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“Monte, the pack has gone far too long without equal representation. Just because the pack isn’t used to it isn’t an excuse to keep an outdated, misogynistic hierarchy.” I pin him with a pointed look, waiting for his response. For me to trust Monte, I need to gauge his reaction very carefully. He tiptoed around the issue before, but he can’t keep doing that, not if he’s to be my right hand.

Monte pauses, clearly thinking over my words. He huffs out a breath of exasperation and rubs the back of his neck, his gaze going to my left hand before meeting my eyes.

“You’re right, I know you’re right,” he says hesitantly, tension still thick in the air from the words he holds back. “I guess I’m just being protective. I don’t want you to face any more backlash than you’ll already face, especially with people like Axel not respecting your authority.”

“I don’t want the easy way out, Monte. Sure, it might be hard at first, but I want to make this pack into what I know it can be. I want to pull us out of the twentieth century and make us a leader amongst the packs, not an antiquated boys’ club that is slipping the way it is now.”

He bristles at my last statement, his lips quirking to the side in annoyance. But, thankfully, he takes a deep breath before nodding in agreement. The weight that had settled on my chest eases slightly. It’s a good sign that he’s willing to accept change, but I will still have to broach these subjects carefully, especially with how defensive he got. I chew on my bottom lip as I get lost in my thoughts. This had always been our plan, and I idly wonder when things had changed for him. He used to be so passionate about bringing the pack into the present day. I never would have expected this hesitance from the Monte I knew before. Is he being truthful for his reasons to be hesitant, or has something changed?

I glance up, only just realizing the silence pressing in on us. How long have I sat here so embroiled in my inner turmoil? And what did Monte—

I meet his gaze, noticing what held his attention for so long. He watches me hungrily, his eyes zeroed in on my plump bottom lip pulling through my teeth. My mind flashes back to last night, the way he had kissed me after his own mouth had worked me into a mind fogging orgasm, letting me taste myself on his lips.

Despite the pleasure that had crashed over me from that skillful tongue circling my clit, I can’t help but focus on the palpable sexual tension that filled the space between Everett and me as he stroked his thick cock. The longing and desire that pulsed between us added another layer to the bliss that had warmed my limbs from my climax.

I clear my throat to break through the silence and get back on track. My mood has completely shifted since remembering Everett. This is not the time for Monte to sense my growing desire. I cross my legs over each other, and the soft linen of my dress pants rubs smoothly against itself as I turn away slightly. His gaze flicks up to meet mine sheepishly and he rubs the back of his neck, realizing he’d been caught. I silently plead with my heart to slow its rapid pace, needing to hide the heat blossoming in my cheeks.

With conscious effort, I avoid chewing my bottom lip as I think over Monte’s reaction, knowing I need to say something to him. He seems to be getting too close, too attached to something progressing between us. And although there would eventually need to be a wedding, we could back out of the agreement with the Whitlock pack after we jointly dealt with the Langleys, and deal with one enemy at a time.

“Monte, I need you to remember this isn’t a real engagement,” I say, pressing my lips into a straight line to avoid distracting him again.

“You should start with Seline,” Monte says, his voice hoarse before he clears his throat and swallows thickly, pushing away the lingering desire and cutting off anything else I was about to say, apparently not wanting to get into this again. I suppress my sigh of relief, grateful that he doesn’t want to attempt to discuss this further. “She’s the head bartender at Opal Moon.”

“I’ll go meet with her tomorrow,” I say, standing from my seat. The urge to bolt from this room presses in on me, both from the sliver of hunger that lingers on his face, and the mention of Opal Moon. The club, a gift from my father to my mother, and now owned by me, I guess. Despite being underage, I’d spent many nights there both on the dancefloor after swiping my father’s keys, and in his office learning the business with him.

My mind drifts to an image of my mother dancing in the crowded club. Her tawny hair flowed around her as she glided across the dancefloor, the embodiment of what our kind should be, wild and free of mind and spirit, one with her animal side. Opal had been her birthstone, and moon was an homage to the wolf spirit she held within her soul.

A sense of comfort washes over me at the thought of being somewhere so familiar, both the Opal Moon and a club in general. The business had been the only thing to keep me going in New York, managing its sister club. Despite the sorrow that now grips my heart at the memories of my mother that have resurfaced, it still evokes that same feeling of fondness. It’s well known to the mortals and draws enough business to cover our family’s wealth generated from the less than legal business here in Endcliffe.

