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Satisfied that I’ll be able to actually drive this thing...hopefully, I whip on my seatbelt and swing it into drive, wasting no time as I maneuver through the parked cars to the alley. As I turn the corner, the headlights illuminate Zeke’s naked form just ahead. My foot slams on the brakes, panic causing me to overreact, and the force sends me hurtling forward into the strap on my seatbelt.

My nerves start to ease as he climbs into the passenger seat, revealing the rest of my discarded clothes clutched in his arms. I barely give him time to buckle his seatbelt before I kick it in drive again, feeling out the vehicle as I go.

“Are you sure you’re good to drive?” Zeke asks nervously, gripping the handle above his window. I scowl back at him before focusing on the road again. But instead of biting back a clipped remark I take a deep breath and steel myself to pry open old wounds

“It’s been a while,” I admit, letting a hint of sadness creep into my tone. “I’d only just gotten my license when my mom died in a car accident. So I’ve been in no rush really to get back behind the wheel,” I explain, waiting with bated breath for his response as I maneuver back out onto the main road, determined to put some distance between us and the alley.

“I’m so sorry Sky,” Zeke says, placing a hand on my leg. He rubs soothing circles where the dress has ridden up. The tender touch sends a shiver up my spine.

“I hadn’t thought … I knew your mother had passed but—”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I rush out, unable to focus on the road before me if tears start brimming in my eyes. I wince at my sharp tone, noticing his hand has stilled. “Just not right now, I’ll tell you once I’m not behind a wheel.”

I chance a quick glance over to him, and he nods in understanding. “Of course Sky, and if you want we can pull over and I can drive.”

“No, I’m fine, we just need to go.” As I say the words, I know they’re true. I’ve always avoided driving, never trusting myself. I'd always preferred to let others take the wheel. But I hadn’t even hesitated tonight when I knew my mate’s life was at stake. I’d pushed aside that fear and took the plunge, and I can’t look back now. Just as he’d helped me move past the block with my wolf, he’d inadvertently helped me get over this fear. I definitely can use a driving lesson or two judging by the way he’s white-knuckling the handle, a cautious encouraging grin on his face, as I speed away from the club.

“Oh fuck, can you call the club?” I ask hurriedly, so caught up in the rush of emotions I completely forgot that I need to let Seline know.

He wastes no time, reaching for his phone in the console and searching for the number. I definitely need to get Seline’s number tomorrow. I chew my lips nervously as ringing sounds out around the car, holding onto hope that someone will answer the phone.

“Opal Moon, this is Seline speaking,” she says above the thumping dance beats, and I almost loose a cry of relief at the sound of her voice.

“Seline, it’s Skylar,” I say hurriedly, then pause to focus back on the road. I stop at a stop sign with two routes before me, one will take me back to the manor, while the other will take me to the Whitlock pack house. I glance at Zeke, looking for some sort of sign of what to do. I really don’t want to be alone right now in the suffocating silence of my room. But is this too soon? Will I regret what might happen tonight between the two of us? He stares back at me, his expression calm, yet I see the glimmer of light in his eyes, a sliver of hope, but he doesn’t voice it. Instead, he’s leaving the choice up to me.

“Sky, what’s going on?” Seline asks, a note of fear in her voice.

I pull in a deep breath and take a left hand turn. Zeke’s hand rubs my leg, and a warm wave of comfort flows through me at this touch. My signal clicks off, and we head to the Whitlock pack house.

“There was an attack outside of the club,” Zeke answers as I swallow thickly, pushing down my nerves at what that turn means, the implication that my place of comfort was not at my own home, but with my mates. “Two bears were waiting at the exits. We took care of them but there may be more on the way.”

“Fuck, Sky, are you okay?” Seline asks, her concerned tone becoming easier to hear as she must be moving towards the offices.

“Yeah, we're fine, but I need you to call either your father or Monte—” Zeke’s low growl vibrates through the car, catching me off guard “—and get a few of the pack betas over there to check out the area. Have the security do a sweep of the area now though, and we should probably empty out the club. They won’t attack so many people at once. But as soon as the customers are gone, lock all the doors and wait for the pack betas to come.”

