take guard behind us and the others taking their place in two opposite corners. Their keen eyes survey the room, keeping an eye out for any sign of attack.

“So glad you could make it,” Everett says gruffly. I bite back the retort that springs to my lips, the one wanting to dig into him about not having much of a choice.

I drink in every inch of him, my wolf reveling in his scent of crisp pine and leather. I almost jump back in surprise when he steps forward, and Monte stiffens, coming up to my side. But Everett splays his hands wide in a placating gesture before his arms wrap around me. My instincts spike at the contact, wanting to stiffen and back away because of the threat he poses, but also wanting to soak in his touch as his mate.

Deciding on a compromise, I let his arms twine around me, and I wrap my own around his waist, his form too tall to give him a less intimate embrace. He presses me into his firm chest, and I fight against the urge to burrow my face into him. Heat rushes through me at the feeling of his body against mine, as though it’s rising to chase away the chill left by him. His icy touch doesn’t make me want to back away from him, though. The cold dances on my skin, coaxing my heat to rise up and meld together in perfect harmony of two equal battling forces.

He rests one hand between my shoulder blades and the other at the small of my back, his fingers barely brushing against the curve of my ass. But even that small contact ignites the flames of desire within me. His chest vibrates with his silent chuckles as he scents my arousal. Bastard.

But I’m not the only one affected by our proximity.No, not in the slightest, I think smugly as his length thickens against me. I shift my arm furthest from the table, my movement so quick I’m sure no one can see, and a moment later my dagger is pressed against the growing hardness pressed against my stomach. His muscles tense under my hand, still resting on his back as he registers the sharp press of my blade.

“It seems you’re not as unaffected as you pretend, Alpha.” I sneer the word, keeping my voice pitched low so only he can hear me. “Just watch yourself, or you may lose your favorite appendage.”

He slowly pulls away, and I smile up at him, still giving him that too sweet smile again. To my surprise, he doesn’t snarl, growl, or lunge for me—he smiles back. A wide, genuine grin stretches across his face as he stares back at me. Amusement dancing in those icy eyes, warming them a fraction. Using the cover of our still too close forms, I slip my dagger back into its sheath and back away, stepping into Monte’s side.

I run a hand over his shoulder, urging him to ease the tension there. Because if we openly show any sort of animosity towards their alpha, tonight would turn out catastrophic. To my relief, he relaxes his stance, the unease fleeing now that I’m pressed along his side, my fingers drawing lazy circles over his bicep.

“Always good to see you, Alpha Draven,” Everett drawls, his mouth lifting in a taunting smile as he takes his time perusing every inch of me. With the way Monte stiffens, again, I know it’s done to rile him instead of me this time, to punctuate the connection we share despite the ring placed on my finger.

“Please, take a seat.” Everett motions to the spot beside him, and he slowly retreats. His eyes never leave me as I follow, slipping into the white plush dining chair. Monte settles beside me and pulls my hand into his, playing with the ring on my finger. I cover up the huff of annoyance that slowly escapes my lips and gently extricate my hand from his. I have no idea if he did that for comfort, but this engagement isn’t real, I’m not his, and we can’t afford for him to have a pissing contest with Everett.

Before I can gauge his reaction, Everett raises a glass and the room quiets around us. My lips purse as I survey the table, searching for the wine glass before me. To my relief, it sits empty. There is no way I’ll be letting him trick me into drinking something that had already been sitting here. Nope, no poison for me today, thank you very much.

A server appears at my side, even going as far as to open the sealed bottle before me. Everett lowers his glass to receive some of the deep red wine, and only then do I realize his glass had been empty the entire time. She pours a sip for him and he swirls it around in his glass before lifting the rim to his lips. My eyes are riveted on the long muscles in his neck working as he downs the small amount poured, a sign of good faith.

“Alpha?” the server asks nervously, her words wavering between trembling lips.

I expect her to be looking at Everett, but when I look up, her eyes are cast in my direction, darting down as my attention moves to her. Giving her a tight smile and nod, I reel some of my power back in, completely forgetting I was still projecting it across the room. I don’t miss the collective sigh as I draw it back. It’s still sitting on the surface, but not as overpowering now.

