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Chapter Nine


Iclipmyholsterto my hip and slide the Glock inside before strapping two daggers to my leg over my form-fitting pants. The material is soft, allowing me to move freely. With weapons in place, I shrug on my leather jacket, the length covering up the bulge of the gun at my side.

The setting sun is visible in the mirror, casting an orange hue over the room in the few remaining moments of golden hour. The last moments of daylight dwindle away, reminding me of what we’re about to face. My eyes focus into a look of determination as I mentally prepare myself for the night ahead and smooth back a few flyaway hairs. Despite the preparations we’ve made during the hours following the meeting, I still can’t shake the creeping sensation of dread curling in my stomach. Zeke texted me the details for tonight after hearing from the Langley leader. We’ll both be bringing a team of twenty wolves inside the compound and to guard the exterior. Silas and I went over the members of the team he’d assembled, ensuring he trusted each one of them. None of them were given specifics yet, so if the Langleys have any information, it will be minimal and will narrow down who may be the leak.

I turn back to my dresser and reach for my phone when the door bursts open. Instinctually, my hand immediately switches trajectory, swiping down to pull the Glock from my hip. I aim towards the door, my body moving with practiced ease as I position myself, readying for the recoil.

“Skylar Draven,” Vivian chastises, clutching a hand to her chest. Her hand grips the doorknob, her knuckles white with the pressure, and her eyes wide in shock and outrage. “Now is that any way to greet a visitor, young lady? Your father—”

“My father was the one who taught me how to use a gun and drilled into me the need to keep myself and my family safe,” I cut her off, lowering the gun and slipping it back into its holster. I sneer in her direction as she dramatically sighs in relief without the weapon aimed at her. She looks to the ceiling, murmuring a silent prayer to above.

“What do you want? And never come into my room like that again,” I snarl, unable to take this woman’s dramatics. I especially have no sympathy for her after seeing Pearl this morning. If the clout chaser ever cared about her daughter, she would have taken her away already.

“Oh Skylar, that’s no way to speak to your step-mother.” She waves off my look of outrage as she meanders through the threshold, making herself at home by perching on my bed, nosily poking through the knick-knacks on my bedside table. I clench my fists at my side, biting back the urge to berate her for the perceived closeness. We have never been and will never be close. If I’d been here, there’s no way I would have let her sink her claws into my father while he was still drowning in his sorrow over my mother’s death.

“What do you want?” I reiterate, slowing the words, clipped as I force them out between gritted teeth. My pulse pounds as heat climbs up my neck, flooding my cheeks. This is the last thing I need right now. I have to be focused for the meeting in a couple short hours. I have to compose myself for seeing not one but two of my mates before that—a secret I can’t allow this gossiping harpy to figure out.

“I’m here because I heard the amazing news,” she says finally, putting down a hand-blown glass flower that my mother had bought me on my tenth birthday.

Some of the anger flees, the urge to rip the keepsake from her hands and throw her from the room subsiding as she clasps her grubby hands in her lap finally, her attention turning back to me. I raise a brow in question, waiting for her to continue.

“Your engagement, of course.” She shakes her head in admonishment, leaping from the bed to embrace me. I stiffen in her arms, my hands staying firmly at my sides, refusing to embrace the woman that has made my life a living hell ever since she married my father.

Her attitude may have changed now that I hold my family’s wealth and her future in my hands. However, I know deep down in my soul the only reason she remains in this manor is because of my father’s will and the fact that he kept her mostly out of it. If she had inherited any significant amount, she would’ve been long gone, off searching for the next powerful wolf to carry on her ruse with. Because despite how sweet she may act to me now, I know she was part of the reason my father continued to keep me away, to hold me at arm’s length even when in my company. Her hushed words filled with vitriol behind closed doors told me as much. Did she think I would just forget about her whispered threats as my father left the room or even the passive-aggressive comments she made in my presence? Nope, that would never happen. The only reason I haven’t thrown her from this house is because of Pearl and my father’s last wishes. I know the conniving bitch has something up her sleeve though. I wouldn’t even be surprised if she tried to move a new man in eventually, but that will be the moment my goodwill ceases.