“Of course, Sky, I’ll call my dad right now. He usually waits for me to get off work anyway before heading to bed, so he’ll be up.” I hear a drawer open on the other end as she launches into action, wasting no time. “I’ll radio the head of security and get them started on the sweep right now.”

I make sure to give her my number as we hang up, not wanting to have to rely on the club phone again if anything happens. Silence settles around the car as we move through the quiet streets. I don’t dare say a word as we approach the compound, not wanting to lose my nerve. My breaths come in ragged pants and I attempt to clamp my lips shut but it’s no use, so I keep my gaze focused on the road, and not on Zeke’s naked form beside me. My body craves his, to have his muscular form underneath me, his hands gripping my body just as they do to my thigh right now. His own anticipation ratchets up as we draw near. I have no doubt that he’d be content to just sit in silence the entire night if that’s what I wanted. But it isn’t—I need him, something that solidifies in my mind as we inch closer and closer to that point of no return.

I pull the car up to one of the smaller warehouse buildings, remembering from the morning that all of the leaders are housed in the building. His bedroom is just steps away, along with my other two mates if they aren’t still discussing the shitstorm that has been brewing around us the last few days if not weeks.

I slam the car into park, catching his wince at the abrupt handling of his vehicle. Bracing myself in my seat, I try to soak in everything we just went through, everything I just overcame with that short drive.

“Here,” he says, breaking me from my thoughts, and I notice a bottle of water poised in his hand along with a stack of napkins. I almost ask him what they’re for before he soaks the napkin, lifting them to dab gently at my chin. Dried blood flakes off as he cleans the rest away, leaving the napkin tinged pink as he pulls it back.

I glance over to Zeke, my hands slipping from the steering wheel and flopping on to my lap as I let the tension seep from me, allowing my mind to focus on what my body desperately wants.

As though we both have the same thought at the exact same moment, we lean towards one another, the movement hesitant at first, but as I register the same look of hunger in his eyes I grow bolder. I wrap my arm around his neck, pulling him down to me, as his hand slips from my leg to tangle in my loose braid. Our mouths crash together, sparking tingles of heat over my skin, the bond between us thrumming with energy at the intimate contact. My lips part under his and his tongue immediately dips between them, stroking mine in a tender caress. Our movements become more desperate as we come together, the passionate kiss igniting something deep inside me, something that I’ve never felt before despite my years of experience.

His other hand reaches around my waist until he finds my seatbelt, the click and release of the latch looses a giggle from my lips. He moves his mouth from mine, sucking and caressing his way across my jaw and down my neck. I can’t help the moan that escapes, my back arching as waves of pleasure wash over me. My heart pounds as he moves along my collar bone, and I pull in a shuddering breath. He skates soft, teasing touches up my inner thigh, stopping just short of where I need him, my pussy already wet from the light contact.

I groan in frustration as he backs away, immediately wanting to chase after his lips, my body desperate for the bliss he’s able to draw from it. He chuckles as he abruptly slides out of the passenger door, leaving me alone in the car. My brows knit in confusion at his sudden departure, that is until he opens my door, wasting no time lifting me from my seat and slinging me over his shoulder.

I let out a loud humph as my stomach connects with his shoulder, my lips parting in protest, but he’s already closing the car door and striding towards the warehouse as though I weigh nothing.

“I need to take my time with you babe, and that’s not something that can happen in my car,” he huffs out on a breath of amusement, but I don’t miss the slight growl to his words as he’s clearly picturing exactly what he’s going to do with me. I squirm in his grip, my hand reaching to the back of my dress to pull down the hem, because of course in the rush to get the car, I didn’t care about putting on my panties, which now leaves my bare pussy open to the cool night breeze.

“No need to worry about that babe,” he says, placing a hand on my ass cheek, his other arm gripping my legs as the move jostles me.
