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“I know I haven’t had the chance to get to know you yet, firecracker,” Arsenio purrs in my ear, his warm breath caressing over the shell of my ear and burning a path straight to my core. He pulls back slightly to catch me in his amber gaze, the flames of desire burning brightly in them. “But trust me, I can’t wait to get you alone.”

Everett leans in closer, his eyes lighting with icy flames as his lips find mine. Arsenio’s lips lower onto my neck, lips sucking, and teeth lightly nipping at the sensitive flesh sending waves of desire straight to my core. I groan against Everett’s mouth, and he takes the opportunity to delve between, his tongue twining with mine in a sensual caress and stoking the flames of lust even higher. I’m not even sure whose hands are where, as they trail up my sides, teasing beneath my jacket and the underside of my breast. Goosebumps pebble along my skin at the intimate touch, feeling both too warm and too cold at the same time as I move to slip my jacket off, needing less layers of fabric between us. I need to feel the press of their skin against me, their cocks both sinking inside of me, their canines both claiming—

“Are you two serious?” a deep voice says behind me, but rather than jolting me from the desire coursing through me, the sounds only push me higher as I imagine his mouth and hands on me too, exploring every inch as he did the other night. The door clicks closed and Everett and Arsenio’s lips still. A small whimper slips unbidden from my lips at the chill that sweeps in, their absence leaving me feeling bereft as they ease away from me. I have a feeling neither of them had meant to let things get so heated between us.

“You’ve been gone for too long, people are starting to talk.”

Everett places another kiss on my lips, this one sweet, lacking the hunger from only moments before. “You should pack a bag and come stay with us, fiancée,” Everett growls against my ear, and Arsenio nips the other one, working my body back up before they both slide away at the same time.

A muttered curse slips past my lips and I catch Everett’s lips twitch, his eyes dancing with amusement before he slips past me. Turning to the door, Arsenio flashes me a wink before stepping through the door, but Everett pauses, eyeing Zeke suspiciously as he slides closer to me.

“Bastard,” Everett curses at him, making both me and Zeke laugh.

“No, that’s your nickname, remember?” Zeke chides, his arm wrapping around my shoulder, pulling me against his side, my soul lighting up at his nearness. “I prefer you use the nickname our lovely mate has given me, asshole,” Zeke announces proudly, his chest puffing out with pride as though it’s truly the term of endearment he imagines it to be.

“Fitting,” Everett mutters, slamming the door closed behind him.

“Were people really starting to talk?” I ask curiously.

“Nope, but how else was I going to get you alone,” he huffs out on a breath of amusement, spinning me to face him. He tenderly tilts my chin up to meet his stormy grey eyes, and despite the playful gleam, there’s a hint of worry creasing them. My fingers reach up and smooth out the crease between his brows, not wanting to see the concern plastered on his handsome face.

“How are you doing?” I ask, guilt twisting in my stomach over the fact that we haven’t been able to talk about everything yet. He just found out that he has a brother and he had to sweep the entire situation under the rug to help me and my pack.

“I should be the one asking you that,” Zeke murmurs, his fingers caressing my cheek lightly. “Although I wasn’t a fan of the situation, you called off the fake engagement with Monte, basically agreed to marry Everett, found my twin, and had to kill one of your betas all in one night.”

“Well, when you say it like that, yeah I guess it was a lot,” I tease, smiling weakly but it doesn’t reach my eyes. “I think I was slowly processing calling off the plan with Monte, and accepting Everett for a few days now. Zayn … was a shock that’s for sure. Did you listen to my messages?” I ask hesitantly.

“I figured I had found out when I saw him standing by you,” he admits sheepishly, shaking his head. I take a deep breath and launch into the explanation of the night before, about how I thought Zayn was him.

“You really thought he was me?” Zeke scoffs, and I nudge his shoulder at his light tone. “I guess I see it, but that just means you’re going to have to reenact it for me since it was supposed to me that fucked you against that desk.”

“Are you free now?” I ask, my voice thick with lust as my eyes trail down his body lasciviously.

He glances behind him at the large wooden desk, a groan of frustration slipping past his lips as he looks back at me. Slamming his lips down on mine, he sucks my bottom one into his mouth, giving a light nibble before reluctantly letting go. His breath comes in short pants, as does my own. I barely hold myself back from chasing after his mouth, needing more than the appetizer he gave me.

“No, unfortunately, and neither are you,” he says with a sad smile, causing reality to come crashing back down on me. We only have a few more moments before we need to be back downstairs, parting ways to be with our respective packs. “But I’ll definitely be taking that raincheck.”

“So you didn’t know about him?” I ask hesitantly, knowing we need to get our minds off the lust filling them otherwise we won’t be making it out of this office for a while.

“No.” He grimaces, staring out the window as he collects his thoughts. “I haven’t had a chance to speak with him yet, but I could see my mother putting him up for adoption. She barely had enough to take care of me after being shunned by the pack.”

“Well, If I haven’t scared him off by now, you’ll be able to get to know him, Zeke.” I draw his gaze back to me, my fingers lightly caressing his stubble as I attempt to bring his thoughts back to me as well. Judging by the look in his eyes I can only imagine what’s running through his mind, and he doesn’t need that, none of the guilt or longing for what could have been.

“Trust me, he’s just as enamored with you as we all are,” Zeke chuckles, giving me a warm smile. I swallow, unsure if I want his brother to get attached. It would be for the best if he went back to his world, at least he would be safer there. “But how are you doing about your beta … Axel, right?” he asks again, seeing through my weak attempt at avoiding the subject. “I know he betrayed everyone, but it’s never easy to take a life, especially so publicly,” he says carefully, but I know what he means. I had to be brutal, I had to hide any of the inner turmoil I had over taking his life for show as the Alpha.

I huff out a breath of frustration, putting some space between us as I scrub a hand over my face, pushing down the images of Axel’s lifeless eyes in my mind. “I’ll get over it.”

His arms wrap around me, drawing me into his chest and cradling my face against him. “You can talk to me, you know that right, if it gets to be too much. You’re not alone. Hell, you can talk to any of us, we’ve all been there,” Zeke murmurs against the top of my head, his hand smoothing comfortingly over my hair. “It’s never easy to take a life, regardless of what they’ve done.”

I inhale deeply, relaxing into his warm scent of cedar and cloves and letting it put me at ease. We stay like that for a few moments, the bond thrumming with warm energy at our closeness, making me feel as though I’ve finally found home for the first time.

“Sky,” a hesitant voice sounds from the doorway and my spine stiffens for a moment until my mind pieces together who it belongs to. I slide out of Zeke’s arms and he reluctantly lets me go. “I need to talk to you before the burial.”

I glance at my wrist and wince at how much time has passed. “Can it wait, Monte? We’re late already and I don’t want to keep them waiting much longer.”

“It’s important,” Monte says simply, crossing his arms over his chest. I notice a slim tablet clutched in his hand so I motion him forward.

“I’ll let them know you’ll be down soon. But I should probably get going too …” Zeke grimaces as he looks between me and Monte, indecision warring in his eyes.
