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“As you know, this engagement came about fast, and there is a reason for that,” I pause, before launching into the story, first telling them about the agreement with the Whitlock pack that had been set up by my father, then how Monte stepped up and gave me an option which I took. “Then when we met the Whitlock pack, I found that they’re my mates, their three leaders including Everett Whitlock are my mates.”

Gasps echo around me, some faces pulling down into looks of disapproval, and other’s foreheads creasing in confusion. Doing my best to remain unperturbed, I don’t allow my gaze to linger on them for too long, knowing I may lose my nerve if I do.

“We agreed to keep the information to ourselves, but as I began working with them to keep both our packs safe, I’ve come to appreciate them and their pack. Which is why it would be unfair to continue on pretending that the platonic relationship between me and beta Monte is anything more,” I declare. Glancing back at him, I don’t let his crestfallen expression deter me as I continue. “And it would not be fair to keep this connection to the Whitlock pack a secret any longer. This is a positive for our pack, ensuring deep ties to our allies for years to come. Because even when we take care of the Langley threat for good, there will be others, just as there always has, and these increased numbers will only side in keeping us all safe.”

Murmurs sound throughout the crowd and to my relief they don’t sound angry. I hold back my sigh of relief and continue tentatively, keeping my face schooled in a calm confident look.

“I know this is a lot to take in, but I will continue to be transparent with you. For now we all need to le—” I start, about to usher everyone out until I’m cut off by shouting in the distance. My head whips in that direction, and I reach down to grab the gun from its holster when I spot the source of the disruption.

Zeke pushes past one of the guards, barreling down the cobblestone path towards me. “Stop,” I shout to the guards about to converge on my mate, and they pause their pursuit.

Zeke’s face splits into a grin as he rushes to my side, his eyes roving down my form hungrily, and that’s when I realize my mistake … for the second time. This definitely is not Zeke, it’s his twin … the one I slept with but have no idea what his name is. I suppress the urge to scrub a hand down my face in frustration, not wanting my pack to have any reason to go after him.

Today he’s wearing a tight red polo with a blazer over top, the material stretching over his taut muscles.No Sky, this is not the time to be ogling your new mate’s ripped body. This is the time to kick his ass out of here along with the rest of the guests.My mouth parts, about to guide him over to the side to take care of this privately—that is until he steps in front of me and clears his throat, about to address the pack.

My hand moves to his shoulder, ready to wrench him back, but he speaks before I have the chance to … I don’t know, throw him over my shoulder?

“I’m sorry everyone, but I have an announcement.” He glances back at me, grinning before continuing. “Skylar,” he says, and to my utter horror, he turns back to me, putting the pack to his back and lowering to one knee. “I know you told me to leave but I can’t get you out of my head. I know all I can do is make my case, and I know all of this is new and you had a life before we met, but please don’t get married, give us a chance.”

I freeze in shock as I look down at Zeke’s twin—Zeke’s twin that I don’t even know his name.Lips parting, I stare at him, unable to even feel my face at this point, and I’m ninety-five percent sure my brain is short circuiting at this point.

“The name’s Zayn by the way,” he whispers, winking up at me conspiratorially, as though he just read the thoughts from my mind. He clasps one of my hands between his, jolting me from my shock as though my mind just needed a restart.

“Get up,” I hiss through gritted teeth, my other hand moving to grasp his and pull him up. I expect him to move with me, but he just sinks onto his haunches, refusing to move a muscle. “How did you even find out who I am?” I demand, leaning closer to him as I gather my strength. This man is getting up one way or another, regardless of if he’s my mate or not.

“You’re impressed aren’t you?” he boasts, his chest puffing out with pride. “Well it wasn’t exactly hard, since we—”

I use my increased strength to pull him to his feet and his eyes widen in shock, his words cutting off abruptly, which is exactly what I was hoping for since I have a pretty good idea what he was about to say next. Admitting that we slept together in the office of my club is definitely not the best idea, especially not in front of my entire pack.

“Woah, gorgeous, you’ve got muscles.” He grins, giving me a lazy once over, the cockiness wafting off him in waves, as though he believes he’s already won me over.

