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“I wouldn’t go that far,” Everett chuckles, the icy fire of his desire blazing in his eyes as they rove over my form. “There seem to be a few items we still need to agree upon.”

“Oh, there are? Because from what I can remember, we were on the same page.” I sneer, crossing my arms over my chest just under my breasts, and I don’t miss the way both their gazes latch on to the movement. My skin burns at the heat that blazes there, and I have to look away, otherwise I’ll be drawn into their pull.

“It seems you have your own story to tell,” Zeke murmurs to Everett.

“Later,” Everett promises. Dread and anticipation pool in my gut at the conspiratorial look they share. I had already felt myself folding with Everett, and now I’ve found another mate and they’re friends …

“Then it’s decided, I’ll look at our pack to find the leak, and Zeke will work with Sky on the Langleys.” Everett nods as though it’s already been decided.

“What?” Monte and I ask at the same time, our voices echoing the same incredulous tone. That had definitely never been discussed.

“Well I don’t want to overstep,” Everett says, giving me a sly smirk that betrays the lie in those words. He definitely doesn’t mind overstepping his bounds. I bare my teeth at him, but he continues unperturbed. “Monte has a better knowledge of your pack, it would be best for him to look for leaks.”

My gaze narrows on him, not wanting to admit that he’s right. Our best bet at finding the person betraying our pack will be for Monte to head up the investigation. But that means I will need to work with Zeke …

“Fine, to make the deal even better, I offer my pack’s aid as a sign of goodwill to find your father’s killer,” Everett offers, his voice softening as he speaks the words, clearly remembering my declaration earlier today and using it to sway me.


I don’t even hesitate to accept his help, and by his knowing grin, he knew I wouldn’t be able to. Despite Monte’s insistence that he has a team working on it, what if someone on that team was the leak? They could possibly be the person who killed my father. So attacking this from multiple sides would be the best bet.

“I took the liberty of getting the new papers drawn up, including that small detail we discussed earlier. I wouldn't want you to back out of this new deal, little wolf, now would I?” Everett purrs, a triumphant grin twitching on his lips as he retrieves a document from his desk. I snatch the papers from his outstretched hand, skimming over the document. Fighting back the relieved sigh that begs to escape, I hold my enthusiasm as I search for the other terms he supposedly added.

‘Both parties agree that if for any reason it is found that the engagement between Skylar Draven and Monte Tores is fictitious, the terms of the previous contract are valid. As this event would be seen as a breach of trust, the Whitlock Alpha, Everett Whitlock will wed the Draven Alpha, Skylar Draven.’

“Bastard.” The curse escapes my lips this time, unable to keep a mental leash on my disparaging thoughts any longer, and Zeke chokes on his laugh. I shove past him, and slam the contract on the desk, the loud crack reverberating throughout the room. Well, at least he has a sense of humor. That will help if we’re about to spend who knows how long working together. Clasping a pen, I take out my frustration as I dig the tip into the thick paper, more so gouging my name into the document rather than simply signing it.

I huff out a sigh of frustration and spin to face them, knowing they will be watching my every move. Cocking my brow, I pin them both with as defiant of a look as I can muster after I just played into Everett’s hand—not that I really had any choice. Now I just need to keep enough distance between us and not allow the mate bond to influence me. Although judging by the appreciative stare he gives me as my eyes lock with his, and how my body reacts to him might be easier said than done …

Chapter Eight


“They’reontheirway,”Monte says, closing the boardroom door behind him. I nod in response, straightening in my seat as he slides in on my right. The morning light filters in through the half-open blinds, casting bars of light across the large conference table.

Last night had been tense, to say the least. The car ride was silent, and thoughts had buzzed around in my mind like a swarm of bees desperate to escape. But they couldn’t, not yet, especially not in front of three other pack members I didn’t really know, let alone trust.

I’d only recognized one of the few members, Walter, since he had been one of my father’s betas. But that means nothing right now, since that trust could have been what got him killed. The more I think about the situation, the more I think the growing animosity with the bears and the leak within our pack is connected to my father’s murder.

That’s why I’ve kept his office under lock and key, not even allowing the staff into the room to clean. I need to comb through everything once I have a moment to breathe. But first and foremost, my responsibility is to the pack.

I eye the door as it creaks open, Walter entering through the small opening first. He inclines his head to me, crow’s feet crinkling his sage green eyes as he briefly meets my gaze and takes a seat to my left. His loose-fitting black clothes from last night have been traded in today for a well fitted black suit. Moisture clings to his still-damp hair, the exhaustion still lining his eyes reminding me he’s close in age to my father. We’d waited till the morning to call this meeting, but I couldn’t wait a moment longer, especially not when we’re dealing with a potential saboteur. My father’s betas have been patient as I collected myself, but I know that won’t last much longer. Silas walks in next, and he too had been in my father’s inner circle while I was growing up. He inclines his head before taking a seat next to Walter, and my lips tilt up in response. He runs a hand over his closely cropped black hair and leans back in his chair, and my smile falls as I glimpse the grief still creasing his dark brown eyes, reminding me I’m not the only one suffering through the pain of loss right now.

I can see the wear the years have had on his body too, yet he still looks similar to the last time I’d seen him. Only a few more lines crease his handsome face. I need to remind myself that although we do age, we have an extended life as wolves. So since aging slows in our twenties these men might be much older than the fifty-odd years they look. I keep my annoyance off my face, wishing I’d put more work into noticing the subtle marks of the years on our kind while in the human world.

I had always liked both of them, although Silas had been more connected to our family. His daughter Seline and I had been good friends growing up. The two of us, along with Monte, had been inseparable.

My lips part about to ask Silas about her, when the door swings open fully, revealing a younger looking man on the other side. He would have to be Axel, the last member of my father’s inner circle we were waiting on. His brown hair is about medium length, pushed back from his face as he strides in to take a seat next to Monte. His walk is more of a strut as pompous attitude radiates off of him, and I don’t miss the way he hasn’t greeted me with respect to my authority.

“So glad you could make it, Axel,” I say expectantly, pushing a bit of my power out towards him to see what he’ll do. He stumbles to a halt, clearly caught off guard by the sudden power slamming into him. Gritting his teeth, his jaw grinds against the pressure, but finally inclines his head.

My eyes narrow on the hesitance I see there, my suspicions mounting. Catching Monte’s eyes, I quickly convey my feelings, and he nods tightly to me with an almost imperceptible bob of his head, acknowledging Axel’s reluctance to submit both shows his lack of respect for me personally and the position I hold.

“Well, that’s what happens when meetings are called last minute,” Axel says, sitting rigidly in his seat. I let my power press into him even more, not allowing the building anger inside me to show. Instead, I idly check my nails as though I’m utterly unperturbed by him.

“A week without your Alpha and suddenly you forget your place, Axel?” I bite out his name, letting a hint of my annoyance through. I raise a brow, barely glancing up at him as though he’s hardly worth an ounce of my attention.

“Of course not, Alpha Draven,” he huffs out, the pressure of my dominance squeezing around his neck like a vise and cutting off his airway. His hands redden as he grips the arms of his chair, clearly needing to do so to keep himself conscious at this point.

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