“Sky,” he says, his hand reaching for mine. But I pull away this time, needing to be alone with my thoughts now more than ever. Understanding lights in Monte’s eyes, and he nods, giving me a moment alone. He strides to the door, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his slacks. “I’ll make sure everything is in order for tonight.” He gives me a final look over his shoulder, and I give him a reassuring smile. There are just some things in this world that we need to tackle on our own, and this is one of them. I’m thankful for his help, but I need to come to terms on my own with the overwhelming thoughts that accompany my mother’s memory since I’ve returned to this manor.

Once the door closes behind him, I pull in a deep breath, leaning on the desk and centering myself. I need to will my heart to calm despite the rush of thoughts and emotions swirling around my mind threatening to overwhelm me. I take in another shuddering breath, reminding myself of what I need to focus on—keeping my pack safe, and finding my father’s murderer.

Duty and revenge give me the strength I need to push past the intrusive thoughts threatening to swallow me whole. I straighten and roll my shoulders back, the need to prepare for tonight driving my feet towards the door, my mind numbly registering one foot moving before the other. Before I realize how far I’ve moved, I’m already to the door, the growing light filtering in from the window glinting off the brass doorknob.

I’m about to step out into the hall when I come face to face with the person I least want to see right now. Well, maybe third least, with Axel taking the number two spot, andhermother filling up my permanent number one.


“Hey Sky,” she mumbles, her eyes moving to the ground as she nervously scuffs her shoe on the worn carpet, her fingers fiddling with her airy white dress. My eyes catch on the movement, unable to see past the similarities to the dress I’d worn the other day, my mother’s dress. It didn't fit the person I am. The ethereal dress was too pure for the woman I’ve become. But I have to admit it looks perfect on Pearl, reminding me of how young and innocent she truly is. As an omega it’s in her nature to be more soft spoken and avoid conflict, she shouldn’t be part of any of this. Her mother has no ties to this place anymore. If she had her daughter’s best intentions in mind, she would take her from this place and never look back.

Although, I want to work towards a pack that won’t corrupt her, and move away from the dealing of drugs and guns we’ve been immersed in for years, that will take time. I’ll have to work step by step to legitimize the pack’s business portfolio, and who knows what could happen in that time. Enemies are always looking for a way to get the upper hand.

“Hey Pearl, how are you doing?” My eyes soften, taking in the way her golden eyes glisten with unshed tears. Stomach clenching with guilt, I reach out, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. Although I barely know her, we shared a father, a familial tie, and she lost him too. I had been sixteen when my mother died. How would I have coped with that loss at the mere age of eight? My question seems ridiculous and meaningless now.How are you doing?She’s doing the same as I am on the inside, lost and grieving, except she’s only a child.

“I—I’m okay.” She sniffles, her hand reaching up to wipe away the stray tears that roll down her cheeks. I inhale sharply, about to reach for her, but she takes a step back. With the distance, I take in her red-rimmed eyes, puffy from the tears she shed. “I came to see how you are.”

“Pearl,” I say on a pained breath, not caring about the prying gazes undoubtedly taking in our display. If the heartless bastards hold this against me, then they don’t deserve a place in this pack.

“I just want you to know I’m here for you.” She attempts to keep her words clear, but a sob racks her chest at the end, her face crumpling as fresh tears flood from her eyes. Before I can take a step forward, she launches herself at me. Barreling into me, she buries her face against my stomach, moisture soaking into my black blouse.

I wrap my arms around her, cradling her head against me and soothing the sobs that escape her lips. Each heart-wrenching cry and desperate inhale breaks me, splintering my dark soul as I wish I could do more to console her, to take away her pain.

“Promise me,” she gasps, her voice barely audible as my ears adjust to her quieting sobs. “Promise me you’ll make them pay, no matter who killed him.”

“I promise,” I whisper, my throat closing in on itself. Ice fills my veins with her words, my heart freezing in my chest. She gives me one last squeeze, her tiny hands desperately clutching my shirt before she pulls away. She gives me a final pleading look, her face beet red with the force of her sobs, before darting down the hallway to her quarters, her white dress billowing out behind her.

I’ll keep my promise to her, no matter what. But her pointed words echo through my mind once more.Does she know something? Does she know who killed our father?