Everett gives me a wry smile as the server gives me a grateful expression, pouring between both my glass and Everett’s in equal amounts. A show of respect to both myself and his pack that we are trusted guests. She pours Monte’s next and retreats, backing down the closest hallway to what I can only assume is the kitchen given the bustling sounds that escape once she opens the door.

“Thank you everyone for coming with such short notice.” Everett’s voice sweeps over the table and he’s met with a chorus of cheers, his betas giving him friendly words, the camaraderie evident.

My brows crease in surprise as I take in the interaction, but I hurriedly smooth them out. If that had been my father, he would have reprimanded anyone for speaking out while he was in the middle of a speech, especially with guests from another pack. But Everett simply chuckles, the sound deep and throaty, sinking deep into my bones, leaving a comforting warmth in its wake.

“I’d hoped my second and third could have attended tonight,” he says, gesturing to the two empty spots on his right. “But they must be off causing some sort of mayhem.”

His words are met with a chorus of laughs from both the females and males around the table, as though the remark is some sort of inside joke amongst them all. I openly glare at him and his blasé tone, not caring who sees it. His high ranking advisors were supposed to be here tonight so we could go over plans on how to move against the bears. That was the whole reason for this farce to begin with. Everett doesn’t even bother to appear chagrined at my look of contempt, he merely cocks his brow in question, a hint of amusement playing in his gaze.

“We’ve done our best to keep this news under wraps, but Alpha Godric Draven was killed last week.”

Murmurs spread like wildfire around the table. Just as I’d expected by the surprise on each of their faces, no one had been made aware. The anger slips away from me at the mention of my father, and I school my face, not allowing anyone see past the mask I need to bear. “We didn’t want to scare anyone with the news, since as you all know, we’ve been in talks with the Draven pack to unite against the bears.”

Growls and snarls sound around the room at the mention of the Langley sleuth. But their sounds of disdain cut off as Everett raises his hand. I glance over at him, his presence strong and commanding yet understanding of his pack and their losses at the hands of the bears. I let a glimmer of respect shine in my gaze, and he glances down at me. He’s a good alpha. When needed, he takes a firm hand but doesn’t rule over them with an iron fist like the old packs. He’s the sort of leader I’ve always hoped to become when my time came.

“This is Alpha Skylar Draven, Godric’s daughter, and new Alpha of the Draven pack. On behalf of myself and my entire pack, we offer our condolences to you and your family. He was a good man and a strong leader. He will be missed.” Everett clasps a hand over his chest, and like a wave rippling over the table, his pack members mirror the gesture, their heads bowed in remembrance.

Tears prick at my eyes at the sincerity in his voice, but I blink them away, touched by this pack and their outward show of respect for an alpha of a rival pack. I rise from my chair and clasp a hand over my own heart, inclining my head and sweeping the gesture around the table, a sign of thanks to these pack members I have never met before.

“I have no doubt that Alpha Skylar Draven will be just as strong of a leader as her father. Now on to happier subjects—Alpha Draven and I came to an agreement this afternoon, and we will be allies through this ordeal with the bears and hopefully for years to come,” he announces, and the table erupts in cheers. “So tonight we celebrate the new union, both between our two packs as well within the Draven pack ...” He lets his words trail off, capturing the crowd’s attention once more.

His eyes latch onto mine, as though giving me one last opportunity to change my mind. But I clamp my lips shut, tamping down on the guilt bubbling up inside of me. This is it, after this, we will need to stick to this ruse, especially with our own pack members in attendance, standing guard around the room.

“Please raise a glass because tonight we drink to the engagement of Alpha Draven and her beta, Monte,” Everett announces, a cold gleam in his eyes as they stay locked on mine. I’m held in their icy depth as though they’ve frozen me solid. Numbly, I feel Monte’s hand wrap around my waist, the pressure driving me out of my stupor. I force my hand to clasp my glass and bring it to my lips, letting the full-bodied wine slip over my lips. My eyes are locked on Everett’s the entire time.What have I done? What tangled web have we woven?Because despite my rejection of the mate bond, I can’t help but be drawn to the enigmatic alpha before me.

Monte tugs on my waist, turning me to face him and jolting me from that thought once again. The words being chanted around the table filter through my foggy mind now.
