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I fight to keep my feet planted firmly on the ground, reminding myself that there are pack members surrounding us. Fuck, how much had they overheard? Had they left through one of the other pathways already? I glance behind me and some of the worry leaves as I spot only a few of my pack remaining. Vivian flits around, pleading for people not to leave, but they brush past her, wisely not wanting to go against my order. Silas and Monte make their way behind us and I don’t let myself linger on the shell-shocked expression on the latter’s face.

“We found the leak,” Zeke says, causing my head to whip back in his direction. The world seems to still around me as I focus on those words.

“Ours was Elise, we spent the last day interrogating her, and that’s why we’re here now,” he growls, his face darkening as he spits her name like a curse.

I grit my teeth, hands clenching at my side as I remember how she was able to make it to the car the night of the first attack unscathed while gunfire erupted as soon as we eased past the last container. I thought at the time she had the advantage of stealth, but had that entire escape been a ploy, had she not expected us to make it alive to the cover of Zeke’s armored car?

“We weren’t able to get much out of her other than the bears promising her control of our pack once we were taken out, but we have to get out of here,” Arsenio growls impatiently, his lips parting, about to continue when deep roars and gunfire echo in the distance. The sinister pops break through the momentary silence like a whip, and plummeting my heart into my stomach like a leaden weight as a cold sweat breaks out along my skin.

The bears had planned an attack, that’s what he was about to say. I hadn’t gotten everyone out soon enough, and now the bears are about to try to rip us to shreds.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Iturntowardsthepops of gunfire going off, the need to protect my pack building within me as agonized screams send tendrils of dread creeping down my spine. But before I can even take a step, a large masculine palm clamps down on my shoulder, halting me in place.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Everett growls, his voice dark and demanding. I inhale sharply, biting back my scathing reply, because he’s right. We need to have a plan before going in. Jumping head first into the fray would only get us killed.

“They’re attacking the east entrance,” Silas says, passing me a rifle which I gladly accept.

Nodding, I turn back to face the others, Arsenio with a phone to his ear, and I assume he’s speaking to someone from his pack.

“We rushed here as soon as we could, we barely got the information out of Elise in time. Backup is on its way, they stayed to make sure Elise was contained before joining us, but they’re only moments behind us,” Zeke explains, stepping up to my side, his fingers already reaching to unbutton his crisp burgundy shirt.

“No.” I stop him, placing a hand atop his to halt his movements. “I need you, Monte, and Seline to lead a team to the main entrance, there are still people that need to be escorted out, and we need to be ready if they’re about to attack on both sides.”

“Not a chance in hell am I leaving your side,” Zeke says decisively, clasping my hand in his own as he holds my gaze. I see a glimmer of fear in his stormy eyes, and understand his thoughts completely. With the bond solidified between us, still so fresh, so new, I don’t want to let him out of my sight either. My hand twitches in his as agonized cries reach us, pops of gunfire urging me to rush to my pack’s aid.

“Neither will I,” Monte says over the roars and growls, and I suppress a groan of frustration before stepping away from Zeke, my hand falling from his. But Everett doesn’t let go of my shoulder, instead moving with me, as though his body at my back will protect me.

“I need the three of you to go.” I look towards Seline and she nods in agreement, moving to gather the remaining partygoers and staff. “The pack trusts both you and Seline,” I say, nodding to Monte before I focus back on Zeke. “You’ll be able to communicate best through the bond to tell us if you need back up … and I trust you all.” The statement feels strange on my tongue, as though my intuition tells me to be wary of Monte after tonight, but there’s no time to look at that too closely right now. The fate of my pack rests on my ability to lead us through this.

Zeke lets loose a sigh of frustration and nods in solemn agreement. I push down my own fears, knowing this is what’s best for the pack, despite my hesitance to be so far from him right now. Ever since the first attack with the bears, it had always been Zeke and me. I trusted him with my life, and I will have to extend that safety to my pack right now.

Everett’s hand tightens on my shoulder in a show of comfort, and I accept it for what it is, unable to look too closely at what our future holds just yet. My teeth grind at the sounds of gunfire, my hands clenching at my side, but I know we need a plan first. Rushing in without all of our bases covered will only get more of our wolves killed.

“The team is about five minutes out,” Arsenio says, placing a hand over the speaker of his phone.

“Good, send half to help us at the east gate, and the others to provide backup for Zeke,” Everett commands and Arsenio relays the instruction over the phone. My heart leaps at his words, not knowing what exactly I expected, but my chest warms at the thought that I’ll have Everett and Arsenio by my side.

“Take Zayn with you,” I add to Zeke, and he grimaces over at his twin for the briefest second before giving me a terse nod.

“No way, I want to come help,” Zayn protests, but I block him out, already having wasted enough time. Just as that thought passes through my mind, Zeke’s fingers lightly clasp my jaw, bringing his lips down on mine in a swift, hard kiss. The gesture grounds me, giving me a moment of clarity and allowing me to focus on what has to be done. He pulls away much too soon, and I push back the urge to chase after him and soak in more of the comforting warmth of his presence.

“That was just an appetizer. When we all make it through this I’ll give you the main course,” he says, grinning lasciviously. Everett groans at the cheesy line, and I bat away his hand, readying to head towards the others as soon as Seline returns with the rest of the guests and staff.

To my relief Zeke’s hand lowers on Zayn’s shoulder, pushing him towards the group of guests. Zayn struggles against his grip but eventually moves with the crowd, his instincts to protect still apparent as he helps some of the guests out, his muscular form shielding them despite his inexperience. I wouldn’t put him in danger, especially when I have no idea if he can hold his own in a fight. I sense the alpha dominance roiling off him, but I can tell he doesn’t have much experience.

I vaguely make out the sounds of Vivian’s sobs amongst the group, my teeth grinding at the sound.How dare she sob when her materialistic needs put the pack in jeopardy tonight.I push those thoughts away, needing to keep my mind clear.

“I’ll keep them safe,” Monte says, pulling a Glock from the harness tucked beneath his jacket. I nod and turn to the east entrance, hoisting the rifle on my shoulder while Silas falls in beside me.

We duck down, using the shrubbery to hide our forms as we silently move down the path. Although there isn’t much that could keep us safe from gunfire, at least the greenery will keep us from sight until we’re able to assess the scene.

I jolt as two warm bodies press against either side of me. The telltale slide of fur brushes against the slit in my dress and I suppress my groan at the feel of the soft hair against me. Two large wolf forms surround me, both almost at my waist level. Instinctively, I know they’re Everett and Arsenio from the bonds pulsing between us. The lamps lining the pathway flicker on as the sky darkens, the sun making its descent past the horizon. The lights gleam off of Everett’s snowy white coat, and my fingers momentarily itch to glide through it. I tamp down that desire, keeping my hands firmly gripping my rifle as we ease forward, unsure what exactly lies before us. Arsenio’s red coat catches my eye though, his fur a deeper red than I’ve ever seen on a wolf before. Most wolves are a ruddy brown with a reddish tinge, but Arsenio could honestly be mistaken for a fox if it weren’t for his size. The red blazes in the lights above us, making the color flicker like flames with the movement as we pass.

Silas raises his hand, bringing us to a stop as we near the end of the covered portion of the path. I take a step forward to help him clear the area, but Everett nudges me with his cold nose, expressing his disagreement.