“How did you hear about that?” I grind out, pulling away from her, much to her chagrin. I suppress the shudder of disgust that crawls over my skin at her touch. If I didn’t have somewhere to be, I would take a shower right now. But, unfortunately, I’ll have to go the rest of the night with the stench of her floral perfume clinging to my skin.

“It’s all over the manor, silly girl.” She giggles, batting a hand like I just made the most hilarious joke she’s ever heard. I bite back the groan that begs to slip from my lips at her ridiculous display.

“I’m honestly hurt that you didn’t tell me sooner. I’m your step-mother, after all. We’re family.”

“More like step-monster,” I mutter under my breath, huffing out a breath of annoyance to cover up my words as I turn from her to finish getting ready.

“What was that?” she asks, her tone not an indignant screech, so obviously she didn’t actually hear me.

“It was just sudden, that’s all,” I call over my shoulder as I slip on my black combat boots, not having the patience to deal with any more of her bullshit.

“There’s so much to do though, Skylar. This will be so good for the pack, you know,” she drones on, and I almost tune her out, but the last words catch my attention.

“Why is that?” I turn back to her after tying the laces, readying to kick her out of the room.

“After your father’s death—” She pauses dramatically, her voice pitched low as she dabs at her eyes with a handkerchief.

I swear this woman can switch her entire demeanor faster than I’ve ever seen anyone do before. My eyes narrow in on the movement, wondering where on earth she’d pulled that fabric from so quickly. She sniffles, adding another layer to her over-the-top performance. I cock a brow, giving her an incredulous look. Who the hell does she think she’s fooling with this act?

“The pack just really needs something to look forward to, something to lift their spirits. And what better than celebrating the joining of their new alpha and beloved pack beta?” She gives a weak smile, sheepishly tucking the handkerchief away. I don’t miss the brief venomous look she gives me at silently calling her out. There’s the true Vivian.

“I think that’s the least of the pack’s worries right now, Vivian,” I scoff, strapping a few more daggers to my other leg. She bristles at the dismissal before swallowing thickly, her eyes glued to the blades just a hairbreadth away from my fingers.

“Well, we need to start planning an engagement party, and I won’t take no for an answer,” Vivian huffs, crossing her arms like a petulant child. I almost choke on the laughter that bubbles up in my throat. The entire scene is absolutely ridiculous. This woman, who apparently now wants me to view her in a step-mother role after so many years, is acting more like a child than even her eight-year-old daughter.

“Listen, Vivian,” I spit out her name, betraying the distaste it brings to have the word on my tongue. “Your position here is holding on by a thread. The only thing holding me back from kicking you to the curb is my father’s last wishes … and maybe Pearl.” I add reluctantly, internally kicking myself for letting that slip.

“Have you spoken with Pearl?” Her eyes light up at my words, and I realize my real mistake. She completely ignores the threat. She would use my half-sister against me if we got too close, use her as a bargaining chip to secure her place here. “Oh, that’s so wonderful. She’s really been struggling, you know? Just as we’ve all been. She could really use her sister right now, and this wedding is the perfect opportunity for you both to get closer.”

I purse my lips at her words, not needing any more guilt than I already felt splitting my heart in two when Pearl had clutched me so desperately, her tears soaking into my blouse. Her plea still echoes in my mind, reminding me of the ominous words. I bite back the question I want to voice, my intuition screaming at me to keep it to myself. If anyone knew if there was a hidden meaning behind her words, it would be her mother, right? A cold feeling of dread claws its way up my spine, forcing my mouth shut. Pearl made it appear his murderer was someone I know, and what if Vivian had something to do with it? So I push down the curiosity bubbling up within me. I can’t let her know that I suspect anything.