“The party is over,” I announce over his shoulder, my eyes scanning the confused faces of my pack. At my attention they snap into movement, shuffling about as they collect their things.

“Wow, I was definitely expecting a bigger fight,” Zayn chuckles, his arm wrapping around my thighs and my back to hoist me into his arms.

I shove at him half-heartedly, not wanting the pack to be witness to this, but I can’t help the warm contentment washing over me at his large muscular arms wrapping me against his chiseled chest.

“What’s going on?” A dark rumble sounds a few feet behind me, the noise vibrating through my body, beckoning me to close the distance between us despite the quiver in my legs.

Zayn twists towards the dark, demanding rumble, and I use his distraction to push from his arms, my feet barely able to catch my weight in time. I steady myself on the cobblestone, my heels giving one final wobble before I glance up at the three other men that hold a connection to my soul. My eyes are magnetically drawn to Everett, as though needing to make that contact first with the rumble of his dark tone still vibrating through me. His lips twitch, pleased by the effect he has on me, but a crease forms between his brows as he scans Zayn, taking in all of the similarities to his friend.

My gaze moves to Arsenio, and malice dances like flames in his amber eyes before they meet mine. His mouth tilts in a half grin, rubbing a hand over his coarse red beard before focusing back on Zayn. He cracks his knuckles—as though he was preparing for a tussle between them if Zayn hadn’t let go of me—and crosses his arms over his chest. Despite how horrible the timing is, my eyes can’t help but be drawn to the bulge of his pecs against his dark green dress shirt, unbuttoned just enough at the top to let me see the light smattering of red chest hair there. My pulse quickens, and my body warms, but I push the delectable sight from my mind as I feel a deep painful thrum in my chest and my link to Zeke calls me to soothe his agony.

My gaze hurriedly slides to Zeke, as I realize this is the first time he’s seeing his brother…his identical twin. His brows are pulled down in confusion, his stormy grey eyes darkening as they bounce between me and Zayn. I step forward, my footsteps almost like a glide, as if my body is magnetically drawing me towards my fully bonded mate. Zeke’s brows lower into a glower as Zayn’s grip on my shoulder stops me, pulling me back against his chest. His brow knits in confusion, a mix of anger and confusion flashing in his eyes.

“Well if it isn’t obvious,” Seline drawls, stepping up to my side and positioning herself between the guys and Zeke’s unknown family member. “Sky, met another mate last night when we were drinking, thought it was you and has been blowing your phones up ever since trying to tell you about it.”

She cocks a brow in challenge and I attempt to stifle the laugh that bubbles up at her brazen way of speaking to three alphas. Seline would be the only beta to have the guts to stand up to them. And it probably helps that she knows I’ll have her back no matter what.

“I for one have no idea what’s going on. All I know is my mate ran away from me last night, and when I tried to track her down I learned she was about to get married. So I rushed here to stop her, which I did successfully, might I add,” Zayn gloats, his fingers lightly teasing the bare skin of my shoulder. I groan in frustration, scrubbing a hand over my face careful enough not to smudge my makeup. The incredulous looks from the guys have me stepping out of his hold, but surprisingly they don’t growl like I expect them to, clearly able to sense he is my mate too. Zayn clears his throat before continuing, “And now, I think I see why she ran from me.” He grimaces, his gaze bouncing between me and Zeke. Despite the way his mouth pulls down, I catch a hint of excitement as he stares at his brother, his lips twitching as though he’s holding back a million questions

“I already called off the engagement before he got here,” I admit, my eyes searching the three men before me and seeing the surprise and excitement in each of their gazes before I lock on to Everett. Hunger darkens his icy blue eyes, heating so much as he ravenously takes me in that I’m sure steam is about to rise from them.

“We’ll discuss that later,” he purrs, his tone dark and seductive, promising me that conversation will take place between his sheets as he strips off every piece of clothing from my body. A shiver of desire runs up my spine at that thought and I subtly cross my legs, needing some sort of friction to keep me from jumping the savage alpha right here and now. “But we have to go, now.”

I tilt my head. The sudden shift in his tone is harsh and urgent.

“That’s why we haven’t been able to answer our phones,” Zeke says finally, and a bit of the tension thrumming in my chest flees as the sound of his rough voice.
