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Soon—soon we will have another adventure,I promise her. But neither of us believe it. My life is about to become a whole hell of a lot more complicated. I just hope I don’t have anything too daunting waiting for me ahead. And with that thought, the ray of sun blinks out of sight, dark shadows replacing it as the storm clouds catch up with me.

Chapter Three


Abranchcracksbeneathmy foot as I shift my weight, and I pause midstep. A flash of white a few trees over catches my eye and I shift my direction, heading towards the swath of fabric flapping in the increasingly violent winds.

My fingers wrap around it, taking care to pull it gently from the branch it’s been tethered to, and a smile plays on my lips. Monte must have left this for me, saving me from walking through the front door completely nude. Although it isn’t an uncommon occurrence in our world, I’m grateful for the consideration after living outside of the shifter community for so many years.

I slip the airy fabric over my head, glad for any barrier against the icy wind tangling my hair around my face. My mouth pulls down into a frown at the bright white dress wrapped around my curves, the bottom flowing in the wind, giving it an ethereal look.

The muddy handprints are the only marks that mar the fabric. This dress may have matched the girl he knew, but the dirt-streaked linen represents my soul more than the gauzy white. The fact that he chose this dress shows he has no idea how broken I’ve become.

I pull in a ragged breath as raindrops splatter against my cool skin. I’ve got to rein in the lingering emotions before I face my people, my pack. I’ve got to be the leader they deserve, to help them through this difficult time. With that, I step out of the trees, pulling in the last shred of strength from the earth before my feet meet the rough pavement, cooling with the brewing storm just now catching up with me.

Flanking the ornate front gates stands two guards—deltas, who step forward when I come into view, their rifles poised to raise before recognition sparks in their gazes. Almost immediately their spines straighten, the guns moving to their side as they avert their gazes, scanning the distance for any threats.

“Alpha Draven,” the guard to the left greets me, nodding his head in respect. The second guard nods in the same manner, his eyes darting to me for the briefest moment before focusing back on the surrounding woods.

I grit my teeth at the look, forcing myself not to glance down at the white dress brushing against my ankles. I should’ve gone in naked, let them see the mud smeared across my skin. That would have commanded more respect than this dress, especially in this pack. Reacquainting myself with wolf politics will have to be on the top of my priority list.

I nod back to them in acknowledgment, pulling on the mask of who I need to be. Clearing my throat, I give them a pointed look. The guard on the left slides his gaze to me for a moment, then jolts into action, finally remembering himself.

The mechanical whirr of the gate seems to shock the other guard into action and he sidles out of the way. Anticipation wraps around my chest like a vise as I wait for the gate to open fully. The guards stand on either side now, their bodies rigid with tension, unsure how to interact with their new alpha.

“I’m sorry, Alpha, about your father. He was a great man and a great alpha,” the guard to the left says, his face drawn with an ounce of the sorrow I still feel darkening my soul. The other guard eyes him warily, his anxiety rolling off of him in waves.

This is my chance—I want to be respected, but I also don’t want my pack to think I’m a tyrant. For the second guard to show his emotions so openly, his fear must be overwhelming. He knows I can sense his emotions as clearly as if he’d spoken them aloud.

“I appreciate that. Thank you for your work, and for your diligence,” I say sincerely, giving both guards a nod of respect as I move through the gate. The clang of the gate reverberates through the clearing, breaking up the increasing patter of raindrops smacking against the pavement as the storm finally catches up with me. Its menacing force is moments away from opening up a deluge on us. I don’t miss their shocked expressions as I move past them, not wanting to look too closely at their bewilderment at an insignificant gesture of gratitude.

I keep my pace steady as I stride towards the grand entrance. The imposing exterior is a mirror of the person my father was. Meticulously manicured. Rain pours down the spiral shrubs that line the exterior, interspersed with greenery throughout the clear cut gardens. Even the ivy that climbs up the intricate stonework is never overgrown, but just enough to give the mansion some character.

By the time I climb the few stairs to the large black front door, the white dress is completely soaked through, and the chill is seeping into my bones. I hesitate as I reach out to clasp the brass doorknob, gleaming in the last rays of sunlight. I inhale a shuddering breath, my lips shaking from either the cold or the fear. But I don’t have time to dwell on which it is. It doesn’t matter, I need to push it aside either way. My wet palm slips against the doorknob, so I grip it tighter, and the door creaks open. To my new life, new duties.

A shiver runs up my spine, freezing me in place. My bare feet are soaked from both my run and the walk up the drive, so I take a hesitant step forward, careful not to slip against the Carrera marble tiles of the front entryway. I leave a wet, muddy mess against the otherwise spotless tiles as I walk.

“Sky,” Monte exclaims, drawing my gaze up to him. His brows crease as he takes in my appearance, and I avoid glancing at any reflective surfaces, not wanting to witness the state I’m in just yet. He rushes forward, slipping off his jacket and wrapping it around me. I hadn’t realized my teeth were chattering.

“Let’s get you upstairs.” Monte stoops, about to lift me up, one of his muscular arms already banding around my back, but I push him away. I scan the room, noticing the few staff peeking around the corners. They immediately shuffle away as soon as my eyes meet theirs, going back to whatever they were doing before my mess of a self strolled in.

I can’t look weak, not now, and having my beta carry me up the stairs would do exactly that.

“I’m fine, Monte. Just need a change of clothes,” I assure him, taking another cautious step away from him.

“Sky, I would’ve never left you if I knew a storm was coming in.” His voice is soft, his words holding a tinge of shame as he glances out the window and back to me. The storm’s now at full strength, the violent rain smacks against the windows, echoing throughout the grand foyer.

“You left because I told you to, Monte. Besides, I would’ve gone anyway. My wolf needed the run just as much as I needed the time alone.” I give him a small smile, still tight despite the seemingly empty room. As a child, I learned you can never be too careful, especially in a house full of nosy wolves. “Let’s go to the office.”

I gesture upstairs, purposely ignoring his face falling at my words, as though he forgot the emotional turmoil I needed to work through at the sight of my disheveled appearance. I brush past him, carefully walking to the grand staircase in the center of the foyer, grateful for the forest green runner up the middle of the steps.

He places a hand at the small of my back, guiding me up the stairs, and I take comfort in the gesture. I finally allow myself to take in the familiar walls, holding a childhood of memories. They come back in a torrent of images, and I clutch the smooth wooden banister, needing the support along with Monte’s guiding hand to keep me upright as they assault me. Thoughts and emotions I’d long repressed come flooding back, the distance tricking me into believing the wounds had healed, scabbed over. But this house rips them clean open.

“The office,” Monte reminds me with a whisper, and I glance over my shoulder, meeting his amber eyes hard on me. His jaw tightens at my expression. I give him a terse nod, knowing I can’t let anyone else see me like this, and pick up my pace, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other and not the black hole opening up in my chest, threatening to swallow everything I am.

Monte leads me to my father’s office—no, my office now—and I suck in a breath as I step into the familiar room. The scent of his aftershave still hangs in the air. How soon will that fade now that I will be in here, invading his sacred space? Even as a child, I rarely was able to pass over this threshold. My father wanted to keep everything separate, our family and his work, the seeded underbelly of his true business ventures.

“I can’t even remember the last time I was in here,” I admit, as the door clicks closed. Safe, I’m safe in here, safe to let the memories flit through my mind, safe with Monte—my second, my beta.
