Page 22 of The Night Burning

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Chin high, I kept walking, as if they didn’t exist.

“Hey, where do you think you’re going, whore?” one of them shouted.

“Come back here,” Serge yelled. “We could use your services.”

By the moon …

I sped up, wishing I could scrub my ears clean.

“Hey,” someone said from behind me and I jumped. Roman fell into step with me. “It’s me, sorry.”

I pressed a hand to my chest. “Holy shit, Roman, do you want to give me a heart attack?”

“Sorry. I thought you could hear me.”

I shook my head. “No, I was too focused on getting away from those creeps.”

“I heard them. I wanted to make sure they didn't follow you.”

I frowned. “If they try something, they'll be sorry.”

“I know you can handle yourself, but it doesn’t matter. I feel better knowing you’re safe.”

I frowned. Would now be a good time to let him down nicely? I hated the idea of hurting him, but dragging this along was even worse.

“Roman, I—“

“I heard Shane got a group together and is going after the crystals,” he said. If he had interrupted me on purpose or if he hadn’t heard me, I didn’t know. “And he asked you to stay with his brother and sister.”

“Yeah, hm, who told you that?”

“Actually, I heard it. I was walking by Lucille and Dom right before he left with Shane. She was complaining she hadn’t been invited to go, and that he hadn’t asked her to watch his siblings either. That he had asked you.”

“Because of Minsi,” I added quickly.

“Yeah, Dom told her that. You know how to deal with Minsi in case she has one of her attacks. Lucille didn’t seem happy anyway.”

The alpha’s house came into view from Main Street. “There’s nothing I can do about that.”

“I know.”

I turned into the house’s long driveway. “Thanks for the company.”

Roman opened his mouth, his brows curled down, but then he shook his head. “Good night, Raika.”

I waved at him and made my way to the front door before he changed his mind and said whatever he was going to say. I felt like a coward for not having the courage to set him free.

At some point, I would have to do it.

I waited until he walked away to use my key—the moon forbid he might see I had my own keys—to unlock the front door and enter the house.

Once I stepped in, Minsi shot from the couch, dropped her book, and ran for me. Tyren, who was watching an action movie on the big flat screen, raised his hand and said, “Hey.”

I hugged Minsi back. “Hey, pretty girl. Did you already have dinner?” She shook her head. “All right, then let’s cook something.” I offered her my hand, she took it, and together, we walked into the kitchen.

I made them a rice and chicken baked casserole, and even Tyren took thirds, and asked me if I could come cook dinner for them every night.

One day. Maybe one day, in the near future, I would.
